属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-永恒的守护者 The constant gardene
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-太空太阳能 老兄传下来吧
1 | [美]夏威夷的落日;美丽的描写. | Hawaiian sunsets | |
2 | “她,诺伊拉妮,”一个经常接送水手因而学了些似通非通的英语的夏威夷人骄傲地解释说。 | "Her name Noelani," proudly explained a hawaiian who had shipped on whalers and who had mastered the barbarous pidgin of the seaports | |
3 | Kitty可以弹钢琴,骑哈雷摩托车,或者穿着各式各样的衣服,从夏威夷草裙到传统的朝鲜结婚礼服。有人说这种灵活性正是Kitty猫风靡全球的关键所在 | She can be seen playing the piano, riding a Harley Davidson, and wearing anything from a Hawaiian Hula skirt to a traditional Korean wedding dress. Some say this adaptability is the key to her universal appeal. | |
4 | 本公司代理的咖啡分别有牙买加蓝山一号、夏威夷康拿、巴西山度士、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、危地马拉安提加、埃塞俄比亚也加沙夫等等。 | Coffees we carry are Jamaican Blue Mountain, Hawaiian Kona, Brazil Bourbon Santos, Colombian Supremo, Costa Rican Sarchi, Guatemala antigua, and Ethiopian Mocha Limu, and so on. | |
5 | 但是原告现在所拥有的是在夏威夷法律名下属于私家财产的一个水体,在他们同意后所做的答复是,用所挖掘的渠道联结航行的水域。 | But what petitioners now have is a body of water that was private property under hawaiian law, linked to navigable water by a channel dredged by them with the consent of the respondent | |
6 | 当夏威夷拍摄场地传来了费用大大超过预算--提供饮食及服务的开支每天35万美元,由于天气恶劣拍摄日程延长到166天--的报告时,美国传媒界开始给这部影片起绰号为“凯文门” | When reports came back from the Hawaiian location of massive budget overruns-catering ran to $US350,000 a day, and the shooting schedule swelled into 166 days because of adverse weather--the American media began nicknaming the movie “Kevin’s Gate” | |
7 | 美国农业部动植物检疫局(APHIS)已接受辐照作为对付危害夏威夷木瓜的各种实蝇的检疫处理方法。 | The USDA Animal-Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)has accepted irradiation as a quarantine treatment against various species of fruit fly infesting Hawaiian papaya. | |
8 | 日本昨天对夏威夷群岛的袭击,给美国海、陆军造成了严重的破坏。 | The attack yesterday on the hawaiian island has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces | |
9 | 他打量着俯伏其上的这张脸----这是一张亚洲人的脸,已被夏威夷的太阳晒黑,笑的时候眼角四周荡起皱纹。 | He studied the face bent over him, an Asian face burned dark by the hawaiian sun, with laugh wrinkles at the corners of the eyes | |
10 | 它的整个区域是夏威夷人古时的渔业或宗教礼仪场所,因此要恰当地以礼相待。 | This whole area is an ancient hawaiian fishing/religious ceremonial area, so treat it as such | |
11 | 同时,身穿印地安、夏威夷和美国牛仔装束的促销员不时地给顾客带来惊喜。 | Meanwhile, promoters dressed in American style as Indian, Hawaiian or cow-boy will also surprise shoppers by an interactive performance. | |
12 | 我们应该是倔强,任性的夏威夷人,让世界在我们死去的时候看到我们的本色。 | It was better that we had a headstrong, volatile hawaiian . Let the world see us dying as we actually were | |
13 | 夏威夷岛上的植被很葱翠 | The vegetation is lush on the Hawaiian Islands. | |
14 | 夏威夷火山是世界上研究得最透澈并且受到最严密监视的活火山之一。 | hawaiian volcanoes are among the most thoroughly studied and systematically monitored active craters in the world | |
15 | 夏威夷群岛 [美国]. | the Hawaiian Islands | |
16 | 夏威夷群岛不再是美国的属地. | The Hawaiian Islands are no longer a dependency of the U.S.A. | |
17 | 夏威夷群岛是美国的属地吗? | Are the Hawaiian Islands a dependence of the USA? | |
18 | 夏威夷群岛已不再是美国的属地 | The Hawaiian Islands are no longer a dependency of the USA | |
19 | 夏威夷群岛于1898年7月7日并入美国。 | The Hawaiian Islands were annexed to the United States on July 7,1898 | |
20 | 夏威夷群岛于1898年并入美国领土. | The Hawaiian Islands were annex ed to the United States in 1898. | |
21 | 夏威夷群阂巡辉偈敲拦 氖舻 | The Hawaiian Islands are no longer a dependency of the USA. | |
22 | 夏威夷芋泥饼一种夏威夷食品,是把芋头的球茎煮熟后捣成面糊发酵而成 | A Hawaiian food made from taro corm that is cooked,pounded to a paste,and fermented. | |
23 | 颜色花哨的夏威夷衬衫。 | A jazzy hawaiian shirt | |
24 | 耶鲁雅安慰年轻的夏威夷人。 | Jerusha assured the young hawaiian | |
25 | 一个小时过去了,那天夏威夷阳光灿烂,而我却仍在那幢陈旧黑暗的屋子里坐着,等候一个剥削童工的小商人的召见。 | The house was empty, and I sat out in his musty dark living room on a beautiful sunny Hawaiian day, waiting to talk to a cheapskate who exploited children. | |
26 | 在这个美丽的夏威夷的早晨,我们葡静地坐着。 | We sat in silence on that beautiful Hawaiian Saturday morning. | |
27 | ||1:而新来者是最近才有的,他们把原本井然有序的生意变成了一场食物大战。||2:这些公司包括中国的美团和德国的快递超人、Uber Eats (属于Uber)、饿了么(由中国阿里巴巴所有)、总部位于旧金山的私人控股公司DoorDash和总部位于伦敦的Deliveroo。||3:对这些公司中的大部分来说,送货是核心业务,所以他们与骑手和餐馆分享账单。||4:这大大拓宽了市场,餐厅提供从牛排到夏威夷沙拉的一切。但是利润受到了影响。||5:其资金主要来自风险资本,向客户提供补贴,迫使老牌竞争对手采取守势。||6:为了迎头赶上,老手们在广告和配送网络上投入了巨资。||7:本周,Grubhub和Just Eat公布收益下滑,外卖业务亏损不断增加,因为投入了巨资抵御后来居上者。 | ||1:The newbies, born more recently, have turned a once-tidy business into a food fight.||2:They include listed firms such as Meituan of China and Delivery Hero of Germany, Uber Eats (part of Uber), Ele.me (owned by China’s Alibaba), and privately held DoorDash, based in San Francisco, and Deliveroo, from London.||3:For most of them, delivery is their core business, so they share their cut of the bill with riders as well as restaurants.||4:This substantially broadens the market to restaurants offering everything from steak to Hawaiian poke bowls. But margins suffer.||5:Funded largely by venture capital, they have thrown subsidies at customers, forcing their veteran rivals onto the defensive.||6:To catch up, the veterans are investing in advertising and delivery networks—at a big cost.||7:This week Grubhub and Just Eat reported slumping earnings, and Takeaway mounting losses, as they spent heavily to fend off the upstarts. | |
28 | ||1:他第一天见到电影制片人时,穿着白色宽松裤和石灰夏威夷衬衫,他把他们带到辛尼克先生的屋顶,和一个朋友一块展示,他是如何绞死他的受害者的。||2:还有,他是如何在事后放上一些好音乐,喝一点小酒,抽点大麻。||3:轻轻地跨过屋顶,他低吟道,“嚓,嚓,嚓。”||4:现在他60多岁了,掉了一些牙。开始拍摄时,他碰了碰他的假牙。 | ||1:Dressed in white slacks and a lime hawaiian shirt the first day he met the film-makers, He led them up to Mr Sinik’s roof and showed them in person, demonstrating on a friend, how he had garrotted his victims.||2:And how afterwards, he would put on some good music, drink a little booze, smoke a little marijuana.||3:Stepping lightly across the roof, he crooned: "Cha, cha, cha."||4:By now in his 60s and missing several teeth, he clacked his dentures when the camera began rolling. | |
29 | ||1:作者从夏威夷下笔,1778年詹姆斯·库克带领的探险队登上夏威夷群岛,此后数百年间外来物种被移植到了此岛,生物学家们为移除它们费尽了心思。||2:包括亚洲紫色野牡丹和草莓番石榴在内的外来物种肆意繁殖,威胁了脆弱的本地物种,如无刺玫瑰和树厥的生长。||3:然而即使将这些外来物种清除殆尽,夏威夷群岛也只能退回到波利维亚人定居时期,库克船长到来之前,他们已在此地生存了上千年。 | ||1:The journey begins in Hawaii, where biologists are toiling to remove species that have been introduced to the islands over the centuries since James Cook’s party landed there in 1778.||2:Invaders such as purple-flowered Asian melastome and strawberry guava threaten to overrun delicate Hawaiian natives such as thornless roses and delicate tree ferns.||3:Yet even if all the invaders were removed, it would only return the islands to the state into which the Polynesians, who inhabited them for at least 1,000 years before Cook’s arrival, had shaped them. | |
30 | 当然,微波可以发挥作用:2008年进行的一项测试为相距148公里的夏威夷两岛传送了大量的微波能,所以穿越100公里的大气层应该易如反掌。 | Certainly, microwaves would work: a test carried out in 2008 transmitted useful amounts of microwave energy between two Hawaiian islands 148km apart, so penetrating the 100km of the atmosphere would be a doddle. |