属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-爱的代价 The price of love
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-六十年代的未来技术 远去的雷鸟号
1 | 兜售小贩以挨街叫卖货物为生的人;沿街小贩 | One who travels about selling wares for a living;a hawker . | |
2 | 货摊,摊位商贩的摊位 | The stand of a vender or hawker . | |
3 | 江湖医生以讲故事、插科打诨或耍花招等方法吸引顾客的江湖卖药者 | A hawker of quack medicines who attracts customers with stories,jokes,or tricks. | |
4 | 那小贩沿街叫卖商品。 | The hawker cried his wares throughout the town. | |
5 | 摊贩街头或狂欢节上卖小玩意儿的商贩 | A hawker of small wares,as on the streets or at a carnival. | |
6 | 小贩管理主任分会〔香港政府华员会〕 | Hawker Control Officers Branch [Hong Kong Chinese Civil Servants’ Association] | |
7 | 小贩在街上卖商品或食物的人;货郎或叫卖的小贩 | One who sells wares or provisions in the street;a peddler or hawker . | |
8 | 游客十分得意把花瓶的价格降到4美元,岂不知小贩还兼得40%的利润。 | The tourist cut the hawker down to$4for the vase and was very pleased with himself,little realizing that this still gave the man forty percent profit. | |
9 | ||1: 这些邪恶势力究竟是什么,《杀死一只猫的7种方式》(7 Ways to Kill a Cat)对此进行了详尽的记述。作者Matías Néspolo,与Havilio是同时代人,也是一位初次亮相的作家。 ||2:小说以2001年阿根廷经济危机为时代背景,当时从教师到卡车司机,都参与到抗议者队伍中,公然反抗警察镇压。这部窝棚区故事取材于布宜诺斯艾利斯南部,让人想到位于里约贫民窟的“上帝之城”贫民区。||3:故事在有着“狼口”之称的地区展开,这是柏油路和路灯的尽头,两个身无分文的青年为了填饱肚子正在宰杀一只猫。||4:之后他们卷入与毒枭争夺地盘的致命斗争,故事的叙述者Gringo对两起神秘失踪事件展开调查,一位是他的母亲,另一位是他的表兄——曾是一个恶棍,改过自新后成了街边小贩。 | ||1: What those malign forces might be is more explicit in “7 Ways to Kill a Cat” by Matías Néspolo, another debut novelist of Mr Havilio’s generation. ||2: His shantytown tale from southern Buenos Aires, which recalls the “City of God” slum in the Rio favelas, is set during Argentina’s 2001 financial crash, with protesters defying tear gas, from teachers to lorry drivers. ||3: It opens in a barrio at the “wolf’s mouth”, where the asphalt and streetlights give out, with two peso-less youths butchering a cat for meat. ||4: As they become embroiled in a lethal turf war between drug lords, the narrator, Gringo, probes the mystery of his mother’s disappearance, and that of his cousin—a reformed gangster turned pavement hawker . | |
10 | 霍克·希德利公司的城际垂直起降飞机是想成为一架可以在胸袋手帕那么大的市内机场中着陆的客机,就像那种能让潘妮洛普·克雷顿华德夫人从自己位于梅菲尔的阁楼一路飞驰到纽约去购物一整天的飞机。 | ||And Hawker Siddeley’s Intercity Vertical-Lift Aircraft, intended as a passenger plane that could land in urban airports not much bigger than pocket handkerchiefs, looks like the sort of thing that would have whisked Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward, International Rescue’s London agent, from her penthouse in Mayfair to New York for a day’s shopping.|| | |
11 | 用英语教学不再是精英的特权。萨姆妮娜·阿西夫的丈夫是一名街头小贩,他们将三个孩子送到巴基斯坦拉合尔的私立学校。“如果他们不会说英语,就得不到学位或工作。我有乌尔都语的文学学士学位,但没有用。我很尴尬,因为我接受的是乌尔都语教育。” | English-medium education is no longer the preserve of the elite. Sameena Asif, whose husband is a street hawker , sends her three children to private school in Lahore, Pakistan. “They won’t get a degree or a job if they can’t speak English. I have a BA in Urdu, but it’s useless. I’m embarrassed that I was educated in Urdu.” | |
12 | “它们(政府供销商店)有大老板,还有政府补贴。这太不公平了,”一位女商贩愤愤不平地说到。 | "They [the government co-ops] have a big boss and a state subsidy. This is so unfair, " fumed a woman hawker . | |
13 | Luice的案子已经常常同发生在2007年的另一名英国女性LindsayHawker的奸杀案相混淆。 | Already, her case is often confused with the rape and murder of another British woman, Lindsay Hawker , in 2007. | |
14 | 法国的vente-privee,在线出售的设计师商品,开创了独有的“私人销售”使会员们感到特别。 | France’s Vente-Privee, an online hawker of designer goods, has pioneered exclusive "private sales" to make members feel special. | |
15 | 风味面档配肉丸、2种亚洲风味沙锅炖肉和时蔬 | ACTION Noodle Station with Meat Balls, 2 kinds of Oriental Hawker Stewed Meat in Casseroled and Seasonal Vegetables. | |
16 | 霍克小姐的父母说他们终于等到了公正的到来。 | Miss Hawker ’s parents said they felt they had got justice. | |
17 | 她之前是一个街头小贩,挨家挨户的卖一些女人用的小装饰品、珠宝、化妆品或是围巾等等。 | She previously worked as a street hawker , going house to house selling trinkets, jewelry, make up and scarves to other women. | |
18 | 仅豪客比奇一家公司今年上半年就收到了16架公务喷气式飞机订单,这些飞机将在未来2年内交付使用。 | Hawker Beechcraft alone took orders for 16 corporate jets in the first half of this year and will deliver them over the next two years. | |
19 | 紧闭大门的住宅小区是小贩们的敌人,同样,空调机也是,它们阻隔了叫卖声,并使居民呆在屋里面。 | Gated apartment complexes are the hawker ’s enemy. So, too, are the air-conditioners that drown out sales calls and keep residents inside. | |
20 | 我多么希望自己就是那个小贩,在街上过日子,叫卖着:“镯子啊,亮晶晶的镯子!” | I wish I were a hawker , spending my days on the road, crying, "bangles, crystal bangles! " | |
21 | 无牌小贩袭击公职人员被判入狱 | Hawker jailed for assaulting public officers | |
22 | 小贩在拉各斯附近一穷困小镇Ajeromi的街头市场叫卖手机套。 | A hawker sells mobile phone covers in a street market in Ajeromi, a poor neighbourhood of Lagos. | |
23 | 越南,一名沿途叫卖的小贩,正穿过胡志明市的一条街道。摄于4月11日。 | A hawker walks with her goods crosses a street in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, on April 11. | |
24 | 在外面的街上,一名贩卖拨浪鼓的小贩表示不知道这是什么楼。 | On the street outside, a hawker selling toy rattles says he has no idea what the building is. | |
25 | 在叙利亚的Palmyra,有一次我拒绝从一个孩子那买一件4美元的T恤,不想却惹火了他,他大声质问:“为什么美国人都这么小气?” | In Palmyra, Syria, I once refused to buy a $4 T-shirt from a child hawker , prompting his outraged query: "Why are Americans so cheap? " |