属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 22
1 | 荷兰有数千条自行车道。 | There are thousands of cycle paths in Holland . | |
2 | 很多年前,在荷兰的一个小渔村里,一个年轻人教给世人一个无私奉献换得丰盛酬报的道理。 | Years ago, in a small fishing village in Holland , a young boy taught the world about the rewards of unselfish service. | |
3 | 霍兰打破了1500米自由泳的世界记录,人群中响起了一片欢腾声。 | Holland went on to break the world1500metre freestyle record.The crowd raised the roof. | |
4 | 接下来的几年时间里,马奈到荷兰、意大利、德国、布拉格和维也纳等地旅游考察,不断地丰富发展自己的思想。 | In the next few years Manet made study trips to Holland , Italy, Germany, prague and Vienna, during which he increasingly explored his own ideas | |
5 | 她再也没有想过它,但是十个月后,她却收到了荷兰的一个女孩的来信。 | She never thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl in Holland . | |
6 | 老话!并非新奇! | The Dutch have taken Holland . | |
7 | 美国的美孚、埃索、阿莫科,荷兰的壳牌,日本的岩谷,香港的长江实业等一批财团纷纷到珠海落户。 | A number of consortia, such as Mobil, Exxon and Amoco of the U.S., Holland ’s Shell, Japan’s Yangu, Hong Kong’s Changjiang Industry, etc., have successively settled in Zhuhai | |
8 | 明清两朝红夷大炮的射程问题再析 | Research Once More on the Range of Cannon Bought from Spain and Holland in Ming and Qing Dynasties | |
9 | 汽车猛冲过马路,直奔荷兰地道。 | The car walloped the pavement, charging towards the Holland Tunnel | |
10 | 然而,法院在“密苏里州诉荷兰”一案中,认为即使国会《商业条款》的权力并没有延伸到候鸟的范围,此案例仍可作为国会就此类问题进行立法的合理依据。 | The Court in Missouri v. Holland held, however, that even if Congress’s power under the commerce clause did not extend to the subject of migratory birds, a treaty on the subject was still a proper basis for congressional legislation on the subject | |
11 | 然而姐妹省区已证明了对的背叛(约翰·洛思罗普·莫特利) | while [ Holland ’s ] sister provinces had proved recreant to [ William of Orange ](John Lothrop Motley. | |
12 | 然后,查理曼扭转了局势,打击了他们在弗里西亚(现荷兰)的一个主要基地,把他们赶回了丹麦。 | charlemagne then turned the tables on the Vikings, striking at one of their main bases in Frisia (now Holland )and driving them back into Denmark | |
13 | 赛斯-英夸特,这个奥地利的卖国贼后来担任荷兰总督一职的刽子手,被任命为外交部长。 | Seyss-Inquart, the Austrian quisling and, most recently, the butcher governor of Holland , was to be Foreign Minister | |
14 | 三宝家有限公司 | Sembodja Holland B.V. | |
15 | 山形墙及朝街的阁楼窗是从荷兰传来的流行样式。 | The fashion of the gable end with attic window towards the street,came from Holland . | |
16 | 十七世纪荷兰风景画叙略 | Remarks on Landscape Paintings in Holland in Seventeenth Century | |
17 | 时钟走错了并且吊歪了,就好象对时间的重要性不屑一顾凯文·克罗斯勒-荷兰) | The clock is set wrong and hung crooked,as if to cock a snook at the importance of time(Kevin Crossley-Holland ) | |
18 | 世界排球联赛于本周末举行,亚特兰大奥运会冠军荷兰队和亚军意大利队都有上佳表现。 | The World League Volleyball was underway on the weekend with good wins for Olympic champions Holland and the runner-up in Atlanta, Italy. | |
19 | 他们去荷兰做自行车度假旅行。 | They go for a bike holiday in Holland . | |
20 | 他是荷兰来的,但她是瑞典来的。 | He come from holland ,but she come from Sweden. | |
21 | 他受到荷兰王的代表的迎接。 | He was met by a representative of the King of Holland . | |
22 | 汤姆:我对你们的小五金有兴趣。看了展品和商品目录,我看有些东西在荷兰很好销。这是购货单,希望你们报成本加运费保险费到悉尼的最低价。 | Tom I’m interested in your hardware. I have seen the exhibits and studied your catalogs. I think some of the items will find a ready market in Holland . Here is a list of my requirements for which I’d like to have your lowest quotations, CIF Sydney. | |
23 | 天赐食物于鸟,但不投之于巢。--霍兰 | God gives every bird its food, but does not throw it into the nest.--Holland | |
24 | 为了弄清模仿消费者的好处,范·巴伦和他的同事们对荷兰南部美国风味餐馆的员工们进行了调查。 | To detect the benefit of copying the customer, van Baaren and his colleagues surveyed staff in American-styled restaurants in southern Holland . | |
25 | 温布尔顿的传统是要求男单冠军首先开始比赛,所以荷兰选手理查德·克拉吉塞克在伦敦时间二点一刻第一个走进中心球场。 | Tradition demanded the Wimbledon men’s singles champion would begin the tournament, so Richard Krajicek of Holland was first onto center court at a quarter past two, London time. | |
26 | 我把它当作一个标记拿出了茶袋盒。这张照片是我俩去荷兰的旅途中骑在一辆双人协力自行车上拍摄的。 | I took it as a sign and left it out of the teabag box list. The photo that Neil’s head had come from had been one of the two of us on a tandem during a break to Holland . | |
27 | 我给荷兰的许多家庭换房机构打电话并写信,但仍然运气不佳。 | I rang and wrote to numerous house-swappers in holland but still no luck | |
28 | 我国同荷兰的贸易协定今年年底期满。 | Our trade agreement with Holland will expire at the end of this year. | |
29 | 我们在其他许多地点作战--在挪威,在荷兰,我们还必须在地中海做好准备。 | We are in action at any other points-in Norway and in holland -and we have to be prepared in the Mediterranean | |
30 | 我们正在挪威和荷兰的许多地方进行战斗。 | We are in action at many points in Norway and Holland |