属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-内战科技 英勇斗争缘何而致
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第17期:有两个女友怎么办
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:圣诞节和吝啬鬼
1 | 智力障碍处于痴呆的状态;极其严重的智力障碍 | The state or condition of being an idiot ;profound mental retardation. | |
2 | 朱利安花500美元买了一台电视机 | Julian bought an idiot box for five hundred dollars. | |
3 | ||1:他那副粘着透明胶带的厚眼镜从来没有多大用处。||2:然而,他却疯狂地开车,踩着踏板,在城市里呼啸而过。||3:他本人并不是金沙萨人,也不是那种傲慢而又世故的人,格兰德外的其他司机都叫他“基桑加尼”,这个名字来自他出生的东部城市。||4:他讲斯瓦希里语和林加拉语。||5:但他在首都开了几十年出租车,对这个摇摇欲坠的地方了如指掌。||6:金-拉-贝尔,现在是金-拉-波贝尔,就像大家说的。||7:开快车也显示出他对任何权威的蔑视。||8:在路上携带枪支的士兵是个笑话:别担心,我是奎尔电影院的!至于戴着黄色头盔的交警,他们会会跳出来砸他的挡风玻璃,为了一些他没有犯过的过错向他要钱,他会大喊大叫,和他们争吵,直到大打出手,他们才罢休。||9:有一次,他在杂货店外做三分转弯时,一个警察挡住了他的去路。||10:他继续往前开,那个白痴像个大字型摊在引擎盖上。 | ||1:His thick glasses, mended with Sellotape, had never been much use.||2:Yet he drove crazy-fast, pedal to the floor, roaring round the city.||3:He was not a Kinois himself, one of that snooty so-sophisticated lot, and the other drivers outside the Grand called him "Kisangani" after the city where he was born, in the east.||4:He spoke Swahili as well as Lingala.||5:But he had been a taxi-driver in the capital for decades, and knew the ramshackle place like the back of his hand.||6:Kin-la-belle, now Kin-la-poubelle, as everyone said.||7:Driving fast also showed his contempt for any sort of authority.||8:Soldiers toting guns in the road were a joke: pas sérieux, quel cinéma! As for the roulages, the yellow-helmet traffic cops who would leap out to bang on his windscreen and demand money for some offence he hadn’t committed, he would shout and argue with them until it came to fists, and they gave up.||9:A cop got in his way once when he was doing a three-point turn outside a grocery store.||10:He just kept going, with the idiot spreadeagled on the bonnet. | |
4 | Gloor博士发现,至少在西方国家,当欢快的发言变得消极, 不,从不,蹩脚的,我讨厌,傻瓜等频繁出现的时候,非暴力的抗议行动就开始爆发了。 | Dr Gloor has found that, in Western countries at least, non-violent protest movements begin to burn out when the upbeat tweets turn negative, with not, never, lame, I hate, idiot and so on becoming more frequent. | |
5 | 巴菲特本月在接受CNBC采访时表示,对亚马逊投资是康布斯或韦施勒做出的,而他自己没有投资亚马逊,是一个“白痴”。 | Buffett told CNBC this month that the Amazon investment was made by Combs or Weschler, and that he had been "an idiot " for not investing in Amazon himself. | |
6 | 你为什么要告诉她们?你是白痴吗?如果你说了,你会失去她们两个人,而且还会面临大量非议。 | Why would you tell them? Are you an idiot ? You’ll lose them both and you’ll get a load of crap! | |
7 | 斯克鲁奇愤怒地说,“在我看来,那些把“圣诞快乐”挂在嘴边的人都应该去死,然后埋在土里,让圣诞树穿心而过!” | "If I could work my will," said Scrooge indignantly, "every idiot who goes about with ’Merry Christmas’ on his lips, should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart." | |
8 | ‘起来,可恶的呆子,别等我踩死你!’ | Get up, wretched idiot , before I stamp you to death! ’ | |
9 | “很容易啊,”二傻子回。“俺每次都先打完枪再绕着抢眼画个白圈。” | "Easy, " replied the idiot . "Each time I shoot first then draw a circles around it. " | |
10 | “快出来,你这个傻瓜。你自己清楚,别到教堂墓地里去。” | "Get out of there, you idiot . You know you’re not supposed to go into the churchyard. " | |
11 | “里根主义”所宣扬的最具破坏性的思想,是崇尚白痴天才(聪明的傻子)。 | The most damaging idea propagated by the Reagan myth is the cult of the idiot -savant (the wise fool). | |
12 | Toscano先生谈到他以前的主教时说:“他是个白痴。” | "He was an idiot , " says Mr Toscano of his former bishop. | |
13 | 笨蛋,白痴,脑残,你连我爱你都看不出来。 | Fool, idiot , retard. You even can not see clearly that I love you . | |
14 | 比如,第一场景中的围观者之一可能会朝那个愚蠢的你扔一个灯泡。 | For example, one of the hecklers in the first scene might throw a light bulb at the idiot version of you. | |
15 | 彼得林奇说过,我们要寻找那些竞争优势明显,连傻瓜都可以运营的公司,因为肯定会有傻瓜出现的。 | Investor Peter Lynch famously advised looking for businesses that even an idiot could run, because one day an idiot will. | |
16 | 波西格所说的‘机修工’,这个词的原始意义是白痴(idiot)。 | Pirsig’s mechanic is, in the original sense of the term, an idiot . | |
17 | 不过,即便如我这般愚笨的人,也可认识到,就总体而言,金钱似乎已真得风光不再。 | But even an idiot such as me can see that money, as a whole, doesn’t really seem to be working any more. | |
18 | 不是所有人都有胆当着一个政客的面叫他白痴。 | It wasn’t everyone who would call a politician an idiot to his face. | |
19 | 不喜欢生化危机电影的人都是傻逼,因为他们在看之前就清楚的知道会发生什么。 | Anyone who doesn’t enjoy a Resident Evil movie is an idiot , because they knew exactly what they were getting into before they watched it. | |
20 | 不用和傻瓜吵架,因为他会把你的智商拉到跟他的水平,然后再用丰富的经验打败你。 | Do not argue with an idiot . He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. | |
21 | 但是如果首先出现狼狈也不要感觉自己像个傻瓜。 | But don’t feel like an idiot if it’s a bit awkward at first. | |
22 | 但它至少让你在面临社会上的爱情的时候不会像个白痴任人宰割 | But at least it let you in the face of the society of love will not like an idiot when Jackson | |
23 | 当你和一个呆子吵架时,他们会把你拉低到他们的水平,然后用自己的经验打败你。 | When you argue with an idiot , they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. | |
24 | 读者们,无论你们把自己当作是傻瓜,还是议会一员,我总是重复同样的话。 | Reader, suppose you were an idiot . And suppose you are a member of Congress. But I repeat myself. | |
25 | 对于大多数人,在工作中成为一个如克罗克所说的‘道德白痴’并不会杀害任何人。 | Most people have jobs where being a "moral idiot , " as Crocker puts it, won’t kill anyone. | |
26 | 对于那些年轻人来说,生命中最重要的事情是最新款式的智能手机,时尚的运动鞋和牛仔裤,以及弱智的电脑游戏。 | The important things in life are the latest smart phone, fashionable trainers and jeans and idiot computer games. | |
27 | 滚出来,你这傻瓜。 | Get out of there, you idiot . | |
28 | 加特曼:不是白痴,显然不是。 | Gartman: Not an idiot . Clearly he’s not. | |
29 | 加特曼当在发表演讲后接受短暂采访时语气坚定地说,巴菲特是个白痴。 | ’Warren Buffett is an idiot , ’ he said, emphatically, in a short interview after the speech. | |
30 | 假使你们愿意,请你们在这上面多多思考。在入狱以前,我是乡下一个很不聪明的穷人,一个很笨的人,牢狱改变了我。 | Before going to the galleys, I was a poor peasant, with very little intelligence, a sort of idiot ; the galleys wrought a change in me. |