1 | (5)有文件和记录证明对方没有使用所透露的机密信息而独立开发的信息 | (v)is independently developed by the receiving party without use of or reference to the disclosing party’s Confidential Information, as shown by documents and other competent evidence in the receiving party’s possession | |
2 | 1848年巴斯德指出酒石酸具有光学活性,取决于它的分子不对称性。范托夫和贝勒于1874年分别独立地解释了与四个不同的基团结合的碳原子所组成的分子如何有两种互为镜像的形式。 | Louis Pasteur had shown in 1848 that tartaric acid has optical activity and that this depends on molecular asymmetry, and Jacobus H. van’t Hoff and Joseph-Achille Le Bel (1847-1930)had independently explained in 1874 how a molecule with a carbon atom bonded to four different groups has two mirror-image forms. | |
3 | 1899年Abel将其活性成分命名为肾上腺素,并由Stolz和Dakin各自独立地进行合成。 | The active principle was named epinephrine by Abel in 1899 and synthesized independently by Stolz and Dakin | |
4 | 3、有自己的名称、组织机构和场所;4、能够独立承担民事责任。 | (3)possession of its own name, organization arid premises; and (4)ability to independently bear civil liability.- | |
5 | CargoSmart是一家独立运营的公司,东方海外投资进行这一解决方案平台的开发以进一步为所有运输业合作伙伴提高客户服务能力和营运效率。 | CargoSmart is an independently operated company with OOCL investing in the development of this solution platform in order to enhance customer service capabilities and operational efficiency for all transportation partners. | |
6 | 爱尔兰共和军以使用武力达到和新芬党一样的目标,但两派始终是各自独立运作。 | The IRA used armed force to achieve the same objectives as Sinn Féin, though the two always operated independently . | |
7 | 从制度上保证审判机关和检察机关依法独立公正地行使审判权和检察权。 | We should institutionally ensure that the judicial and procuratorial organs are in a position to exercise adjudicative and procuratorial powers independently and impartially according to law. | |
8 | 丛书各卷的编篡均自成体系,可以单独使用。 | The books have been written in such a way that each volume is self-contained and can be used independently of the others | |
9 | 单独吟唱作品以前作为应答而现在单独吟唱的作品 | Such a text formerly used as a response but now rendered independently . | |
10 | 动力体在特定的原生物中位于鞭毛某部附近的独立复制的细胞结构 | An independently replicating structure lying near the base of the flagellum in certain protozoans. | |
11 | 独立地或按自己的意愿行事(尤指不听人劝) | Act independently or as one chooses,esp against the advice of others | |
12 | 独立核算,自负盈亏 | Conduct(business)accounts independently and assume full responsibility for profits and losses | |
13 | 独立或不受约束地操作 | To operate independently or free of restraints. | |
14 | 独立生活的未婚女子. | A bachelor girl,ie an unmarried woman who lives independently | |
15 | 独立行动或思考的能力 | The capacity to act or think independently . | |
16 | 独立移动的;非固着的 | Moving independently ;not sessile. | |
17 | 对全部取样用同一量化器进行量化而且又与以前和将来的取样无关的任何一种量化方法。 | Any method that quantizes samples independently of past and future samples, with the same quantizer for all samples | |
18 | 对于一些结构损害必须有内置的限度,藉由加劲材抵抗侧向荷重(斜梁拉筋),并让建筑物各区略微独立运动。 | Care must be taken to provide built-in tolerance for some structural damage, resist lateral loading through stiffeners (diagonal sway bracing), and allow areas of the building to move somewhat independently . | |
19 | 法人是具有民事权利能力和民事行为能力,依法独立享有民事权利和承担民事义务的组织。 | A legal person shall be an organization that has capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conduct and independently enjoys civil rights and assumes civil obligations in accordance with the law. | |
20 | 法人应当具备下列条件:(一)依法成立;(二)有必要的财产或者经费;(三)有自己的名称、组织机构和场所;(四)能够独立承担民事责任。 | A legal person shall have the following qualifications: (1)establishment in accordance with the law; (2)possession of the necessary property or funds; (3)possession of its own name, organization and premises; (4)ability to independently bear civil liability. | |
21 | 非寄生或共生的独立于其它有机体而存在的;非寄生或共生关系的 | Living independently of another organism;not part of a parasitic or symbiotic relationship. | |
22 | 该店是私人的,自主经营,自负盈亏。 | This shop is privately owned, independently managed and responsible for its own profits and losses. | |
23 | 各国科学家各自独立进行研究都得到了非常相似的结果. | Scientists in different countries,working independently of each other,have come up with very similar results. | |
24 | 各国人民有权自主选择符合本国国情的社会制度和发展道路,创造自己的生活。 | People of each country are entitled to choose independently the social system and road to development suited to their national conditions and to build their own lives. | |
25 | 各国有权根据自己的国情,独立自主地选择本国的社会制度、政治制度、经济制度和发展道路 | Each country has the right to choose independently its own social, political and economic systems and its own path of development in the light of its own national conditions | |
26 | 给更多的生产企业自营出口权 | Give more productive enterprises the power to engage in export independently | |
27 | 工会代表和维护劳动者的合法权益,依法独立自主地开展活动。 | The trade unions represent and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the workers and carry out their activities independently according to law. | |
28 | 公司可以设立子公司,子公司具有企业法人资格,依法独立承担民事责任。 | A company may set up subsidiaries. Subsidiaries of a company have the status of enterprise legal persons and assume civil liabilities independently in accordance with the law. | |
29 | 国务院对外经济贸易主管部门或者由其会同国务院有关部门,经国务院批准,可以在本法第十六条、第十七条规定的范围内,临时决定限制或者禁止前款规定目录以外的特定货物、技术的进口或者出口。 | Upon the approval of the State Council the authority responsible for foreign trade and economic relations under the State Council may, within the framework of Article 16 and Article 17, independently or in collaboration with the relevant authorities under the State Council determine, on a temporary basis, to impose restriction or prohibition on the import or export of particular goods or technologies not included in the list mentioned in the preceding paragraph. | |
30 | 海关依法独立行使职权,向海关总署负责 | Customs establishments shall exercise their functions and powers independently in accordance with the law, and shall be responsible to the General Customs Administration. |