1 | 不用说,实际生活当中她远比温斯顿游刃有余,对伦敦周围又是了如指掌,这全是她无数次集体野游积累的经验。 | She obviously had a practical cunning which Winston lacked, and she seemed also to have an exhaustive knowledge of the countryside round London, stored away from innumerable community hikes | |
2 | 褚慎明靠着三四十封这类回信,吓倒了无数人,有位爱才的阔官僚花一万金送他出洋。 | With some thirty or forty of these replies, Ch’u Shen-ming had awed innumerable people.One wealthy, talent-loving official spent ten thousand ounces of gold to send him abroad | |
3 | 当你想到人们看得见的飞翔的鸟儿多得难以计数,还有人们难以看得风的众多田鼠和野鼠之类的小动物,你便会觉得你看到这类的尸体实在太少了,当然除了在路上,它们的尸体腐烂后很快被风化掉,或被其他动物吃掉。 | When you think of the innumerable birds that one sees flying about, not to mention the equally numerous small animals like field mice and voles which you do not see, it is very rarely that one comes across a dead body, except, of course, on the roads. They decompose and are quickly destroyed by the weather or eaten by some other creature. | |
4 | 多得数不清的;无数的 | Too many to be counted;innumerable | |
5 | 广大的杂志读者群. | the innumerable army of magazine-readers | |
6 | 今天铝的用途多得不可胜数。 | Today, the uses of aluminum are innumerable | |
7 | 就像英语借用了成千上万拉丁词和希腊词一样,日语也吸收了无数的中文词语。 | Innumerable Chinese words have been incorporated into Japanese in much the Same way that English has borrowed thousands of Latin and Greek words. | |
8 | 卡拉·斯威瑟的书AOL.COM就是在这一戏剧性的情景中开的场。公司那时正“险象环生”,斯威瑟写道。“难以计数的挑战使AOL犹如一直处在高速过山车中那般令人胆战心惊。” | The scene provides a dramatic opening for Kara Swisher’s book aol. com. The company was “in constant danger,” Swisher writes. “Innumerable challenges had given AOL a heart-rending rollercoaster ride all along the way.” | |
9 | 历史是无数传记的精华。 | History is the essence of innumerable biographies. | |
10 | 美柔汀法;磨刻凹版法(1601~1700)源自意大利语,意为"中间色"。指在金属版表面上有系统而均匀地刻刺出无数个可容受油墨的细孔,印刷后可产生一些大面积的柔美细腻的色调浓淡层次。雕刻或蚀刻的线条可以使整个画面更为鲜明。 | "mezzotint (1601~1700) (from Italian mezza tinta, "halftone")Engraving produced by pricking the surface of a metal plate with innumerable small holes that will hold ink. When the engraving is printed, the ink produces large areas of tone with soft, subtle gradations. Engraved or etched lines are often introduced to give the design greater definition. " | |
11 | 那些树木是多么静穆,无数弯曲的树枝向天空上伸,灰色的树干,倔强地从棕争的蕨草丛中直立! | How still the trees were, with their crinkly, innumerable twigs against the sky, and their grey, obstinate trunks rising from the brown bracken! | |
12 | 你可以想象那些数不清的鸟。 | You can think of the innumerable birds. | |
13 | 铺子里陈列的面积有限,四面墙根都靠着许多积满尘土的相框画架。 | The floorspace was very restricted, because all round the walls were stacked innumerable dusty picture-frames | |
14 | 七八十号经纪人的一百多助手以及数不清的投机者,造成了雷一样的数目字的嚣声,不论谁的耳朵都失了作用。 | Seventy or eighty brokers, together with their hundred-odd assistants and innumerable speculators, produced between them such a deafening pandemonium of shouting and bidding that no ordinary ear could have made anything of it | |
15 | 枪声一响,整个森林里飞出无数的飞鸟,各种鸟鸣聒噪而起,呼号交作,乱成一片,但我却叫不出一个来。 | I had no sooner fir’d, but from all the parts of the wood there arose an innumerable number of fowls of many sorts, making a confus’d screaming, and crying every one according to his usual note; but not one of them of any kind that I knew. | |
16 | 清教徒的法庭对她极其狡狯地安排下的惩罚,时刻不停地以种种方式使她感到永无休止的悸痛。 | Continually, and in a thousand other ways, did she feel the innumerable throbs of anguish that had been so cunningly contrived for her by the undying, the ever-active sentence of the Puritan tribunal. | |
17 | 然而,实际完成工程的时间却涉及许多可变原因,如天气、管理水平、劳工的健康状况、报酬、奖励等。 | The time to execute work is a function of innumerable variables, such as weather, managerial abilities, health, and payments and incentives etc. | |
18 | 人山人海. | an innumerable throng of people | |
19 | 甚至这种对于财运的卖身,克利福快活得很,他又要在炫耀之中了,而这一次,却是他人把他来炫耀,而且是有利于自己的炫耀呢。 | Even the prostitution to the bitch-goddess was nothingness, though the men prostituted themselves innumerable times. Nothingness even that. | |
20 | 数不清的沙粒. | innumerable grains of sand | |
21 | 数不清的砂粒 | Innumerable grains of sand | |
22 | 数不清的小商店里陈列着一批廉价的塑料制品。 | innumerable small shops presented a collection of cheap plastic goods | |
23 | 双侧肺内出现无数的转移病灶和淋巴管性播散。 | Both lungs will have innumerable metastatic foci and lymphangitic involvement | |
24 | 思想开明思想开明就是善于接受。生活中,你所要学习的课程数不胜数,你必须正视它们,承认它们的内在价值,只有这样你才可以从中获益。 | Openness Openness means being receptive.Life will present you with innumerable lessons, none of which will be useful to you unless you recognize them and are open to their inherent value. | |
25 | 他缓和了主人们野蛮的残暴行为,拯救了无数城市,使艺术品免遭毁灭。 | He tempered the barbaric ferocity of his masters, and saved innumerable cities and works of art from destruction | |
26 | 他们翻过千山万岭,到达目的地。 | They arrived at their destination after traveling across innumerable mountains. | |
27 | 他们会开出无数的安慰剂,说的话听起来比担保的实情更令人鼓舞,并歪曲一些重大的消息,尤其是对那些患有不治之症和要死的病人。 | They may prescribe innumerable placebos, sound more encouraging than the facts warrant, and distort grave news, especially to the incurably ill and the dying | |
28 | 他拿起她带着旅行的许多袋子,把它们分发给的随从们。 | He took the innumerable bags with which she travelled and scattered them among the attendants | |
29 | 他涉猎甚广,书评和论文也洋洋可观。 | He read widely, and wrote innumerable reviews and articles | |
30 | 他说了无数迟到的理由. | He has given innumerable excuses for being late. |