属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-意大利的劳动市场 变奏进行中
1 | “在我们大家之上,阁下。”基督山这样回答道,其语气是这样沉重,使维尔福不由自主地打了个寒颤。 | "Above us all, sir," was Monte Cristo’s response, in a tone and with an emphasis so deep that Villefort involuntarily shuddered | |
2 | “这可以向你表明为什么你能看到我和欧热妮之间有那种坦率的态度,这是因为在谈到我不爱的那个人的时候,我想到了我所爱的那个人。” | That will account to you for the unreserved manner which you observed between me and Eugnie, as in speaking of the man whom I could not love, my thoughts involuntarily reverted to him on whom my affections were fixed. | |
3 | ”基督山两臂交叉,神情庄严地向那年轻人迎上去,他看上去是那么崇高那么神圣,年轻人不由自主地在这种近乎神圣的威严面前屈服了,他后退了一步。 | and Monte Cristo, with an expression of majesty and sublimity, advanced with arms folded toward the young man, who, involuntarily overcome by the commanding manner of this man, recoiled a step | |
4 | …她眼睛瞪得圆圆的,并且还不知不觉地冲着他嫣然一笑。 | …her eyes enlarged, and she involuntarily smiled in his face. | |
5 | 阿伯尔先生不由自主地催促小马前进。 | Mr. Abel involuntarily urged the pony forward | |
6 | 不过,对于他们的回教徒朋友无辜的成为众目焦点,非回教徒一般似乎抱着同情的态度。 | But on the whole, many non-Muslims seemed to sympathise with their Muslim friends for being thrust into the limelight involuntarily | |
7 | 颤抖因激动、虚弱或生气等原因而不由自主地抖动;战栗 | To shake involuntarily ,as from excitement,weakness,or anger;quake. | |
8 | 打哈欠因疲倦、因顿或无聊而不由自主地张大嘴深吸气 | To open the mouth wide with a deep inhalation,usually involuntarily from drowsiness,fatigue,or boredom. | |
9 | 当她不知畏惧地穿过危险地带时,立刻就会有粗糙的黑手不由自主地伸出来搭救她,或替她清除路上的障碍。 | When she tripped fearlessly over dangerous places, rough, sooty hands were stretched involuntarily out to save her, and smooth her path | |
10 | 对刑事指控的一种抗辩,被告在抗辩时说他的行为是非自愿的。 | Defence to a criminal charge whereby the accused state he act involuntarily . | |
11 | 话虽这么说,我还是情不自禁地吓得紧闭双眼。 | As it was, I involuntarily closed my eyes in horror | |
12 | 可是,从他的垂下的眼睑里望出去,他依稀看见一个人影移动,尽管他觉得周围一片昏暗,他还是认出了这个人影是伯爵,他刚去打开了一扇门。 | Involuntarily his languid eyes closed, and still through his eyelashes a well-known form seemed to move amid the obscurity with which he thought himself enveloped | |
13 | 另三分之一则因未能找到较长时数的工作或公司工作量不足而非自愿地未能工作较长时数。 | Another one-third did so involuntarily either because they could not find job of longer working hours or due to slack work in company. | |
14 | 梦在睡眠的一定阶段在头脑中不自然地出现的一系列形象、想法、情感和感觉 | A series of images,ideas,emotions,and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. | |
15 | 那景象――黑乎乎的,血肉模糊――使别格身不由己地畏缩起来,举起双手捂住眼睛,同时他看见镁光灯炫目的亮光在空中闪过。 | The sight, bloody and black, made bigger flinch involuntarily and lift his hands to his eyes and at the same instant he saw blinding flashes of the silver bulbs flicking through the air | |
16 | 那位青年以爱情的直觉,立刻明白了她这种无可奈何的境况,心里很感安慰。 | The young man, with the intuitive perception of a lover, quickly understood the circumstances in which she was involuntarily placed, and he was comforted | |
17 | 他无意中将她和伍德沃德小姐比较了一下。 | He involuntarily compared her with Miss Woodword. | |
18 | 退缩由于惊奇或疼痛而惊起或退缩 | To start or wince involuntarily ,as from surprise or pain. | |
19 | 畏缩,退缩因疼痛或悲伤不自觉地退缩或惊起;畏缩 | To shrink or start involuntarily ,as in pain or distress;flinch. | |
20 | 我不禁发起抖来。 | I shivered involuntarily . | |
21 | 我还是身不由己地服从了他,好象是我也没有弄明白似的。 | Still I involuntarily obeyed him, as if I was not quite sure | |
22 | 我心潮起伏,满腔的激情禁不住要往外喷涌。 | My swelling heart involuntarily pours itself out thus | |
23 | ||1:至此废除了意大利1970年制定、左翼政党信守的《工人宪章》中的一项条款。||2:伦齐总理决意改革宪章,严重影响了其与中左翼民主党内大批少数党派人士的关系。||3:但他的改革也为非自愿失业者带来新福利:两年内每月有多达1300欧元(合1480美元)的工资,但四个月后逐渐减少。||4:两年期限结束时,失业人员能够享受较少福利。 | ||1:That nullifies a clause inItaly’s 1970 Workers’ Charter that the left holds sacred.||2:Mr Renzi’s determination to meddle with it has poisoned relations between the prime minister and a big minority within his centre-left Democratic party.||3:But his reform also creates a new benefit for the involuntarily unemployed: a monthly payment of up to 1,300 that can last for two years, but which starts to taper after four months.||4:At the end of two years, a jobless worker becomes entitled to lesser benefits. | |
24 | 被迫离职不是很光彩的事,尤其是当工作了很长时间,也投入了很多以后,就更让人觉得没有面子。 | It’s a shame when people have to leave a position involuntarily , and doubly so when they have worked long and hard to attain it. | |
25 | 不管在德国还是美国,患有精神疾病的犯人都自愿去接受治疗。 | In both Germany and the United States defendants with psychopathic disordersare not involuntarily committed for treatment. | |
26 | 从属连动句那老汉下意识地举起手来搔他那光秃秃的头顶。秃秃的头顶。 | The old man involuntarily raised his hand to scratch his bald head. | |
27 | 达尔文在“抑郁假说”中认为情感会不由自主地流露。 | Darwin described the ’inhibition hypothesis’ where emotions involuntarily leak out. | |
28 | 当我们的鼻孔畅通时,我们每两小时就会不经意地用两个鼻孔交替呼吸。 | When our nostrils are unobstructed, we involuntarily alternate breathing through one or the other about every two hours. | |
29 | 孩子,别难过,他的心里是有咱们的,他也是身不由己呀 | Good kid, not upset. With us heart inside, He is also involuntarily | |
30 | 活动节点在一个HA集群中不能正常运作有多种原因,自愿的或非自愿的。 | There are many reasons why an active node could stop functioning properly in an HA cluster, either voluntarily or involuntarily . |