1 | 进出境船舶和航空器,由于不可抗力的原因,被迫在未设立海关的地点停泊、降落或者抛掷、起卸货物、物品 | When, owing to force majeure, an inward or outward vessel or aircraft is forced to berth, land or jettison and discharge goods and articles at a place without a Customs establishment | |
2 | 进出境船舶和航空器兼营境内客、货运输,需经海关同意,并应当符合海关监管要求。 | Where inward or outward vessels and aircraft are concurrently engaged in transportation of goods and passengers within the territory, Customs approval shall be obtained and requirements for Customs control shall Be fulfilled. | |
3 | 进出境物品的所有人可以自行办理报关纳税手续,也可以委托他人办理报关纳税手续 | The Customs formalities concerning declaration of inward and outward articles and payment of duties on them may be completed either by the owner or By a person the owner has entrusted to act as his agent | |
4 | 进出境物品的所有人应当向海关如实申报,并接受海关查验。 | All inward and outward articles shall Be accurately declared to the Customs by the owner and shall be subject to Customs examination. | |
5 | 进出境邮袋的装卸、转运和过境,应当接受海关监管。邮政企业应当向海关递交邮件路单。 | The loading, unloading, transshipment and transit of inward and outward mail bags shall be subject to Customs control, and a covering waybill shall be submitted to the Customs by the postal enterprise concerned. | |
6 | 进出境运输工具、货物、物品,必须通过设立海关的地点进境或者出境。 | All inward and outward means of transport, goods and articles shall enter or leave the territory at a place where there is a Customs establishment. | |
7 | 进出境运输工具从一个设立海关的地点驶往另一个设立海关的地点的,应当符合海关监管要求,办理海关手续 | Before an inward or outward means of transport moves from one place with a Customs establishment to another place with a Customs establishment, it shall comply with the control requirements of the Customs and complete Customs formalities | |
8 | 进出境运输工具改营境内运输,需向海关办理手续。 | Customs formalities shall be completed with the Customs for an inward or outward means of transport to change to transport Business within the territory. | |
9 | 进口差额税,进口差价税 | import manifest;inward manifest | |
10 | 进口货物的收货人、出口货物的发货人、进出境物品的所有人,是关税的纳税义务人 | The consignee of import goods, the consignor of export goods and the owner of inward and outward articles shall be the obligatory Customs duty payer. | |
11 | 进口检查证;海关检验单 | certificate of inward clearance | |
12 | 经过了数十年计划经济和内向型的政策统治后,中国进入了开放的市场经济的时代,中国几百万人民被压抑的能量和创造力终于获得了释放。 | After decades of central planning and inward -looking policies, as China embraces the market economy and opens up, the pent-up energy and creativity of millions of Chinese have been unleashed. | |
13 | 看哪,我这最后的疑虑是错了!;可是我不能只埋怨自己,你想 | Yet prodigal inward joy. Behold, I erred;In that last doubt! and yet I cannot rue | |
14 | 可是法国的艺术家们往往眼睛只盯着自己,而且在许多情况下,例如在电影界和音乐界,政府的资助还助长了他们这种倾向。 | But French artists tend to remain inward -looking and, in some cases-cinema, music-government subsidies encourage them. | |
15 | 矿带的弯曲形状及中等程度的内向倾斜,反映了周围环境的较大构造。 | The arcuate form of the ore zone and its intermediate inward dips mirror the larger structure of the surroundings | |
16 | 拉班雅把心里的快活全部收敛起来,不住用担心的声调问他:“你怎么啦?我想,该不是病了吧?” | Labanya banished all traces of inward merriment from her face, and kept on inquiring in anxious tones:“What has happened to you? You are not ill, I hope? ” | |
17 | 里层的曲边应修剪到缝线的0.2em(1;16英寸)之内,间隔1.3cm(1;2英寸)。为了防止缝份重叠,外层曲边应打刀眼(V形),间隔1.3cm(1;2英寸)。 | Inward curves should be clipped to within 0.2cm (1/16 inch)of the seam line at 1.3cm (1/2 inch)intervals. Outward curves should be notched (triangular wedges)at 1.3cm (1/2 inch)intervals to prevent the seam allowance from overlaping. | |
18 | 里面还传出了杂乱的脚步声,大家又低语起来。有人喊了一声:"喂,后面的慢一点,"接着门就打开了。人群一阵你推我攘,像野兽般的冷酷、沉默,这正表明他们就像野兽一样。然后他们进到里面,如同漂浮的木头一样分散而去,消失得无影无踪。 | "Footsteps shuffled within and it murmured again. Some one called: ""Slow up there, now,"" and then the door opened. It was push and jam for a minute, with grim, beast silence to prove its quality, and then it melted inward , like logs floating, and disappeared." | |
19 | 里顺头绑扎法(风筝) | Fastening with the fastened ends facing inward | |
20 | 领悟抓住事物内在的或隐藏的性质或靠直觉感受的行为或结果 | The act or outcome of grasping the inward or hidden nature of things or of perceiving in an intuitive manner. | |
21 | 蔑克里斯这种不可毁灭的内在的厚颜无耻,便是使男子们憎恶他的原因。只要他一出现,不管他装得多么斯文得体,上流人便要引以为耻了。 | That indestructible, inward effrontery in the meagre fellow was what made men so down on Michaelis. His very presence was an affront to a man of society, cloak it as he might in an assumed good manner. | |
22 | 莫雷尔坐在马车的一角里,让他的妹夫尽力去表 | Morrel, in a corner of the carriage, allowed his brother-in-law’s gayety to expend itself in words, while he felt equal inward joy, which, however, betrayed itself only in his countenance | |
23 | 内爆在内部猛烈地崩塌 | To collapse inward violently. | |
24 | 内层的黏膜有纤毛,向内突出以挡住微粒。在吸入的空气中有冷空气或刺激物时,分布于气管周围的肌肉纤维会收缩 | An inner mucous membrane has cilia (see cilium)that project inward to trap particles. Muscle fibres over and alongside the trachea contract in response to cold air or irritants in inhaled air | |
25 | 内长一组细胞的内部或向内生长,如从囊胚到原肠胚的生长过程 | The ingrowth and curling inward of a group of cells,as in the formation of a gastrula from a blastula. | |
26 | 内间者,因其官人而用之。 | Having inward spies, making use of officials of the enemy. | |
27 | 内卷的向内卷的;盘绕的或内卷的 | Curled inward ;coiled or involute. | |
28 | 内渗透一种液体透过可渗透膜流向另一种浓度比它高的液体的内部流动 | The inward flow of a fluid through a permeable membrane toward a fluid of greater concentration. | |
29 | 内向;内向型[国家;政策] | Inward -looking; inward-oriented [country; policy] | |
30 | 男子是更沉静了,更深刻了,即肩膊和臀部也不象从前硬直了。 | The man much quieter, more inward , the very shapes of his shoulders and his buttocks less assertive, more hesitant. |