属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-致亲爱的爱德华 Dear Edward
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-上世纪的名流 Twentieth-century li
1 | 本公司代理的咖啡分别有牙买加蓝山一号、夏威夷康拿、巴西山度士、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、危地马拉安提加、埃塞俄比亚也加沙夫等等。 | Coffees we carry are Jamaican Blue Mountain, Hawaiian Kona, Brazil Bourbon Santos, Colombian Supremo, Costa Rican Sarchi, Guatemala antigua, and Ethiopian Mocha Limu, and so on. | |
2 | 持有英国护照的牙买加人. | a Jamaican with a British passport | |
3 | 公司亦是中国及邻近地区少数能够取得牙买加咖啡工业管理局特许进口商资格的公司之一。直得注意的是著名的蓝山一号咖啡是不能售给未获该项资格的公司。 | We are also approved by the Coffee Industry Board of the Jamaican Government as an Importer of their Coffees. Note that their Blue Mountain Grade A coffee could not be sold to any company without their prior approval. | |
4 | 像奥运会这样的国际体育赛事药物检查一直是个重大问题,特别是在引人注目的牙买加出生的加拿大短跑运动员本·约翰逊在1988年汉城奥运会后被禁赛之后。 | Drug testing has become a major issue at international sports events such as the Olympics, particularly since the high-profile ban on Jamaican -born canadian sprinter Ben Johnson, imposed after the Seoul Olympics in 1988 | |
5 | ||1:阿西尔女士并没有保留菲尔德给她写的信。||2:最初还是菲尔德建议她把自己那部分的信件整理出来出本书,但阿西尔对于“公开私人谈话”的做法还是有所保留,尤其如果是要仅仅发表“一半的谈话内容”。||3:幸亏菲尔德说服了她,结果这本书出来让人们迷上了“窃听”。||4:阿西尔的文字非常漂亮,即使是写微不足道的小事也毫不逊色。读者会情不自禁地跟随她,关注她一直所关心的事情随着年华逝去将会如何变化。||5:阿西尔在信中坦率地表达了老年生活的窘困,从助听器到白内障手术,还有照顾她那位病情日甚一日的牙买加伴侣——巴里。 | ||1: Miss Athill did not keep the letters she received from Mr Field. ||2: When he suggested that hers be made into a book, she had reservations about “publishing one’s private conversation”, particularly if it meant printing only “half the conversation”. ||3: Luckily he persuaded her, and the result makes for addictive eavesdropping. ||4: Miss Athill writes beautifully, even about mundane subjects, and it is fascinating to follow the change in her preoccupations with advancing years. ||5: The letters are frank about the indignities of getting old, from hearing aids to cataract operations, and about the burdens of looking after Barry, her increasingly ailing Jamaican partner. | |
6 | ||1:但这绝不是牙买加人专属,MLE现在被认为是由西印度群岛口音,南亚裔口音和伦敦以及河湾区口音混合的方言。||2:尽管大部分是西印度群岛俚语,比如说‘bare’等同于‘very’,还有‘sick’等同于‘good’,发音往往也不一样。||3:MLE的主要特点是‘i’的发音像‘ah’,因此,‘like’听起来像‘lahke’,这一特征就不是效仿西印度群岛口音。 | ||1:But far from being cod-Jamaican , MLE is now thought to be a hybrid dialect that emerged from the intermingling of West Indians, South Asians and speakers of Cockney and Estuary English.||2:Though much of the slang is West Indian—from “bare” for “very” to “sick” meaning “good”—the pronunciation is often not.||3:Its chief characteristic, an elongated “ah” sound in place of an “i” so that “like” is pronounced “lahke”, does not imitate a West Indian patois. | |
7 | ||1:故事还要从一扇百叶窗说起。||2:1946年有一对夫妻住在曼哈顿一栋公寓楼里,公寓看门人,一个有着牙买加血统的纽约小伙子,刚从二战的海军服役中归来。||3:一天这对夫妇请他帮忙安装一扇百叶窗,当小伙子任务完成后,他们给了他两张戏院的门票作为酬谢。||4:考虑到付不起一次体面的约会必要的晚餐钱,看门人独自去看了《家是猎人》(Home is the hunter)。||5:这部戏讲了一名黑人军人战后回美国的故事,小伙子看得入了迷。 | ||1:It all began with a set of Venetian blinds.||2:In 1946 a couple in a Manhattan apartment building asked their janitor, a biracial Jamaican New Yorker newly returned from naval service in the second world war, to install a set in their flat.||3:The task completed, they gave him two theatre tickets as payment.||4:The janitor, having no money for the dinner that a proper date would have included, went on his own to see “Home is the Hunter”, a play about black servicemen returning to America after the war.||5:He was enraptured. | |
8 | ||1:扎迪史密斯在2000年发表过一部小说,名字叫《白牙》,在书中,她提到在伦敦,所有的孩子,不管他们来自哪里,似乎用牙买加口音表达自己的鄙视。||2:从那时起,语言学研究者逐渐明白了如何以及为何那么多青少年口音听起来像来自东伦敦区说唱歌手迪兹瑞克斯(如图)了。||3:研究者称这种正在蔓延以及变异的语言为多文化伦敦英语(MLE)。 | ||1:IN HER novel “White Teeth”, published in 2000, Zadie Smith noted that in London, “all kids, whatever their nationality”, seem to express scorn with a Jamaican accent.||2:Since then linguistic researchers have gradually come to understand how and why so many teenagers sound like Dizzee Rascal, a rapper from Bow in east London (pictured).||3:They call this spreading, mutating argot Multicultural London English (MLE). | |
9 | ||1:这一切要从一套百叶窗帘说起。||2:故事发生在1946年的曼哈顿,有对夫妇想在家里安装一套百叶窗帘,于是便叫来一位公寓清洁工,作为报酬,事后给了他两张戏票。||3:想来,邀人看戏起码得请吃个饭,可无奈囊中羞涩,这清洁工就自个儿去美国黑人剧院看了场《家是猎人》。这出戏讲述了一位美国黑人士兵战后返乡的事,看着看着这哥们就陶醉了。 | ||1: IT ALL began with a set of Venetian blinds. ||2: In 1946 a couple in a Manhattan apartment building asked their janitor, a biracial Jamaican New Yorker newly returned from naval service in the second world war, to install a set in their flat. The task completed, they gave him two theatre tickets as payment. ||3: The janitor, having no money for the dinner that a proper date would have included, went on his own to see “Home is the Hunter”, a play about black servicemen returning to America after the war. He was enraptured. | |
10 | “如果你相信我,那就没关系,”牙买加妇女对她丈夫说到。 | "It doesn’t matter if you’re physically faithful to me, " the Jamaican woman says to her husband. | |
11 | “我认为我不用解释这为什么对我伤害这么大,”牙买加妇女继续说。 | "I don’t think I should have to explain why this is so painful for me, " the Jamaican woman continues. | |
12 | 2006年,琳达沃克60岁,从中风中醒来的她发现她的泰恩赛德口音变成了牙买加口音。 | In 2006 Linda Walker, 60, woke from a stroke to find that her Geordie accent had been transformed into a Jamaican one. | |
13 | 8月16日(星期日),是牙买加短跑运动员乌塞恩•博尔特又一个伟大时刻和又一个世界记录。 | IT WAS another big occasion and yet another world record for a Jamaican sprinter, Usain Bolt, on Sunday August 16th. | |
14 | 巴拿马巴波亚古巴比索巴哈马元牙买加元古德多米尼加比索 | Panamanian Balboa Cuban Peso Bahaman Dollar Jamaican Dollars Haitian Gourde Dominican Peso | |
15 | 博尔特拍着胸脯越过终点,这一次不是哗众取宠,我们看到的是牙买加明星一丝不苟的快速冲刺。 | Beating his chest as he crossed the line, this time there was no showboating, only seriously fast sprinting from the Jamaican star. | |
16 | 此外,38项世界纪录被打破,美国选手菲尔普斯和牙买加选手博尔特成为本届奥运超级明星。 | 38 world records were renewed. US swimmer Michael Phelps and Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt emerged as the super stars. | |
17 | 但是牙买加警方得到消息,阻止在途中戴着假发和帽子的科克。 | But Jamaican police were tipped off and stopped Mr Coke, dressed in a wig and hat, en route. | |
18 | 但这位出生于牙买加的学者接着解释说:“18纬度以外的所有地方对我而言都很冷。” | But then, as the Jamaican -born academic puts it: "Everywhere outside of the 18th parallel is cold to me. " | |
19 | 当牙买加一家移动电话公司Digicel最初计划在巴布亚新几内亚提供无线服务时,很显然,困难重重。 | WHEN Digicel, a Jamaican mobile-phone company, first planned a wireless service in Papua New Guinea, obvious hurdles loomed. | |
20 | 国际特赦组织(AmnestyInternational)指控牙买加警察部队在过去十年里杀死超过1700人。 | Jamaica Amnesty International accuses the Jamaican Constabulary Force of killing more than 1, 700 people in the past decade. | |
21 | 会有两到三个牙买加教师坐在教室后面以便在你有学习困难的时候给与帮助。 | Two or three Jamaican teachers sit at the back of the room in case you get stuck, and they may be able to help. | |
22 | 或许最重要的是,他们想要一个谦逊的冠军,即使他们也乐于看着牙买加飞人博尔特的做秀。 | Perhaps most important, they want a champion who is humble, even though they enjoy watching a showman like the Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt. | |
23 | 卡塔尔放言要举办2022年世界杯对大多数人来说似乎和牙买加人组雪橇队对一样不可思议。 | TO MANY people, Qatar’s bid to host the football World Cup in 2022 seemed as improbable as the Jamaican bobsleigh team. | |
24 | 科克出人意料的被捕对牙买加政府来说是个大意外。 | Mr Coke’s unexpected capture was a coup for the Jamaican government. | |
25 | 肯尼亚政府宣称将驱逐一位被控为极端主义者的牙买加穆斯林之后,这在首都内罗毕引发了暴动。 | Riots erupted in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, after the government said it would deport a Jamaican Muslim accused of extremism. | |
26 | 上个月自首和逮捕了27名牙买加帮会头目,造成帮会权利的真空,可能会造成流血事件。 | The surrender or capture of 27 Jamaican gang leaders in the past month has created a power vacuum that may be filled by bloodshed. | |
27 | 首先,牙买加警方逮捕了美国渴望的帮会头目克里斯托弗•杜杜斯•科克。 | First, Jamaican police arrested Christopher "Dudus" Coke, a gang leader wanted in the United States. | |
28 | 他保持着19秒75的纪录并在2007世锦赛200米赛上获得亚军。 | He holds the Jamaican record of 19. 75 seconds and finished second to Gay in the 200 at the 2007 world championships. | |
29 | 我们会在一分钟后听到一名同情库克先生的金斯敦居民的观点,但首先是牙买加记者凯伦•梅敦•詹姆斯的发言。 | We’ll hear from a Kingston resident who’s sympathetic to Mr Coke in a minute. But first the take of Jamaican journalist, Karen Madden-James. | |
30 | 牙买加部队拥有3名英国助理警监。 | The Jamaican force has three British assistant commissioners. |