属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 17
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 17
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-恶老板 现实比电影好得多
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-动物的认知 人类的挚友
1 | “啊,好吧,”詹尼弗说。“我看女王经常会请些不懂得规矩的人去进午餐。” | "Oh, well," said jennifer , "I expect the Queen often has to have people to lunch who don’t know how to behave." | |
2 | 《火车站男人》中的三个隐喻 | Three Metaphors in Jennifer Johnston’s The Railway Station Man | |
3 | 48岁的梅尔超过了去年荣登榜首的詹妮弗·安妮斯顿,她今年降到了第17位。 | The 48-year-old eclipsed last year’s winner Jennifer Aniston, who dropped to 17th position | |
4 | 80米的女演员詹妮弗·沃特-利兰德比她的丈夫--饰演大力神海格立斯的影星迈克尔·赫斯特(身高只有1.68米)高出一头,她说,患有“矮男人综合症”的莽汉很可能缺乏魅力,但又补充说她丈夫的身高从未令她烦恼过。 | Actress Jennifer Ward-Lealand who at 180cm towers over her husband, hercules star Michael Hurst (who is 168cm tall), said pushy men with "short-man syndrome" could be unattractive hut she added that her husband’s height never bothered her | |
5 | EarthLink(ELNK)为珍妮弗提供接人因特网的服务,就像一种坡道把驾驶员送上国家公路系统。 | EarthLink gives Jennifer access to the Internet, much in the way that an onramp puts a driver on the national highway system. | |
6 | 比如说:大部份的美国人会觉得Jennifer这个名字比bertha要来得吸引人。 | Most Americans would consider a "Jennifer " more attractive than a "bertha," for example | |
7 | 当球拍从包裹布下露出来时,詹尼弗发出了一声喜悦的惊叹。 | Jennifer uttered an exclamation of pleasure as his racquet emerged from its coverings | |
8 | 关于珍妮佛,我们将必须多参考些有关资料。 | In the case of Jennifer , we will have to see some more references. | |
9 | 就艺术才华而言,詹尼弗不能同他相比。 | Jennifer can’t match him in artistic talent. | |
10 | 如今,观众们已经知道了剧中由大卫·修蒙和珍妮弗·安妮思顿扮演的罗丝和雷切尔之间离离合合的爱情结局。 | Viewers now know the outcome of the show’s on-off love affair between Ross and rachel, played by David Schwimmer and Jennifer Aniston | |
11 | 世界自然基金会全球气候变化委员会的Jennifer Morgan说:“北极冰盖已经开始大规模地融化。” | The big melt has begun, said Jennifer Morgan, from the Climate Change Campaign for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). | |
12 | 首席研究员Jennifer Coull博士表示,大脑许多区域在估计时间中都起了作用。 | Lead researcher Dr Jennifer Coull said many areas of the brain help estimate time. | |
13 | 他感到有趣的是,无论人家和詹妮佛说什么,她都全盘接受。 | He was interested in Jennifer ’s complete acceptance of everything that was said to her | |
14 | 我的詹妮弗姨妈是一位女演员。 | My aunt jennifer is an actress | |
15 | 我姑母珍妮弗是个女演员。 | My aunt Jennifer is an actress. | |
16 | 下个月将庆祝三十二岁的生日的珍妮佛罗培兹将在剧中饰演一名"改行"当心理医师的女超人。 | Jennifer Lopez, who will celebrate her 32nd birthday next month, will play the role of a superhero "turned" shrink in the comedy | |
17 | 在珍妮弗的计算机通过拨打本地电话与EarthLink当地的调制解调器库取得联系后,珍妮弗键入她的电子邮件内容,再击“发送”命令。 | After Jennifer ’s computer makes a local telephone call to EarthLink’s local bank of modems, Jennifer types in her E-mail message and hits “send”. | |
18 | 詹尼佛在大卫对她轻薄之后打了他一巴掌。 | Jennifer slapped David after he came on to her. | |
19 | 詹尼弗失望地把她的网球拍扔在地上。 | Jennifer flung her racquet down in despair | |
20 | 珍妮佛很爱狂欢。她几乎每天晚上都跟朋友去跳舞。 | jennifer loves to party. She goes out dancing with her friends almost every night | |
21 | 珍妮弗将在一出新戏里演出。 | Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. | |
22 | 珍妮弗住在加州帕萨迪纳,当她想要用家里的计算机给住在哥伦比亚特区华盛顿市的母亲发一封电子邮件时,她使用当地诸如EarthLink Network Inc.这样的因特网服务提供商(ISP)。 | When Jennifer , who lives in Pasadena, Calif., wants to send an E-mail message from her home computer to her mother in Washington, D.C., she uses a local Internet service provider (ISP)such as EarthLink Network Inc. (ELNK). | |
23 | 朱丽雅跟詹妮菲站在一起,她把鼻子贴在一间教室的玻璃窗上,看着外边汽车道上人来人往。 | Julia with Jennifer was standing with her nose pressed against the window of one of the classrooms, watching the comings and goings on the drive outside | |
24 | ||1:以往的一些实验已经间接地表明动物们也具有同情心。||2:科学家发现,老鼠和猴子会放弃食物,以防自己受到电击而危害同伴。||3:类似的还有大猩猩,它们会在发生争斗后彼此安慰。||4:然而这些实验和观察都只能证明同物种的动物相互之间拥有感受痛楚的能力。||5:伦敦金史密斯大学的黛博拉?科斯坦斯与詹妮弗?梅耶正在着手研究狗,看它们能否察觉人类的情绪状态。 | ||1:Past experiments have hinted that animals can feel sympathy.||2:Rats and monkeys had been found to forgo food to avoid delivering electric shocks to relatives.||3:Similarly, apes have recently been documented consoling one another after conflicts.||4:However, all these experiments and observations were demonstrating an animal’s sensitivity to distress in other members of the same species.||5:Deborah Custance and Jennifer Mayer of Goldsmiths College, London, set out to see if dogs could detect the emotional state of humans. | |
25 | ||1:糟糕的老板会以多种形式出现。||2:有精神病患,恶棍还有傻蛋。||3:蹩脚老板也令人生厌。||4:然而新线影院的老板们并不蹩脚,因为他们的电影能赚钱,但是他们做的还不够好。||5:因为他们的最新作品《恶老板》,犯下了反艺术和常识之罪。||6:剧组期望中的观众会觉得詹妮弗.安妮斯顿的挑逗是如此令人痛苦,以致于他们觉得剧中人物会对她起谋杀之心。||7:凯文.史派西(如图)则扮演了一位更加令人信服的变态老板。||8:但是他的才能却浪费在不尽如人意的剧本上。 | ||1:Horrible bosses come in many flavours.||2:There are psychopaths, bullies and prats.||3:Incompetent bosses are irksome, too.||4:The bosses at New Line Cinema are not incompetent, in that their films make money, but they are still villains.||5:For “Horrible Bosses”, their latest offering, is a crime against art and common sense.||6:The viewer is expected to believe that being propositioned by Jennifer Aniston is so traumatic that it would drive a man to plot her murder.||7:Kevin Spacey (pictured) plays a more convincing psychoboss.||8:But his talents are wasted on a lame script. | |
26 | 剧组期望中的观众会觉得詹妮弗.安妮斯顿的挑逗是如此令人痛苦,以致于他们觉得剧中人物会对她起谋杀之心。 | The viewer is expected to believe that being propositioned by Jennifer Aniston is so traumatic that it would drive a man to plot her murder. | |
27 | 伦敦金史密斯大学的黛博拉·科斯坦斯与詹妮弗·梅耶正在着手研究狗, | Deborah Custance and Jennifer Mayer of Goldsmiths College, London, | |
28 | 他们要观众相信,被詹妮弗安妮斯顿调戏是件多么痛不欲生的事儿,逼得被调戏的家伙只能策划一场对她的谋杀。 | The viewer is expected to believe that being propositioned by Jennifer Aniston is so traumatic that it would drive a man to plot her murder. | |
29 | {hname:雷沙}开了她的演唱会,几乎所有剧组演员在星期五那晚拍摄完后都出现了,唯独妳和珍妮佛除外。 | {Leisha} had her concert and pretty much every cast member showed up Friday night after filming except for you and Jennifer . | |
30 | “对,肯定的,他可能是一个神经病,也可能是一个杀手,”珍妮弗边吃早餐边说。 | "Yeah, sure, he could have been a psycho, a killer, " says Jennifer over breakfast. |