属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 63
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-棉花全球史 纺织传奇
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-外来移民 热烈欢迎
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-反疫苗活动家 独领风骚
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-社会地位与健康 贫困指数
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-社会地位与健康 贫困指数
1 | 我最近一直没见到珍妮她怎么样了? | I have not seen Jenny around lately. I wonder what happened to her. | |
2 | 于是在好友Cooper以及孪生姊妹Jenny和Jamie的帮助下,他决定横跨欧洲到柏林去寻找Mieke。 | So he sets out on a trip across Europe to Berlin, helped by his best friends, Cooper and the twins Jenny and Jamie. | |
3 | 允许我介绍世界野生动物协会主席,詹妮桑普森太太。 | Allow me to introduce Mrs. Jenny Sampson , chairman of world wild life . | |
4 | 在回家路上,他问Jenny是否欣赏他的演说。 | On the way home, he asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech. | |
5 | 詹妮.汤普森抢在单莺前第一个到达终点。 | Jenny Thompson touches home first ahead of Shan Ying. | |
6 | 詹妮纺纱机(初期的多轴纺纱机). | Spinning-jenny (early type of machine for spinning more than one thread at a time) | |
7 | 詹妮和梅格是同一工厂的计算机专家。她们正在讨论未来的计划。 | Jenny and Mei Ge are computer experts at the same factory. They are discussing future plans. | |
8 | 詹妮离开广州时已怀孕了 | Jenny was with child when she left Guangzhou. | |
9 | 詹妮说了算,她要你们做什么,你们就做什么。 | Jenny is the boss. Whatever she wants, you fellows do. | |
10 | 詹尼帮助母亲摘去鹅莓的根叶做鹅莓酱。 | Jenny helped her mother to top and tail the gooseberries for jam. | |
11 | 珍妮,你真的在迈阿密有母亲吗? | Jenny , does she really live here? | |
12 | 珍妮把她小妹妹惯坏了。 | jenny spoils her little sister | |
13 | 珍妮被城市生活的忙乱弄得筋疲力尽。 | Jenny was exhausted by the hustle of city life. | |
14 | 珍妮的害羞对她与人相处是一种障碍。 | Jenny ’s shyness puts her at a disadvantage in company. | |
15 | 珍妮纺纱机:早期的多轴机械,精纺羊毛或棉花。 | Spinning jenny : Early multiple-spindle machine for spinning wool or cotton. | |
16 | 珍妮和乔闹翻了. | Jenny and Joe have split up. | |
17 | 珍妮目前在都柏林小住几日, 她的家是在贝尔法斯特 | Jenny ’s staying in Dublin for a few days, but she now lives/is now living (ie has her home)in belfast | |
18 | 珍妮目前在都柏林暂住几个星期,但她的家是在贝尔发斯特。 | Jenny ’s staying in Dublin for a few weeks, but she now lives in belfast | |
19 | 珍妮脾气不好。 | Jenny is out of humor. | |
20 | 珍妮显然是高兴的,因为她在微笑。 | It is evident that Jenny is happy, for she is smiling. | |
21 | 珍妮一看到血就会头晕。 | Jenny will faint at the sight of blood. | |
22 | 只有卡狄·海德里格一个人在大家后边逗留了一会儿,和珍妮·邓尼森恋恋不舍地告别。 | Cuddie Headrigg alone remained an instant behind his companions to take an affectionate farewell of Jenny Dennison | |
23 | ||1:故事中一直充斥着印度的身影。||2:早在公元前3000年,印度河流域的人们就已经学会纺纱,希罗多德就曾赞赏它的质地。当穆斯林在10世纪入侵欧洲时,也把纺纱和织布的技术带到了欧洲(棉花cotton一词就源自阿拉伯语qutn)。||3:家庭手工业形式的棉花生产在印度非常成功,甚至在英国的市场占据了不小的份额。||4:这造成了两个结果。||5:首先是让北部工业区诞生了许多的技术革新。诸如飞梭、珍妮纺纱机、动力织机等纺纱机器的发明都是工业革命的先驱。||6:其次,英国为了帮助本国的纺织业从业者而在1774年颁布了贸易保护法,将出售进口棉花认定为违法行为。 | ||1:India runs like a thread through this tale.||2:Cotton was being spun in the Indus Valley in 3000BC; Herodotus admired its quality. Spinning and weaving cotton (the word comes from qutn in Arabic) were introduced to Europe by Muslim invaders in the tenth century.||3:In India cotton as a cottage industry was so successful that it established a substantial market in Britain.||4:This had two consequences.||5:The first was technological innovation in the industrial north; spinning machines, the invention of the flying shuttle, the spinning jenny and power looms were the forerunners of the Industrial Revolution.||6:The second, introduced in 1774 to assist English spinners and weavers, was protectionist legislation that made it illegal to sell imported cotton. | |
24 | ||1:三年前,多米尼加商店助手珍妮·萨尔加多搬到海兰镇居住,毗邻巴尔的摩。||2:她搬家的原因是纽约高昂的生活费。||3:珍妮初来乍到之际,这家兜售彩饰陶罐与宗教雕像的商店还算是当时少数几家极具墨西哥风情的商店。而如今,这种商店不胜枚举。||4:她微笑着说,“如果你说西班牙语,那么这是件好事。” | ||1:THREE years ago Jenny Salgado, a Dominican shop assistant, moved to Highlandtown, a neighbourhood of pleasant terraces and unpleasant derelict factories in Baltimore.||2:She moved because the cost of living in New York was too high.||3:When she arrived the shop she works in, stuffed with pi?atas and religious statuettes, was one of only a few Hispanic businesses. Now there are many more.||4:“It’s good now if you speak Spanish,” she smiles. | |
25 | ||1:珍妮·麦卡锡是一位名人,她因20年前出任花花公子杂志封面女郎而一举成名。她很自豪拥有Pigasus奖,该奖项于每年愚人节颁发给那些“用很少的才智愚弄了大多数人的演员”。||2:麦卡锡女士是一名反疫苗活动家,她称自己不反对接种疫苗。||3:但她坚持宣称接种疫苗会导致孤独症,而且还认为自己儿子通过维生素和食疗治好了孤独症。||4:最近艾丽西亚·西尔维斯通发起了反疫苗运动,她是一名演员,如今她的名字可能会永远和“独领风骚”(如图所示)联系在一起,她担任了该电影的女主角,该电影上映于1995年,是现代版的简·奥斯丁的《艾玛》。 | ||1: JENNY MCCARTHY, a celebrity who introduced herself to the world on the pages of Playboy 20 years ago, is the proud owner of a Pigasus award, bestowed every April Fool’s day on “the performer who fooled the greatest number of people using the least talent”. ||2: Ms McCarthy, an anti-vaccination campaigner, says she is not opposed to vaccination. ||3: But she has defended debunked claims that jabs can trigger autism, and reckons her son was cured of his autism through vitamins and diet. ||4: More recently the anti-vaccination cause has been taken up by Alicia Silverstone, an actress whose name may now forever be linked to “Clueless” (pictured), a 1995 update of Jane Austen’s Emma in which she starred. | |
26 | ||1:专题里,詹妮东和要吉拉德领导的研究小组在芝加哥大学,研究地位之于恒河猴的影响。||2:实验经过表明,这些猴子所表现出来的是英国白厅研究发现的猴子版本。||3:社会地位低的患病风险高,这既适用于人类界也同样适用于猴子。这暗示了社会地位低的物种的生物化学反应影响其免疫系统。||4:反过来,这种生物化学反应又取决于物种生物基因的变化方式。||5:若要调查这种现象,那就意味着需要控制社会等级,在人类身上进行,很困难(而且很可能不道德)。||6:但是,你可以在猴子身上做实验,而且研究人员也是这么做的。 | ||1:In it, a group of researchers led by Jenny Tung and Yoav Gilad at the University of Chicago looked at the effects of status on rhesus macaques.||2:Experience has shown that these monkeys display the simian equivalent of the Whitehall studies’ findings.||3:The high risk of disease among those at the bottom of the heap in both cases suggests that biochemical responses to low status affect a creature’s immune system.||4:Those responses must, in turn, depend on changes in the way the creatures’ genes are expressed.||5:To investigate this phenomenon means manipulating social hierarchies, but that would be hard (and probably unethical) if it were done to human beings.||6:You can, however, do it to monkeys, and the researchers did. | |
27 | 专题里,詹妮东和要吉拉德领导的研究小组在芝加哥大学,研究地位之于恒河猴的影响。 | In it, a group of researchers led by Jenny Tung and Yoav Gilad at the University of Chicago looked at the effects of status on rhesus macaques. | |
28 | “得啦,得啦,”詹妮说,“人们常说笨人是最好的丈夫。你愿意娶我吗?” | "Well, " said Jenny , "they say that a foolish man makes the best husband. Will you marry me? " | |
29 | “你不会喜欢上任何一件东西的,珍妮。” | "You don’t like anything, Jenny , " her mother was always saying. | |
30 | “你得将山坡纳入到你整个跑步计划中来,”JennyHadfield说,她是《人类马拉松》一书的合著者。 | "You have to think of hills within the context of the whole run, " says Jenny Hadfield, coauthor of Marathoning for Mortals. |