属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 65
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 西班牙足球 Spanish Football
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-维基百科集资 Wikipedia’s Fund-r
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-山姆大叔请留步 Please don’t go
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 西班牙足球 Spanish Football
1 | 小吉米劳累了一天已经筋疲力尽了 | Little Jimmy was really out for the count after that long tiring day | |
2 | 一天下午在阿肯色偏僻乡村的艾尔摩小镇上,吉米从一辆邮车上下来。 | One afternoon Jimmy climbed down from a mail coach in Elmore, a little town in the back country of Arkansas | |
3 | 一位警察前来对吉姆说,他们应该走小巷,因为Jumbo有碍交通。 | A policeman approached Jimmy and told him he ought to have gone along a side street as Jumbo was holding up the traffic. | |
4 | 伊朗革命前,当时的美国总统吉米·卡特在访问伊朗时曾与巴列维国王举行过一次正式会谈。 | Once before the Iranian revolution, the then President of the United States Jimmy Carter visited iran | |
5 | 因为这个周末基米的妈妈会开一辆新的卡迪拉克带基米去海滨别墅度周末。基米还说要带三个朋友去,但我和迈克没有被邀请,他们说我们不被邀请是因为我们是穷孩子。 | Because today Jimmy ’s mom drove up in their new Cadillac, and they were going to their beach house for the weekend. He took three of his friends, but Mike and I weren’t invited. They told us we weren’t invited because we were `poor kids’. | |
6 | 在爱尔兰有组织犯罪的影像中,有一些离奇古怪的东西,这让人想起吉米·卡格尼的老式电影(詹姆斯·特劳布) | There is something almost quaint in the image of Irish organized crime,something that calls to mind old movies with Jimmy Cagney(James Traub) | |
7 | 在地下,在死气沉沉的、阴暗的空气里,潮湿阴郁的石头不情愿地分开(吉米·布雷斯林)。这个单词也能表示阴影或颜色的深度 | Under the earth,in the flat,dark air,the wet,gloomy rock gave quarter grudgingly(Jimmy Breslin.The word can also denote deepness of shade or color | |
8 | 在那里,加长把赦免令递给吉米。 | There the warden handed jimmy his pardon | |
9 | 在那里院长把赦免令递给吉米。 | There the warden handed Jimmy his pardon. | |
10 | 在网球场上,吉米·唐纳斯的头发又长又粘又湿,样子很难看。我想他肯定是喜欢自己不打球时的样子,尽管看起来也不太好。 | On the tennis court, Jimmy Cornnors looks terrible with long, stringy, wet hair. I suppose he certainly likes the way it looks when he isn’t playing tennis, although it looks all that good then, either. | |
11 | 在座的有些人会记得那时的情况,会记得美国的杜立德将军率领轰炸机队,飞越半个地球前来助战的事迹。 | Some of you listening today remember those days, remember when our General Jimmy Doolittle and his squadron came halfway round the world to help | |
12 | 这个调皮的小吉米又把我的拖鞋藏起来了! | That little scamp Jimmy has hidden my slippers again! | |
13 | 这位是我的男朋友,吉米。 | This is my boyfriend, Jimmy . | |
14 | 著名的宗教传播活动家象Billy Graham和Jimmy Swaggart,他们的电视节目在许多国家播出。这些人物的海外之行能在国内外产生大量的宣传效应。 | Well-known exporters of religion have included Billy Graham and Jimmy Swaggart.Their television programs have been shown in many countries. Overseas trips by such figures can generate a great deal of publicity at home and abroad. | |
15 | 最重要的是,基米和他的朋友再也不能叫我穷人了,但不知怎么我仍未开口。 | On top of that, Jimmy and his rich friends could never call me poor again. But somehow my mouth stayed silent. | |
16 | 昨天一整天吉米都在闲荡。 | Jimmy mooned around all day yesterday. | |
17 | (《红色风暴》作者:吉米·彭斯; | La Roja: How Soccer Conquered Spain and How Spanish Soccer Conquered the World. By Jimmy Burns. | |
18 | ||1:很多人嗤之以鼻,但是维基百科的筹款确实滚滚而来。||2: 在2010年最后几周里,维基百科创始人吉米-威尔士(Jimmy Wales)眼光独到,瞄准了维基百科的用户们,用网页上的横幅广告恳求他们向“任何人都能编辑的免费百科”伸出援手,为网站支付当年的费用。 ||3:他的恳求成功了。||4:维基百科在50天内就实现了集资1600万美元的目标(与之对比,2009年末在67天内筹到870万美元)。 | ||1: MANY mocked, but the money rolled in. ||2: For the last few weeks of 2010 Jimmy Wales fixed his piercing gaze on Wikipedia users, imploring them from banner ads to help “the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit” pay its bills for this year. ||3: The founder’s plea worked. ||4: Wikipedia reached its target of $16m in just 50 days (compared with $8.7m in 67 days at the end of 2009). | |
19 | ||1:前总统吉米·卡特的国家安全顾问兹比格涅夫·布热津斯基同样同意,强大的美国必不可少。||2:但他在自己的新书《战略眼光》中表露出更多的担忧。||3:他坚称美国必须极力摆脱债务,稳定金融体系,减少社会不平等,重建基础设施并稳固僵持的政治。||4:对外方针,其必须推进、保证扩展西方势力,并平衡亚洲各大国家。 | ||1: Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser, is equally certain that a vigorous and powerful America is indispensable. ||2: But he shows more doubt in his new book, “Strategic Vision”. ||3: He contends that America must wrestle down its own debt, steady its financial system, reduce inequality, rebuild its infrastructure and fix its gridlocked politics. ||4: Abroad, it must promote and guarantee an expanded West (embracing Russia and Turkey) and balance the great powers of Asia. | |
20 | ||1:足球赛场上,时机至关重要。分毫之距,天壤之别。时机决定了是出色抢截,还是被出示红牌。决定了是机智地反越位,还是被裁决为越位。||2:之前,吉米·彭斯的出版负责人无须过于深思《红色风暴》此类描述西班牙足球历史的书应何时出版。||3:就在6月8日开赛的欧洲杯之前,西班牙已经赢得了于2008年举行的上届欧洲杯,并且他们还是今年欧洲杯的夺冠大热。 | ||1: In football, timing counts: it makes the difference between a brilliant tackle and a red card, or a smartly taken goal and a raised offside flag. ||2: Jimmy Burns’s publishers did not have to think too hard about when “La Roja”, his history of Spanish football, should appear. ||3: Just before the European football championship, which kicks off on June 8th. The Spanish team won last time, in 2008, and are favourites to win again this year. | |
21 | 在尼克松(Richard Nixon)政府的财政部工作过后,伟岸的沃尔克先生(6英尺7英寸,即2米出头)同时被吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)和罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)提名推荐到美联储。最近,他又成为了布莱克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)的顾问。奥巴马利用这位前美联储主席的声誉,将其提出的禁止银行自营交易的计划称为“沃尔克规则”。 | After serving at the Treasury under Richard Nixon, the towering (6ft 7in) Mr Volcker was appointed to the Fed by both Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. More recently he has been an adviser to Barack Obama, who traded on the former Fed chief’s credibility by dubbing his plan to end banks’ proprietary trading the “Volcker rule”. | |
22 | “吉米!”几分钟后麦茵蒂尔小姐在落地窗边朝吉米喊。 | "Jimmy ! " said Miss MacIntyre a few minutes later from the French window. | |
23 | “吉米,你能里来帮我看下我的”非死不可“吗?我怕没有个孩子的监督我会中病毒。” | "Jimmy , could you send your kid over to help me with my facebook? Im afraid I might get a virus without some child supervision. " | |
24 | “今天和罗伯特玩的开心吗?”在给吉米乘一大碗香肠和土豆泥的时候麦茵蒂尔小姐问。 | "Did you have a good time with Robert? " said Miss MacIntyre as she served Jimmy a plateful of sausage and mash. | |
25 | “你觉得他们走了吗?”吉米一边透过枝叶往对面看,一边问。 | "Do you think they’ve gone? " Jimmy asked, peering through the twigs again. | |
26 | “是不是同志?!”:同性恋男性、直率的男子气与细节观众的构建 | "Gay or not? ! " : Gay men, straight masculinities, and the construction of the Details audience Jimmy Draper | |
27 | “他太让我失望了,”吉米对着姗蒂耷拉的耳朵自言自语。 | "He let me down, " Jimmy murmured into the dog’s floppy ear. | |
28 | “喂,毕恩,”吉米带着冷淡的笑意说。 | "Hello, Ben, " Jimmy said with a strange smile. | |
29 | “我爸爸昨天被打死了,”吉米用孩童特有的真诚态度宣告。 | "My dad got shot yesterday, " Jimmy announcedwith a child’s matter-of-factness. | |
30 | “我呆会再出来,吉米,”她在过道里朝吉米喊,接着她房间的门开一阵子,又闭上了。 | "I’ll be with you shortly, Jimmy , " she called from the hallway, and the door of her room opened and closed. |