属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-首个全平民机组进入地球轨道
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-首个全平民机组进入地球轨道
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-首个全平民机组进入地球轨道
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 苹果在中国商标权诉讼中败诉 法国一员工因为工
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-委内瑞拉进入经济紧急状态 奥巴马或越权
1 | …裘德故作镇定地问。 | …asked Jude , with affected calmness | |
2 | 170. 她是Jude Law的现任情人。 | She’s Jude Law’s current bed warmer. | |
3 | 不伦之恋:《无名的裘德》的叙事母题探析 | Incestuous Love: Exploration of Narrative Motif of Jude the Obscure | |
4 | 她称呼他亲爱的表哥裘德。 | She addressed him as her dear cousin jude | |
5 | 裘德?范立的身躯虽然那样瘦小,他却一点都没停顿,就把那两只装满了水的家常水桶,提回了茅屋。 | Slender as was Jude Fawley’s frame, he bore the two brimming house-buckets of water to the cottage without resting | |
6 | 裘德从他的冥想中一下醒过来。 | jude started up from his reverie | |
7 | 裘德当时急忙答应了,说他一定不能让这个机会错过。 | jude had eagerly promised to avail himself of the opportunity | |
8 | 裘德觉得自己好象很奇怪地有些飘飘然起来。 | jude felt himself drifting strangely | |
9 | 裘德脸上嗒然若丧… | Jude ’s countenance fell… | |
10 | 裘德那位上了年纪、一肚子苦水的老太太得了病,躺在床上… | Jude ’s old and embittered aunt lay unwell… | |
11 | 裘德因为那时开始觉得孤寂,所以就拼命地跟着那个人走。 | jude , beginning to feel lonely, endeavoured to keep up with him | |
12 | 使用Dobutamine压力心脏超音波于St. Jude Medical人工主动脉办之血液动力学评估 | Hemodynamic Evaluation of St. Jude Medical Aortic Valve Prostheses Using Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography | |
13 | 淑仍旧挽着裘德的胳膊。 | Sue still held jude ’s arm | |
14 | 淑现在真正帮起裘德来了。 | Sue was assisting jude very materially now | |
15 | 为什么祖德拒绝与她交往? | Why did Jude send her to Coventry? | |
16 | 现实的问题,包括那个俗不可耐的吃饭问题在内,是必需考虑的,这种必需把裘德的虚幻想象暂时驱散,逼着他在近在眼前的需要下把高尚的理想硬压下去。 | Necessary meditations on the actual, including the mean bread-and-cheese question, dissipated the phantasmal for a while, and compelled Jude to smother high thinkings under immediate needs | |
17 | 小主动脉瓣环患者应用Regent机械瓣术后心功能变化的评价 | Evaluation of the Heart Function of Replace St. Jude Medical Regent Valve in Patients with Small Aortic | |
18 | 以心脏超音波评估St。Jude HP机械瓣膜在主动脉瓣置换之结果-是否有单一独立指针可显示其发生阻塞? | Echocardiographic Analysisi of St. Jude Hemodynamic Plus Valve in Aortic Position-Is There an Independent Index to Indicate Valve Obstruction? | |
19 | 这就是他称之为人物和环境小说的最早作品,其中包括《还乡》、名作《德伯家的苔丝》和《无名的裘德》。 | This was the earliest of what he called his novels of character and environment, which included "The Return of the Native," "Tess of the D’Urbervilles," his masterpiece, and "jude the Obscure. " | |
20 | 这种至情至理的看法,让裘德觉得烦恼起来。 | This terribly sensible advice exasperated Jude | |
21 | 阿尔森诺后来成为了圣裘德医院的医生助理。她也将成为进入太空的最年轻的美国人。她从已故的萨莉·莱德那里继承了这一荣誉,后者于1983年以32岁的年龄成为首位进入太空的美国女性。 | Arceneaux went on to become a physician’s assistant at St. Jude . She will also be the youngest American to travel into space. She takes this honor from the late Sally Ride, who became the first American woman in space in 1983 at age 32. | |
22 | 艾萨克曼组织这次飞行是为田纳西州孟菲斯市圣裘德儿童研究医院筹集资金,这是他最喜欢的事业之一。这家医院治疗儿童癌症患者。在2月份宣布这次飞行任务时,他向这家医院承诺捐赠1亿美元,并承诺再筹集1亿美元的捐款。 | Isaacman organized the flight as an effort to raise money for one of his favorite causes, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. The hospital treats child cancer patients. When announcing the flight in February, he promised the hospital $100 million and aims to raise another $100 million in donations. | |
23 | ||1:艾萨克曼为圣裘德医院前病友海莉·阿尔森诺提供了航天器上的一个座位。||2:现年29岁的阿尔森诺被医生发现患有骨癌时才10岁。||3:这种疾病导致她做了更换大腿骨的医疗手术。||4:她是首位穿着假肢进入太空的人。||5:阿尔森诺表示,她很高兴能够代表那些身体不完美的人。 | ||1:Isaacman offered one seat on the spacecraft to Hayley Arceneaux, a former patient at St. Jude .||2:Now 29, Arceneaux was 10 years old when doctors discovered she had bone cancer.||3:The disease led to a medical operation that replaced her thigh bone.||4:She is the first person in space with a prosthesis.||5:Arceneaux said she is happy to represent "those who are not physically perfect." | |
24 | ||1:卫生保健行业的合并计划接连不断。||2:艾美仕(IMS Health)与昆泰(Quintiles)决定进行合并,此次交易价值90亿美元。他们向药物公司所提供的大量数据服务将在此次合并过程中得到整合,这当中包括医疗索赔的追踪确定和临床试验的服务建议等。||3:另一大交易则涉及到雅培制药(Abbott Laboratories)以250亿美元价格收购圣犹达医疗(St Jude Medical),美国两大心脏医疗设备制造商就此合并。 | ||1:The torrent of mergers in the health-care industry kept flowing.||2:IMS Health and Quintiles agreed to combine in a 9 billion transaction that will integrate the wide range of data services they provide to drug companies, from tracking medical claims to advice on clinical trials.||3:Another big deal was Abbott Laboratories’ 25 billion takeover of St Jude Medical, which brings together two of America’s biggest makers of medical devices for hearts. | |
25 | 10月海地首轮总统大选得票率第二位的裘德·塞勒斯坦(Jude Célestin)称,因第一轮大选疑似存在舞弊行为,他将抵制1月24日举行的决胜选举。第一轮选举得票率最高的是穆瓦兹(Jovenel Mo?se),此人得到现任总统米歇尔·马尔泰利的支持。 | Jude Célestin, who came second in the first round of Haiti’s presidential election in October, said he will boycott the run-off on January 24th because of alleged fraud. The leader after the first round was Jovenel Mo?se, who has the backing of the current president, Michel Martelly. | |
26 | 论法官的多重角色冲突与司法公正 | On Conflict of Jude ’s Muti-role and Judicial Justice | |
27 | 那里住着约80位修女,包括照片中的三位修女(左起)裘徳,玛丽和海伦。 | The residence houses approximately 80 women, including (from left) Sisters Jude , Mary and Helen. | |
28 | 你们所代表的是康士坦茨和圣犹大学校,同时也代表了你们的家族 | You are ambassadors of Constance Billiard and Sty. Jude ’s as well as your own families. | |
29 | 裘德·洛获最佳男演员奖,艾米·沃恩豪斯则获最佳英国音乐表演奖。 | The best actor award went to Jude Law and Amy Winehouse won best British music act. | |
30 | 裘德修女:不知道,但我很乐观。谁也说不准,我希望主会对我说,来吧,来吧,见到你很高兴。 | Sister Jude : I don’t know. I’m hoping for the best. None of us can judge that. I hope he’ll say, Come on, come on in. I’m glad to see you. |