属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-2022年国际消费展上展出的顶尖产品
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-受过训练的低血糖检测犬可以拯救生命
属类:时事政治-Trending Today 今日趋势-美国人最喜欢的犬种
属类:时事政治-Trending Today 今日趋势-老布什的服务犬萨利送他最后一程
1 | 不久以前一个寒冷的圣诞节,在澳大利亚拉布拉多,有一位最忙碌的女人,她就是护士凯特·奥斯汀。 | The busiest woman in Labrador during one bitter cold Christmas not very long ago, was an Australian nurse by the name of Kate Austen. | |
2 | 大家都说哥伦布发现了美洲,但是早在500年前,或许就有挪威航海者先他而到达过拉布拉多。 | It is said that Columbus discovered America, but he was probably anticipated by sailors from Norway who reached labrador 500 years earlier | |
3 | 杰克是我们家养的狗,是条体格高大、盛气凌人的公狗,有着博德牧羊犬、纽芬兰拾渍和一点儿德国牧羊狗的血统。 | Jake was our resident dog, a large dominant male, part Border collie and part Labrador retriever, with a little German shepherd thrown in. | |
4 | 她很觉得那种社会有一种怪异的令人畏缩的冷酷;象拉布拉多地土壤一般,地面上生长着一些愉快的小花朵,可是一尺以下却是冰冻的。 | And she did feel the peculiar, withering coldness under it all; like the soil of Labrador , which his gay little flowers on its surface, and a foot down is frozen. | |
5 | 拉布拉多犬嗅觉受体CfOLF4基因的克隆及序列分析 | Molecular Cloning and Nucleotide Sequence Analysis of the Labrador Retriever CfOLF4 Gene | |
6 | 是条狗!准确地说,是条金黄毛小拉布拉多拾黄。那年轻人抱起扭动身体的小狗,解释说,“是给您的,夫人。” | It was a dog! To be more exact, a golden Labrador retriever puppy. As the young gentleman lifted its squirming body up into his arms, he explained, "This is for you, ma’ am. " | |
7 | 他们都裹着毛茸茸的值班衫,头上蒙着毛围巾,全都穿得补补衲衲,破破烂烂,胡须上结起冰柱,好像在突然闯进来的一群拉布拉多熊。 | Enveloped in their shaggy watch coats, and with their heads muffled in woolen comforters, all be darned and ragged, and their beards stiff with icicles, they seemed an eruption of bears from Labrador . | |
8 | 我自己的知己就是我的狗,我有一只拉布拉多猎狗。10年来它一直专心听我倾诉秘密,并且从未辜负我的信任。 | Personally, I turn to my dogs. I have a Labrador who has listened faithfully for ten years and never betrayed my trust. | |
9 | 机器人制造商拉布拉多公司发布了“寻回者”机器人。国际消费电子展历来会展出各种机器人,其中许多机器人的外观和行为都像人或动物。但是拉布拉多公司表示,该公司的“寻回者”机器人旨在真正帮助那些在家里需要协助的人士。 | Robot maker Labrador announced the launch of its Retriever robot. CES has historically been known to present different kinds of robots, including many designed to look and act like people or animals. But Labrador says its Retriever robot was designed to be truly useful in helping those who need assistance at home. | |
10 | 拉布拉多公司的辅助机器人 | Labrador ’s assistive robot | |
11 | 此外,鲁芬纳克特开始训练一只名为阿姆斯特朗的黄色拉布拉多犬,以便在他出现危险的低血糖时提醒他。 | In addition, Ruefenacht started training a yellow Labrador retriever named Armstrong to tell him when he had a dangerously low blood sugar level. | |
12 | 拉布拉多猎犬连续第27年成为美国最受欢迎的纯种狗。 | For the 27th year, the most popular purebred dog in America is the Labrador retriever. | |
13 | 萨利是一条两岁的黄色毛发的拉布拉多猎犬,它帮助这位前总统做一些事情,诸如开门关门、拾取物品以及必要时求助。 | Sully, a two-year-old yellow Labrador retriever, helped the former president do things such as open and close doors, pick up objects and seek help if needed. | |
14 | 12月,希拉里送给我一只美丽的深褐色拉布拉多猎狗,使我在切尔西离家后能有个伴。 | In December, Hillary gave me a beautiful chocolate Labrador retriever to keep me company with Chelsea gone. | |
15 | 1870年,怀疑态度终止于若干搁浅于拉布拉多和纽芬兰的尸体。 | In the 1870s, the skepticism stopped as several carcasses were beached in Labrador and Newfoundland. | |
16 | Harvest在加拿大西部生产石油和汽油,在Newfoundland&Labrador有一座日产11.5万桶的炼油厂。 | Harvest produces oil and gas in western Canada and operates a 115, 000-barrel-a-day refinery in Newfoundland and Labrador . | |
17 | LaRive说,这只狗是一条棕色拉布拉多犬。警探在猎枪上发现了它的爪印和它身上携带的泥土。 | Investigators found paw prints and mud from the dog, a chocolate Labrador retriever named Arthur, on the shotgun, LaRive said. | |
18 | 不过拉布拉多寻回犬长年占据冠军宝座的情形可能不会持续太久 | Nevertheless, the case that Labrador Retrievers are the champion may not last long. | |
19 | 从格陵兰岛中幸存下来的冰山最终会随着拉布拉多寒流一路向南漂入西北大西洋。 | From Greenland, the surviving icebergs eventually drift southward via the Labrador Current into the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. | |
20 | 当约翰.格兰甘和他的妻子去爱尔兰旅行时他们把家庭中的第三个成员——马利(拉布拉多寻回犬)留在了家里。 | When John Grogan and his wife traveled to Ireland, they left behind the third member of the family: Marley, their Labrador retriever. | |
21 | 等我把小孩子们的争端解决后,拉布拉多犬进来开始了第二轮。 | Once that was resolved, enter the Labrador retriever for round two. | |
22 | 对于一条拉布拉多寻回犬,结果弄清楚是4.3赫兹。 | For a labrador retriever, this turns out to be 4. 3 Hz. | |
23 | 孩子们的动作非常快(所有的父母都知道),然后唯一比孩子们还快的,就是在可能能吃的东西附近转悠的,拉布拉多搜寻犬。 | Kids are quick (all parents know that) and the only thing quicker than a kid is a Labrador retriever around anything remotely edible. | |
24 | 据当地媒体报道,澳大利亚昆士兰州一名20岁男子近日与其爱狗——一只5岁的拉布拉多犬结婚。 | A 20-year-old man from Queensland in Australia married his best friend - a 5-year-old Labrador , local media reported. | |
25 | 拉布拉多犬的毛色遗传 | Coat color inheritance of Labrador dog | |
26 | 拉布拉多幼犬的寄养训练 | The fostered training for puppy Labrador | |
27 | 另一股是拉布拉多湾流--从北冰洋下来的一股寒水流。 | Another is at he Labrador Current - cold water coming down from the Arctic. | |
28 | 纽约的安德鲁和朱莉萨克斯估计,他们每一年要花费15000美元在他们的黑色拉布拉多犬斯凯身上。 | Andrew and Julie Sacks of New York estimated that they spent $15, 000 a year on Skye, their black Labrador . | |
29 | 上周三,美国育犬协会公布年度最受欢迎犬种,拉布拉多寻回犬连续第19年当选。 | The Labrador Retriever was named the top dog in the United States on Wednesday for the 19th consecutive year by the American Kennel Club. | |
30 | 它是大西洋加拿大第二个最大的国家公园,处在纽芬兰和拉布拉多地区的格罗斯莫尔纳国家公园被指定为联合国教科文组织世界遗产的站点。 | The second largest national park in Atlantic Canada, Gros Morne in Newfoundland and Labrador is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site. |