属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-意大利职业自行车手新冠疫情下骑车为老年人送药
1 | 小旗,燕尾旗连接到一根杆或矛上的或挂在船桅杆上的窄的叉形旗或三角旗 | A narrow forked flag or streamer attached to a staff or lance or flown from a ship’s masthead. | |
2 | 小三角旗一种小的三角旗、旗或骑士矛上的尖旗 | A small pennon,flag,or streamer borne on a lance . | |
3 | 星期三,1993年世界锦标赛冠军兰斯·阿姆斯特朗宣布他将离开欧洲自行车坛。 | Lance Armstrong, the 1993 world champion announced on Wednesday that he is to leave the European cycling circuit. | |
4 | 叶亮绿色,披针形,叶尖细长。 | The long, pointed leaves are glossy green and lance -shaped. | |
5 | 一艘典型的海盗船载有40-60个勇士,个个头戴钢盔,肩披锁子甲,身佩一把长矛、一把利剑、一把匕首和一把巨大的战斧,有的还是弓箭能手。 | A typical Viking vessel carried 40 to 60 warriors, each clad in a suit of mail with steel helmet, armed with a lance , a sword, a dagger and an enormous battle-axe.Some were also expert bowmen | |
6 | 与...马上比枪矛(原指中世纪的武士比武); [转] 同...交锋; 同...辩论 | break a lance with... | |
7 | 这个国家随着音乐和宣言及愤怒和道德主张而跃动(兰斯·莫罗)参见 | The nation pulsed with music and proclamation,with rages and moral pretensions(Lance Morrow)See Synonyms at pulsate | |
8 | 主茎高约1公尺,直径约为38公分,主茎上密集丛生肉质矛形叶片,灰至深绿色,叶尖锐硬。坦桑尼亚和巴西是最主要的生产国。 | Growing to a height of about 3 ft (1 m)and a diameter of about 15 in. (38 cm), the stalk bears fleshy, rigid, gray to dark green, lance -shaped leaves in a dense rosette. Tanzania and Brazil are the main producers of sisal. | |
9 | 昨天汤姆和比尔发生了争论。 | Tom broke a lance with Bill yesterday | |
10 | 佐立告诉我,那是一种镖枪,他们可以投得又远又准。我不敢靠岸太近,并尽可能用手势与他们交谈。我尤其着力打出一些要求食物的手势。 | Which Xury said was a lance , and that could throw them a great way with good aim; so I kept at a distance, but talk’d with them by signs as well as I could particularly made signs for some thing to eat | |
11 | 作者是一名自由撰稿人,也从事顾问工作,过去5年来一直活跃于回教徒社会。 | (The writer is a free-lance writer and consultant. She has worked closely with the Muslim community for the last five years.) | |
12 | 作者是一名自由撰稿人,也从事顾问工作,过去5年来一直活跃于回教徒社会。 | The writer is a free-lance writer and consultant. She has worked closely with the Muslim community for the past five years | |
13 | 小马丁内利也是他父亲负责的阿斯塔纳车队的一员,美国自行车手兰斯·阿姆斯特朗2009年复出时就效力于该车队。 | Davide Martinelli is also part of his father’s Astana team — the team that American cyclist Lance Armstrong rode for in 2009 when he came out of retirement. | |
14 | 《一个美国家庭》风行一时,大儿子LanceLoud成为了名人,可能是世界上第一个公开的同性恋电视明星。 | "An American Family" was a hit, and Lance Loud, the oldest son, became a celebrity, perhaps the world’s first openly gay TV star. | |
15 | 1534年的财政改革确立戈比为基本硬币,其上印有手持长矛的大公浮雕像。 | The financial reform of 1534 made a copeck the basic coin, and there was a horseman with a lance printed on it. | |
16 | 1793年(清乾隆五十八年)马戛尔尼勋爵率领的英国使团,以向乾隆皇帝祝寿为名出使清朝。 | led by the Lord of Raymond Ma Ga lance British missions in the name of mission to the Qing Dynasty Qianlong emperor birthday. | |
17 | Cook先生对运动有着一定的热爱,经常在早上5点到达体育馆,在苹果的会议上他因引用自行车运动员LanceArmstrong而被大家知晓。 | A fitness fanatic who often arrives at the gym by 5 a. m. , Mr. Cook had been known to quote the cyclist Lance Armstrong in Apple meetings. | |
18 | 阿道夫希特勒在15年里从一位在德国陆军服役的一等兵到德国总理。 | Adolf Hitler went from being a lance corporal in the German army, to chancellor of Germany in 15 years. | |
19 | 澳斯麦特炉喷枪位置测量方法的改进 | Improvement of lance position measurement method for Ausmelt furnace | |
20 | 半钢炼钢转炉增大供氧强度的氧枪设计与使用 | Design and Application of Oxygen Lance for Converter Steelmaking with Semi-steel at PZH Steel | |
21 | 本发明公开了一种山胡萝卜简易快繁方法。 | The invention discloses an easy and quick propagating method for a lance asiabell root. | |
22 | 本文设计模糊自调整PID控制器,实现氧枪冷却水流量控制系统PID参数在线自整定。 | This paper introduces the fuzzy auto-tuning PID control of the cooling-water flux for the oxygen lance . | |
23 | 并联机构在电弧炉碳-氧喷枪中的应用 | Application of Parallel Mechanism in Carbon-Oxygen Lance for Arc Furnace | |
24 | 材料物性参数对脱硫喷枪热应力的影响 | Influence of Thermal Stresses in Desulfurizing Lance by Material Capabilities | |
25 | 裁缝大师兰斯军士--马修﹒埃尔斯于4月21日在伦敦视察维多利亚军营爱尔兰卫士的制服。 | Master tailor Lance Sergeant Matthew Else inspects the uniforms of members of the Irish Guards at Victoria Barracks in London on April 21. | |
26 | 藏族兵器中有长矛,造型多为纤巧利索的素铁工艺,上多少带有藏式风格的装饰图案。 | There’s long lance in Zang race’s weapon, which has shape of fine iron handiwork mostly, and decoration pattern of Zang style. | |
27 | 层流喷枪,喷管磅升阀石灰石 | L Laminar flow Lance Lbs = pounds Lift valve Limestone | |
28 | 达斯汀·兰斯·布莱克因《米克尔》赢得了最佳原创剧本奖,他也做了一个支持同性恋权利的热情洋溢的讲话。 | Dustin Lance Black, who won original screenplay for "Milk, " also gave an impassioned speech in favor of gay rights. | |
29 | 大家好,我是兰斯,我有毒瘾-你好,兰斯 | Hi, my name is Lance and I’m an addict. - Hi, Lance. | |
30 | 帝国海军带着鱼雷艇、航空母舰以及各种长枪短炮占领了大海,并守财奴一般地小心看护着。 | The Imperial Japanese Navy with their Long Lance torpedoes, aircraft carriers and big guns had captured the sea and guarded it jealously. |