属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-辞去稳定工作去务农
属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-有地可种能帮助中非农民减少冲突
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-金钱铺就美国移民路
1 | (a)获得此类支付的资格应由明确规定的标准确定,如收入、生产者或土地所有者的身份、规定和固定基期内生产要素利用或生产水平。 | (a)Eligibility for such payments shall be determined by clearly-defined criteria such as income, status as a producer or landowner , factor use or production level in a defined and fixed base period | |
2 | 村民和地主之间的争斗使村民双手沾满了鲜血,成为当时文章、绘画、漫画、报纸和杂志上各抒己见的焦点。 | A villager’s hands being smeared with blood as a result of the struggle between the landowner and villagers, had become the subject for days of articles, pictures, caricatures, and debates in the newspapers and magazines | |
3 | 地主港模式在我国港口的应用 | Application of Landowner Port Modes in China | |
4 | 地主通过熟人发现了那位律师,律师在办公室里等工作等了好多天。地主把这件事交给他。 | The landowner , through an acquaintance, found the lawyer who had been waiting days in his office for work and gave him the suit | |
5 | 富有的地主 | A landowner of some account. | |
6 | 该地主将在他的田地上摘取果浆权租出去了。 | The landowner farmed out the right to pick berries on his land. | |
7 | 赶走村民之后,这位原先就是大进口商、拥有一个丝织厂的地主计划建个现代化灌溉、产品十分丰富的水浇地农场。 | The landowner , who was primarily a big importer and owner of a textile factory, planned to make a modern, irrigated farm of the productive and watered land, after he had driven the villagers away | |
8 | 结果,法院裁决毗邻土地所有者可以上诉防止潮汐地被重新使用和开发。 | As a result, the court held that a neighboring landowner could sue to prevent tidelands from being filled and developed | |
9 | 她的父亲,约翰?达伦爵士,是本郡西部的一个大地主,一个豪华的绅士。 | Her father, Sir John Durham, was a large landowner in the western division of the county; a pompous gentleman | |
10 | 那个富裕的土地主被指控操纵地方议会。 | The wealthy landowner was accused of manipulating the local council | |
11 | 农民过去受地主的压迫. | Peasants used to be subject to the local landowner . | |
12 | 石油勘探者和地产所有者之间的一项盈亏未定的合约 | an aleatory contract between an oil prospector and a landowner . | |
13 | 土地拥有者不停购买以扩充她的财产。 | The landowner enlarged her property by repeated purchases. | |
14 | 应该由地位崇高的地主来担负的责任 | Such duties as were expected of a landowner of his magnitude | |
15 | 最贫贱的劳动者享有和最富的地主同样的权利. | The meanest labourer has the same rights as the richest landowner | |
16 | ||1:可是若她有路见不平拨刀相助的侠气,这一路上却有太多的不平。||2:作为殖民地的肯尼亚并不是非洲人的乐土,各个城镇实际上被隔离,黑人几乎没有政治权力,尤其在二十世纪五十年代茅茅党叛乱的时候,英方与叛乱方都种下滔天罪行。||3:此外,尽管马塔伊的父亲耕种的土地属于一个比较善良的白人地主,定价权毕竟在地主手上,他种出的粮食,几乎所有的都要卖给地主。 | ||1:And, boy, were there lots of them.Colonial Kenya was hardly idyllic for Africans.||2:Towns were de facto segregated and blacks had few political rights, especially during the Mau Mau rebellion in the early 1950s, when both sides committed hideous atrocities.||3:Moreover, although Dr Maathai’s father worked for a benign white landowner , he was obliged to sell to his employer almost all the crops he grew on his allotted patch at whatever price was offered. | |
17 | ||1:有个讲的最多的笑话是 哈佛希伯来语文学教授Ruth Wisse属于Immanuel Olsvanger ,后者是个搜集希伯来语笑话的民俗学家,于1888年出生于波兰。||2:这里只是转述一下。||3:跟农民讲笑话他会大笑三次,第一次是你给他讲的时候,第二次是你向他解释的时候,最后一次是当他终于听懂的时候。||4:地主会笑两次:你讲的时候还有听你解释的时候。||5:而警察只会在听你讲时候笑一笑,他不会让你解释所以他也不会听懂。||6:但当你跟一个犹太人讲笑话时,他会跟你说“噢,这我以前就听过,我可以讲的更好”。 | ||1:The most telling joke is one that Ruth Wisse, professor of Yiddish literature at Harvard, attributes to Immanuel Olsvanger, a folklorist who was born in Poland in 1888 and who collected Yiddish humour.||2:Here it is, paraphrased.||3:When you tell a joke to a peasant, he laughs three times: once when you tell it, next when you explain it to him and finally when he understands it.||4:The landowner laughs twice: once when you tell it and again when you explain it.||5:The policeman laughs only when you tell it, because he does not let you explain it and so never understands.||6:When you tell a Jew a joke he says, “I’ve heard it before. | |
18 | 米尔斯表示,“他们能联系上土地所有者,这样我就能获得可耕种的土地,这是关键。然后,他们提供融资用于围栏和灌溉这些基础设施让我们起步。” | "They provided the connection with the landowner , so I could actually have the land to farm on, which is key. Then, certainly, they provided the financing for the deer fence and the irrigation, some basic things to get going," Mills said. | |
19 | 他说,这些农民可以用收成抵租金,通常需要给地主20%的收成。但是随着技术改良的冒头,一些地主可能不满足于歉收收成的20%这样一个份额。 | He says those farmers can use land if they give a share of their harvest, often 20 percent, to the landowner or manager. But as improved techniques take hold, some landowners may not be satisfied with a 20 percent share of what is likely to be a poor harvest. | |
20 | 一些美国人已经对该计划表达了担忧。农场主哈兰德·罗德姆斯克(Harland Radomske)初次听到该计划时,是一群韩国富人被邀请投资邻近他农场的一处陆上风力发电场。他担心风力发电场会使他家农场贬值,当然还不止这些。 | Some Americans have expressed concerns about the program. Landowner Harland Radomske first heard about it when a group of wealthy Koreans were invited to invest in a wind farm on land next to his property. He feared a wind farm would reduce the value of his ranch, and there was more. | |
21 | 他当然不会娶我们中间任何一个人,也不会娶苔丝——他是一个绅士的儿子,将来他要到国外去做大地主和农场主的呀! | ’Of course he won’t marry any one of us, or Tess either - a gentleman’s son, who’s going to be a great landowner and farmer abroad! | |
22 | 他对农村信德省人的描写,以及在那儿他看到的烦恼的封建地主形象都令人难忘。 | His descriptions of rural Sindh and the troubled feudal landowner he finds there are unforgettable. | |
23 | 他完全可能是一个怪癖的地主,也完全可能是一个体面的农夫。 | He might with equal probability have been an eccentric landowner or a gentlemanly ploughman. | |
24 | 已经拥有被按揭抵押土地的所有人可能会希望抵押他的衡平法权益。 | A landowner who already holds land subject to a mortgage may wish to hypothecate his equity . | |
25 | 在美国,采矿权属于土地所有者。 | In America, mineral rights belong to the landowner . | |
26 | 在阵亡将士纪念日周末,该州西北地区的一位土地所有者向自然资源部报告了这头小熊。 | A landowner in the northwestern part of the state told the state Department of Natural Resources about the cub over Memorial Day weekend. | |
27 | 这块地皮的开发商和地产所有人之间也因地产租赁合同条款产生了分歧。 | There has also been a row between the site’s developer and its landowner over the terms of the lease. | |
28 | 这一点后来我就见识到了。第二天,这片土地的主人杰弗里·纽曼爵士来带我去参观灯塔。 | I was reminded of this the next day, when local landowner Sir Geoffrey Newman arrived to give me a tour of the lighthouse. |