属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-苏联旧事 斯大林和他可憎的事业
1 | 党国体制下党与立法机构关系的若干思考─中国大陆个案分析 | Some Thoughts on the Party-Legislature Relations of Leninist Regimes: The Case of China | |
2 | 基层组织中央控制的集团或运动的最小组织单位,特别是列宁式政党的。 | The smallest organizational unit of a centralized group or movement, especially of a political party of Leninist structure. | |
3 | 近来马克思列宁主义的书籍翻译的多了,读的人也多了。 | Recently more marxist-leninist works have been translated and more people have been reading them | |
4 | 就思想状况来说,党内有三种人:有的同志是坚定的,没有动摇的,是马克思列宁主义思想 | Ideologically, the Party membership falls into three categories: some comrades are firm and unwavering and are Marxist-Leninist in their thinking | |
5 | 瞿秋白在马列文论“中国化”进程中的地位 | On Qu Qiubai’s Position in the Sinicizing Process of Marxist-Leninist Literatureand Art Theory | |
6 | 列宁式的共产主义. | a Leninist form of communism | |
7 | 列宁主义的党. | a party of Leninist s | |
8 | 马克思列宁主义的立场、观点和方法 | Marxist-Leninist stand, viewpoint and method | |
9 | 马克思列宁主义的战士. | a Marxist-Leninist fighter | |
10 | 马克思列宁主义思想. | Marxist-Leninist ideologies | |
11 | 马列主义理论不是教条,而是行动的指南. | The Marxist-Leninist theory is not a dogma but a guide to action. | |
12 | 全球化历史进程与资本主义阶段同步发展及其当代启示-列宁主义全球化理论的思考 | Simultaneous Development of the Historical Process of Globalization and the Capitalist Period and Its Contemporary Inspiration-Consideration of the Leninist Theory on Globalization | |
13 | 如果你能应用马克思列宁主义的观点,说明一个两个实际问题,那就要受到称赞,就算有了几分成绩。 | If you can apply the Marxist-Leninist viewpoint in elucidating one or two practical problems, you should be commended and credited with some achievement | |
14 | 苏共中央马克思列宁主义研究院 | The Soviet Central Marxist-Leninist Institute; Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (IML).; Инcтитyт Mаpkcиэма-Лeниниэма пpи ЦK KПCC | |
15 | 我们必须永远坚持马克思列宁主义原则。 | We must always hold on to the marxist-leninist principles | |
16 | 我们读了许多马克思列宁主义的书籍,能不能就算是有了理论家呢? | We have read a great many Marxist-Leninist books, but can we claim, then, that we have theorists? | |
17 | 我们应当说,没有科学的态度,即没有马克思列宁主义的理论和实践统一的态度,就叫做没有党性,或叫做党性不完全。 | We must assert that the absence of a scientific attitude, that is, the absence of the Marxist-Leninist approach of uniting theory and practice, means that Party spirit is either absent or deficient | |
18 | 我们有批评和自我批评这个马克思列宁主义的武器。 | We have the marxist-leninist weapon of criticism and self-criticism | |
19 | 要使革命精神获得发展,必须抛弃党八股,采取生动活泼新鲜有力的马克思列宁主义的文风。 | To develop the revolutionary spirit it is necessary to discard stereotyped Party writing and instead to adopt the Marxist-Leninist style of writing, which is vigorous, lively, fresh and forceful | |
20 | 有一部分同志,基本上是马克思列宁主义,但夹杂着一些非马克思列宁主义的思想 | quite a number are essentially marxist-leninist but infected with non-marxist-leninist ideas | |
21 | 原则性和灵活性的统一,是马克思列宁主义的原则,这是一种对立面的统一。 | The integration of principle with flexibility is a Marxist-Leninist principle, and it is a unity of opposites | |
22 | 这一点在马克思列宁主义书本里是没有的。现在我们还是坚持马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想。这里有继承的部分,有发展的部分。 | Although that strategy is not to be found in Marxist-Leninist books. Today we still uphold Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, part of which we have inherited and part of which we have developed ourselves. | |
23 | 真正的马克思列宁主义者必须根据现在的情况,认识、继承和发展马克思列宁主义。 | A true Marxist-Leninist must understand, carry on and develop Marxism-Leninism in light of the current situation. | |
24 | 直到现在,还有不少的人,把马克思列宁主义书本上的某些个别字句看作现成的灵丹圣药,似乎只要得了它,就可以不费气力地包医百病。 | Even now, there are not a few people who still regard odd quotations from Marxist-Leninist works as a ready made panacea which, once acquired, can easily cure all maladies | |
25 | 中国伟大的马克思列宁主义者毛泽东,并不是在马克思、列宁的书本里寻求在落后的中国夺取新民主主义革命胜利的途径。 | It was not by reading the works of Marx and Lenin that the great Marxist-Leninist Mao Zedong learned how to accomplish the new-democratic revolution in backward China. | |
26 | 组织内卷与列宁式政党的调适与变迁:中国共产党个案分析 | Organizational Involution and the Adaptability of a Leninist Political Party: The Case of the CCP | |
27 | ||1:首先,斯大林是一个共产主义者。他相信只要是为了神圣的事业,采取最极端措施也是可以的。而不相信的人称之为空前的暴行。||2:盖拉特莱最新的作品堪称大师之作。文中表达的中心思想会让一些人感到不安。那些人认为斯大林主义不合常规,或者是对西方所犯的错误作出的回应。||3:人们可以轻率地说,斯大林就是一个精神病,他为引起恐慌而信仰恐怖活动。或者说他用对“红色沙皇”的个人狂热崇拜取代意识形态。||4:斯大林是彻头彻尾的列宁主义者,他爱耍阴谋,心狠手辣,生性多疑,却坚信自己事业的正义性。 | ||1: FIRST and foremost, Stalin was a communist, who believed that the sacred cause justified the most extreme measures: what non-believers would call unparalleled barbarity. ||2: This central message in Robert Gellately’s masterly new book is an uncomfortable one for those who believe that Stalinism was an aberration, or a reaction to mistakes made by the West. ||3: It is facile to say Stalin was simply a psychopath, that he believed in terror for terror’s sake, or that the Red Tsar’s personality cult replaced ideology. ||4: A Leninist to his core, he was conspiratorial, lethal, cynical and utterly convinced of his own rightness. | |
28 | 30年前,我们会说,列宁资本主义是一个自相矛盾的概念,就像如油炸冰淇淋。 | Thirty years ago we would have said that Leninist capitalism was a contradiction in terms, like fried snowballs. | |
29 | 毕竟,从本质上来说,中国的政治经济事务依然是受列宁主义国家控制的。 | After all, China’s political and economic affairs are still run with what is essentially a Leninist apparatus of state. | |
30 | 从列宁的民族理论看苏联解体的原因 | An Analysis of the Causes of Disintegration of Soviet Union from the Viewpoint of Leninist Theory on Nationalities |