1 | 在那个容易出事的地方一定得修建灯塔。 | A lighthouse must be built at that dangerous place. | |
2 | 这项研究符合壳牌在世界范围内创建多个“灯塔项目”的全球战略。 | The study is in line with Shell′s global strategy to create a number of ‘Lighthouse ′ Projects globally. | |
3 | ||1:1939年,美国灯塔管理局划归到海岸警卫队。自那以后,海岸警卫队负责管理美国1000多座灯塔。||2:但渐渐地,美国海军看护的灯塔越来越少。||3:2000年《国家历史灯塔保存法案》允许海岸警卫队将那些被认为是“其服务已不再必要”的灯塔出售或转让给私有个体。||4:从此,美国联邦政府出售转让了书中记载的仅存的600座灯塔中的84座。||5:大部分灯塔转交给当地政府或非营利机构,但28座灯塔已被拍卖给个人。 | ||1:The Coast Guard took charge of America’s more than 1,000 lighthouses in 1939, when it absorbed the United States Lighthouse Service.||2:But it has been slowly letting them go.||3:In 2000 the National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act allowed the sale or transfer of lighthouses deemed “excess to service requirements” by the Coast Guard to private entities.||4:Since then the federal government has moved 84 lighthouses of the 600 that were left off its books.||5:Most have been transferred to local governments or non-profits, but 28 have been auctioned off to private individuals. | |
4 | ||1:爱德华.肯尼迪试图让时间定格1989年。||2:当时,美国海岸防卫队正准备从波士顿港撤走所有留守人员,实现灯塔全自动化。||3:然而与波士顿有着深厚渊源的自由派参议员肯尼迪,提出了一份议案,要求派人长期驻守灯塔。||4:因此,灯塔由士兵守候了又是近十年光景,这样灯塔顽强地得以维持其原状。||5:兴建于1783年的波士顿灯塔(其前身是美国最古老的灯塔,1776年6月英国人仓惶归国时,将其炸毁)是美国最古老的灯塔之一。||6:经过长期的争取,肯尼迪最终于1998年出台了一项折衷方案:波士顿灯塔最终实现自动化,而且也是全美唯一一座由海岸警卫队驻守的灯塔。 | ||1:IN 1989 Edward Kennedy tried to stop time.||2:The United States Coast Guard was preparing to automate and remove all remaining personnel from the old lighthouse in Boston Harbour.||3:But Kennedy, a liberal senator from a family with deep roots in Boston, sponsored a bill requiring the Boston Light to be permanently manned.||4:And so it soldiered on for nearly another decade, stubbornly holding to the old ways.||5:Built in 1783, it is one of America’s oldest lighthouses (the oldest was its predecessor, which the British blew up as they slunk home in June 1776).||6:In 1998 time and Senator Kennedy reached a compromise: the light itself was at last automated, but it remains the last one with resident Coast Guard keepers. | |
5 | ||1:上面说的没错,但从实用性角度为灯塔辩护,显然没有说到关键之处。||2: 当然,灯塔吸引了大批来此消费的游客;一项非官方调查预计修整 Bodie灯塔将为当地经济带来总计870万美元的收入,该灯塔预计于2013年4月首次向游客开放。 ||3:但在Padgett女士看来,保存好灯塔是让“我们子孙感受一两百年来这里变迁”的一种方式。||4:人们建造灯塔来让它们守候大海。||5:灯塔让人们想到,当水手们与沃尔特.惠特曼笔下“那永不宁静的奔腾,那白浪般的滚卷的浪峰----那向陆地急推又急推的浪头“搏斗时,有人在灯塔上眺望,盼望他们安全归来。 | ||1: All that is true, but defending lighthouses as a matter of utility surely misses the point. ||2: Of course, lighthouses draw tourists, who spend money; one informal study estimated that restoring the Bodie Island lighthouse , which is scheduled to open to visitors for the first time in April 2013, would add $8.7m in total income to the regional economy. ||3: But for Ms Padgett, preserving them is a way “to give our children and grandchildren a feel for what happened in this place a hundred or two hundred years ago.” ||4: Men built them by hand to stand watch over the sea. ||5: Lighthouses remind people that as mariners battled what Walt Whitman called “the wild unrest, the snowy, curling caps—that inbound urge and urge of waves, Seeking the shores forever,” someone was watching over them, and wishing them safely home. | |
6 | 1:小高五月在北京大学参加的一次比赛中,学生们辩论中国的崛起对美国是利还是弊?辩论来来回回,有一个参与者为美国说话,总结到,我们是自由和民主的灯塔。||2:为什么你们觉得这个思想无法战胜共产主义意识形态的中国版呢。 | 1:At one competition at Peking University, in which Mr Gao took part in May, students debated whether China’s rise is good for America or not.||2:The debate went back and forth, with one participant, speaking for America, concluding: “we are the lighthouse of…liberty and democracy. | |
7 | 然而,有许多渔民仍然喜欢利用灯塔而不是卫星来导航,所以有时候,他们会忘记带导航系统。外班克斯列岛灯塔协会(该协会曾请求联邦政府拨款整修一度年久失修的Bodie灯塔)会长Bett Padgett提醒人们太阳耀斑会让卫星暂时失灵。 | Still, some fishermen enjoy navigating by light rather than satellite. Sometimes they forget to take their navigation systems on board.|| Bett Padgett, who heads the Outer Banks Lighthouse Society, which petitioned the federal government for funds to restore Bodie Island’s once-crumbling lighthouse, warns of solar flares knocking out satellites.|| | |
8 | 《到灯塔去》是一部探索人生意义,追求光明生活的杰作。 | To the Lighthouse is a prominent novel that probes the significance of life and pursues the brilliant future. | |
9 | 《到灯塔去》中女性意识的分析 | On Female Consciousness in To the Lighthouse | |
10 | 城市中心又在塞车,而且成内亚还得翻过灯塔小山。 | There was a traffic jam in the city center, and Chenayya had to go over Lighthouse Hill again. | |
11 | 除了灯塔(以及为数众多的岩石)之外,其他地方的用场是放牧牛群和羊群。 | What is not taken up by the lighthouse (and lots of rocks) is used for grazing cattle and sheep. | |
12 | 灯塔顾客导向:高技术企业市场导向研究 | Lighthouse - customer Orientation: the Research of High- tech Enterprise Market Orientation | |
13 | 后来我知道,在灯塔顶部有一个用于检测空气湿度的探雾器。 | Later I learn that a fog detector close to the top of the lighthouse measures the amount of moisture in the air. | |
14 | 基德曼,因出演《时时刻刻》中的弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫,获2003年奥斯卡最佳女主角,她选的是伍尔夫的《到灯塔去》。 | Kidman, who won an Oscar in 2003 for her portrayal of Virginia Woolf in The Hours, will record Woolf’s To the Lighthouse . | |
15 | 金星灯塔:钓鱼礁周围黑色的沙滩,蔚蓝的海水。 | Pointe Venus Lighthouse . : Black sand beach and clear blue water by a fishing reef. | |
16 | 看到敦克尔克灯塔后,我开始降落——这是一种不寻常的感受。 | Making landfall over the lighthouse at Dunkirk was an extraordinary feeling. | |
17 | 年8月18日在美国威斯康星州,闪电奔向在密歇根湖的风点灯塔,就像风暴袭击了风点。 | Lightning streaks toward the Wind Point Lighthouse on Lake Michigan as severe storms hit Wind Point, Wis. , on Aug. | |
18 | 如果你心脏不好的话,他们会建议你不要爬到顶上去,因为灯塔有28米高。 | The lighthouse is 28 metres high, so climbing to the top is not recommended if you have heart problems. | |
19 | 甚至是守望着我出生的灯塔守护者——以及港口引导员。 | Even the lighthouse keepers along the way assisted in my birth --and the harbor pilots. | |
20 | 斯达特岬角灯塔建于1836年,俯瞰着英吉利海峡的斯达特海湾。 | Start Point Lighthouse , overlooking the English Channel on Start Bay, was built in 1836. | |
21 | 似乎是一座灯塔;可那灯塔在他脑子里——一片闪烁的炽烈的白光。 | It seemed a lighthouse ; but it was inside his brain - a flashing, bright white light. It flashed swifter and swifter. | |
22 | 他刚接到任务,要他抄近道送货到罗斯小巷,所以必须得翻越灯塔小山。 | He had been told to take the quick route to Rose Lane, so he had to go over Lighthouse Hill. | |
23 | 他往回走的时候已经到了晚上,为了尽快回到铺子里,他抄近道过小灯塔山。 | It was nighttime when he cycled back. To get to the shop faster, he took the route down over Lighthouse Hill. | |
24 | 我们的第一站是佩姬湾,这里幽冥般的白色巨石上坐落着在童话书里才能看到的灯塔。 | Our first stop was at Peggy’s Cove where ghostly white boulders cradle a child’s picture-book lighthouse . | |
25 | 一个灯塔竖立在迈阿密戴德县的比尔巴格斯凯普佛罗里达州立公园,这是榜单上的最后一名。 | A lighthouse stands sentry at Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park, in Miami-Dade County, which is last on the list. | |
26 | 远处来自灯塔的闪光给飘荡在海上的船带来了希望。 | The distant flash from the lighthouse gives hope to boats floating on the sea. | |
27 | 在Egersheld海角上的灯塔是海参葳距离俄罗斯岛最近的点。 | The lighthouse on the Cape of Egersheld is the nearest to Russian Island point of Vladivostok. | |
28 | 在我们离开的那天,酒店的经理送给我们一张地图,上面标注了这里古老的教堂、灯塔和海盗公墓。 | On our last day, the hotel manager gave me a map of the island, marking the old church, the lighthouse and a pirate cemetery. | |
29 | 这份传票认定Kimelman是Quad的交易员和Lighthouse金融集团的经纪商。 | The subpoena identified Kimelman as a trader with Quad and a broker with Lighthouse Financial Group. | |
30 | 这一点后来我就见识到了。第二天,这片土地的主人杰弗里·纽曼爵士来带我去参观灯塔。 | I was reminded of this the next day, when local landowner Sir Geoffrey Newman arrived to give me a tour of the lighthouse . |