属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-福利改革 睡房与碎砖
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-无酗酒酒吧 酒不醉人
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-听君一席话 胜读十年书
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-自由交易 巨人
1 | 装傻的面容、假操利物浦的口音、扮出受伤的样子 | Put on a silly face,a Liverpool accent,a wounded expression | |
2 | ||1:节流能否实现取决于人们多大程度上愿意挪窝。||2:到目前为止,据BBC调查,目标群体中只有6%受到影响。||3:其中大部分都住在北部衰落的工业区城镇中。城镇委员会手握大量1950s-1960s相对较小的单套住房。||4:例如,利物浦那里24%的社会租户受到此项政策影响。||5:威斯敏斯特则相反,房屋需求旺盛,社会租户只占5%。 | ||1:Whether it can do so depends largely on people being able to move.||2:So far just 6% of those affected have done, according to a BBC survey.||3:A high proportion live in post-industrial northern towns, where councils own plenty of 1950s and 1960s family homes but comparatively few smaller flats.||4:In Liverpool , for example, 24% of social tenants are affected by the policy.||5:In Westminster, by contrast, where there is enormous demand for housing, the figure is just 5%. | |
3 | ||1:利物浦和诺丁汉也开了一些节制酒吧,两个著名的奢侈之城——布赖顿和纽卡尔斯也有此计划。||2:与咖啡厅不同,戒指酒吧在夜里会开到很晚。||3:在其他方面,它们与正常酒吧相仿,用轻音乐、喜剧表演和电影招徕顾客。||4:诺丁汉的Sobar开张于今年的1月份,其经理亚历克斯·吉尔默希望当灯光变暗,DJ响起时,它看起来像正常酒吧一样。||5:Redemption失去了酒品带来的丰厚的利润,但是节制饮酒会带来它自身的利润。||6:Redemption的创始人凯瑟琳·梭威说,酒吧的生意每天都保持在一个稳定的水平,而不是在周末的时候有个峰值。||7:没有了酒鬼,没有了喧闹,说明海量的人并不是必须的。 | ||1:Abstemious bars have also opened in Liverpool and Nottingham, and are planned for Brighton and Newcastle—two famously high-living towns.||2:Unlike many cafés, they stay open late.||3:They emulate bars in other ways, with live music, comedy acts and films to pull in punters.||4:When the lights go down and the DJ plays at Sobar, which opened in Nottingham in January, it looks like any city bar, hopes Alex Gillmore, the manager.||5:Redemption misses the hefty profits made on alcohol, but temperance brings its own benefits.||6:Business remains steady throughout the week rather than spiking at the weekend, says Catherine Salway, its founder.||7:The absence of drunken, obstreperous patrons means that bouncers are unnecessary. | |
4 | ||1:特里爵士, 可谓是英国的一例典型,因他身上带着英国人身上越来越稀有特质:他虽是工人阶级的孩子,可机智幽默,勤奋努力的品性,让显得他出众不凡。||2:爵士的父亲是爱尔兰人,家中有9个兄弟姐妹。||3:而特里是在利物浦街区长大的,结伴的还有家中的其他三个孩子。||4:他之所以能够迈向成功,多少要归功于当年一份当地公共学校的奖学金,以及在商品零售业体验的机会:虽是在乐购的货架间铺展开职业生涯,14年后却能以CEO的身份离开。 | ||1:Sir Terry is an example of a type of Briton that is becoming increasingly rare: a working-class boy made good by dint of quick wits and hard work.||2:His Irish father was one of ten children.||3:He grew up on a Liverpool housing estate as one of four.||4:A scholarship to a local public school and a taste for the grocery business provided him with a ladder up: he started his career stacking shelves at Tesco and ended up as CEO for 14 years. | |
5 | ||1:由于涉及巨额交易,金融业总是有足够的资金尽早实现突破。||2:第一条横跨大西洋的光缆于1866年建成,用来在利物浦和纽约之间传输棉花价格。||3:上世纪80年代,华尔街分析师是Excel等电子表格软件的早期拥护者。||4:从那以后,计算机征服了金融业的大片领域。||5:首先要做的是“执行”买卖订单。||6:今天去交易大厅,你会听到服务器的嗡嗡声,而不是交易员的吼叫声。||7:高频交易利用类似证券价格的微小差异,进行大量交易。 | ||1:Because it deals in huge sums, finance has always had the cash to adopt breakthroughs early.||2:The first transatlantic cable, completed in 1866, carried cotton prices between Liverpool and New York.||3:Wall Street analysts were early devotees of spreadsheet software, such as Excel, in the 1980s.||4:Since then, computers have conquered swathes of the financial industry.||5:First to go was the chore of “executing” buy and sell orders.||6:Visit a trading floor today and you will hear the hum of servers, not the roar of traders.||7:High-frequency trading exploits tiny differences in the prices of similar securities, using a barrage of transactions. | |
6 | 上个世纪30跟40年代,科斯在英国学术界十分活跃,从敦堤到利物浦,然后又回到伦敦经济学院,科斯一路研究公共事业公司的运行机制。 | Mr Coase bounced around British academia in the 1930s and 1940s, from Dundee to Liverpool and back to the LSE, researching the workings of public utilities as he went. | |
7 | (利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学*艺术设计学院建筑中心)Liverpool | Centre For Architecture, Liverpool School of Art & Design, Liverpool John Moores University | |
8 | “马来西亚人都支持利物浦吗?” | "Does everyone in Malaysia support Liverpool ? " | |
9 | “玛格丽特,明天早上第一班火车我就要到利物浦去;我得把你的外公替换回来。”他说。 | "Margaret, I’m bound for Liverpool by the first train tomorrow; I must set your grandfather at liberty, " said he. | |
10 | “披头士研究”的第一个硕士学位被授予了一位来自利物浦的女士…… | The first Masters degree in ’Beatles studies’ has been awarded to a lady in Liverpool . . . | |
11 | “只要有团队配合,和利物浦自身的拼搏精神,我们就能击败任何人。”托雷斯说。 | "Playing as a team and working hard the way Liverpool do, we can beat anyone, " Torres said. | |
12 | 1968年夺冠以后,俱乐部不仅在走下坡路,而且更糟糕的是,他们的头号死敌利物浦开始崛起。 | In the years since 1968, the club’s fortunes had not only declined but, worse, those of its greatest rival, Liverpool FC, had risen. | |
13 | 1970年一个研究血型的团队给利物浦几个街区的居民做了血型测试。 | In 1970 a group of researchers looking into blood groups tested the blood types of inhabitants in a block of flats in Liverpool . | |
14 | 2008年,这个蜘蛛机器人漫步在利物浦街头。它有五十条腿,人们讽刺地将其命名为“公主”。 | Ironically dubbed "La Princesse, " this 50-foot spider bot roamed the streets of Liverpool in 2008. | |
15 | 阿森纳在过去几周先后遭到利物浦,曼联和布莱克本的绝杀后开始放慢了比赛速度。 | Arsenal started the campaign slowly after disappointing defeats against Liverpool , Manchester United and Blackburn in the opening weeks. | |
16 | 奥尼尔承认,从维拉公园全取三分的利物浦的品质,是值得他的俱乐部立志达到的。 | O’Neill admits the quality of the Liverpool side that left Villa Park with all three points was something for his club to aspire to. | |
17 | 伯恩茅斯大学与利物浦大学灵长类进化和形态学研究组共同进行这个项目。 | The project is being carried out by Bournemouth University with the Primate Evolution and Morphology Group at the University of Liverpool . | |
18 | 初来乍到的弗格森就立下一个压到一切的目标:把利物浦从王座上拖下来。 | He arrived with one overriding ambition, which was to knock Liverpool off its pedestal. | |
19 | 达格利什则不同,他麾下的利物浦实践着他对足球这项美丽运动的爱。 | Dalglish was different; on becoming manager, his Liverpool sides embodied his love of the Beautiful Game. | |
20 | 大儿子朱利安和列侬的第一任妻子辛西娅现致力于利物浦新的IMAGINE和平和和谐纪念碑。 | Older son Julian and John’s first wife Cynthia are dedicating the new Imagine Peace & Harmony monument in Liverpool . | |
21 | 当今足坛风起云涌变化太多,但是大家不要忘记一个最基本的事实--拉法尔和利物浦的合同还有四年的时间。 | In football everything changes quickly, but the basic principle is that Rafa still has a four-year contract with Liverpool . | |
22 | 定于星期六与利物浦队的比赛 | Saturday’s fixture against Liverpool | |
23 | 对那些庆祝21年来首座冠军杯的利物浦球迷来说,这将是一场历久弥新的经典大战。 | For Liverpool fans, celebrating their club’s first European Cup for 21 years, the game was one for the ages. | |
24 | 对于利物浦街头的暴力事件,我们绝不手软,并将迅速采取强硬措施给予回应。 | We will not tolerate any violence on the streets of Liverpool and have taken swift and robust action in response. | |
25 | 对于欧洲冠军联赛的所有参赛球队来说,利物浦是一支神秘而又危险的队伍。 | Liverpool are as much of a mystery as a menace to all rivals in the Champions League. | |
26 | 而上赛季利物浦只输了两场,他们26场比赛才丢了那么多球。 | Last season, in a campaign when Liverpool lost just two games, they needed 26 games to concede that many. | |
27 | 发展计划中包含了一幢六十层高的“上海塔”,这座塔的名字意在巩固利物浦和上海之间的联系(两个城市在1999年结为友好城市)。 | The plans include a 60-storey "Shanghai tower, " named to reinforce Liverpool ’s links to that city (the two have been "twinned" since 1999). | |
28 | 非洲研究是在南非、马拉维研究者合作进行和英国是在利物浦大学。 | The African study was a collaboration between researchers in South Africa, Malawi, and the University of Liverpool in the UK. | |
29 | 分别在上周末对桑德兰,以及对里昂比赛中出场的库伊特和恩格暴露出利物浦锋线资源的匮乏。 | Kuyt (last weekend at Sunderland) and Ngog (against Lyon) had demonstrated the paucity of Liverpool ’s resources in the striking department. | |
30 | 红军超常表现,不过阿圭罗的世界波让利物浦空欢喜一场。 | Liverpool produced an impressive performance, but were denied a win by Sergio Aguero’s superb finish. |