1 | 这条路沿湖绕一大圈。 | The road makes a wide loop around the lake. | |
2 | 这些宽带用户环路系统将为可视电话、视频娱乐节目等业务提供通路。光纤的使用将使这些宽带业务变得经济可行。 | These wideband subscriber loop systems would provide access to services such as picturephone and video entertainment. Widespread installation of these broadband services will become economically feasible. | |
3 | 这种机器适用于缝制多数面料,但不适用弹性十足的面料,带有成圈装置的机器适合用来缝制弹性十足的面料。 | This machine is very suitable for the sewing of most fabrics except for those which have a great deal of elasticity, when a machine with a loop formation to the stitch would be more appropriate. | |
4 | 这种弯道的平均长度在半英里到一英里之间,大概要花6-8个小时走完,这也是一个家庭在游乐园里所逗留的平均时间。 | The average duell loop is between a half mile to a mile in length, and takes six to eight hours to cover, the same amount of time the average family spends at a park | |
5 | 针织过程包括针的成圈,线圈被针握持直至形成新的线圈,然后脱圈,逐渐形成针织物。 | The knitting process includes the needles that permit the loops to be formed, held on the needle until a new loop is made, and then knocked off to gradually build the knit structure. | |
6 | 针织线圈可以按其几何形状或观察者观察的方式来分类。 | The knit loop may be characterized by its geometry or by the way in which it is viewed by an observer. | |
7 | 整个制导回路包含一个积分和一个无固有微分。 | The complete guidance loop contains one integration and one inherent differentiation | |
8 | 直接的原因则是最近问世的aTM型宽带ISDN和不对称数字用户回路。 | The direct cause is the emerging aTM-based BISDN and the advent of aDSL, the shortened form of asymmetric digital subscriber loop . | |
9 | 注样回路上有一段不锈钢定量管。 | The sample loop was a length of stainless-steel tubing of the correct volume | |
10 | 作者介绍了开路振动控制技术。 | The author describes the techniques of open-loop vibrational control. |