1 | “很简单,因为打听到我所站的这块地皮要出租,我就去要求承租,业主马上就接受了,而我现在就是这一大片苜蓿花的主人了。 | Simply, that having ascertained that the piece of ground on which I stand was to let, I made application for it, was readily accepted by the proprietor, and am now master of this fine crop of lucerne | |
2 | …湖用于湖的名字中,一些湖名的特定组成部分;如,伊利湖;卢斯米湖;伦蒙湖 | For the names of actual lakes,see the specific element of the name;for example,Erie,Lake;Lucerne ,Lake of;Lomond,Loch. | |
3 | 除了小麦和大麦外,玉米和苜蓿是最适合他们那种气候的作物。 | Maize and lucerne , apart from wheat and barley, are the crops best suited to their climate | |
4 | 卢塞恩市瑞士中部的一座城市,位于群山环抱的且形状不规则的卢塞恩湖的北岸。这座城市是围绕一个18世纪建立的寺庙发展起来的。现在是一个主要游览胜地。人口61, | A city of central Switzerland on the northern shore of the Lake of Lucerne ,an irregularly shaped lake surrounded by mountains.The city developed around a monastery founded in the eighth century and is a major resort.Population,61,000. | |
5 | 马西米兰一下子跳进他的苜蓿花地里,开始用最无情的态度铲起野草来。 | Maximilian leaped at one bound into his crop of lucerne , which he began to pull up in the most ruthless way, under the pretext of being occupied in weeding it | |
6 | 施肥对苜蓿+无芒雀麦混播草地氮、磷、钾含量的效应 | Effects of Fertilization Application on the Content of N, P, K in Individual Specie of Lucerne /Smooth Bromegrass Mixed Grassland | |
7 | 在这个果园里,以前曾一度种植过最精美的水果和蔬菜,现在却只疏疏松松地种植着一些苜蓿花,由于无人照料,将来,恐怕免不了要成一块贫瘠的空地的。 | Horticulture seemed, however, to have been abandoned in the deserted kitchen-garden; and where cabbages, carrots, radishes, pease, and melons had once flourished, a scanty crop of lucerne alone bore evidence of its being deemed worthy of cultivation | |
8 | 紫花苜蓿草地节肢动物群落功能团和营养层的多样性 | Diversity in Functional Group and Nutritional Class of Arthropod Community on Cultivated Lucerne Grassland | |
9 | ||1:书中最出彩的一章大概就属最后一章了,描写了克劳迪奥·阿巴多与琉森节庆管弦乐团。||2:阿巴多先生沉默少语是出了名的,所以他自己并没有多说什么,但他的乐团成员完全代劳——成为他指挥天赋的最佳证明。||3:成员都说他不一般,不仅是因为他有敏锐的洞察力、权威的阐释和充满神秘力量的手势,而是因为他聆听音乐的独到之法。||4:他能唤醒音乐,并邀请音乐伴他左右。 | ||1:The most illuminating chapter is perhaps the final one, about the relationship between Claudio Abbado and the Lucerne Festival Orchestra.||2:Famously reticent, Mr Abbado gives little away himself, but his players say it all for him—a fine confirmation of his gifts as a conductor.||3:He is special, the musicians explain, not merely because of his clarity of vision, authoritative analysis or the mysterious energy of his gestures, but rather because of the way he listens.||4:He appears to live the music, inviting them to live it with him. | |
10 | 2001年11月他在瑞士卢塞恩一家博物馆行窃时被抓。 | He was caught in November 2001 while trying to pull off a heist from a museum in Lucerne , Switzerland. | |
11 | 不同环境条件下紫花苜蓿种子产量及质量性状的研究。 | Study on Seed Yield and Quality Character of Lucerne under Different Environment Conditions. | |
12 | 不同种植年限苜蓿地土壤理化特性研究 | Studies on Soil Properties of Lucerne with Different Cultivating Ages | |
13 | 电场处理苜蓿种子幼苗期的生物效应与处理时间的关系 | The Relation Between the Biological Effect of Electric Field on Lucerne Seeds in Germination Stage and the Treatment Time | |
14 | 发展苜蓿产业促进盘锦农村经济持续增长 | Developing Lucerne Industry for Sustained Increasing of Panjin Rural Economy | |
15 | 旱地紫花苜蓿微集水沟垄栽培技术 | Cultivation Techniques of Furrow and Ridge Seeding Lucerne under Micro Water-collecting in Dryland | |
16 | 黄土高原干旱半干旱地区提高紫花苜蓿成苗率的技术措施 | Technologies for improve lucerne emergence rate in arid and semi-arid area in Loess Plateau | |
17 | 解决了苜蓿草精加工的问题。 | The processing method solves the problem of finish processing of lucerne . | |
18 | 就在不久前,别克的产品线还完全由大型轿车组成,例如君越(LaCrosse)、Lucerne,以及昂科雷。 | Until recently, its line-up consisted entirely of large sedans, such as the LaCrosse and Lucerne , as well as the Enclave. | |
19 | 卢塞恩的旅游景点包括提特里斯山,只要乘坐公交车和电缆车即可到达。 | The Lucerne brand includes Mount Titlis, easily reached by bus and cable car. | |
20 | 苜蓿褐斑病对牧草质量光合速率的影响及田间抗病性 | Lucerne common leaf spot: forage quality, photosynthesis rate and field resistance | |
21 | 苜蓿抗寒性研究进展 | Research Progress in Freezing Resistance of Lucerne | |
22 | 苜蓿品种辐射敏感性的模糊聚类分析 | Fuzzy Clustering Analysis for the Varietal Radiosensitivity of Lucerne Varieties | |
23 | 苜蓿幼苗期的生物效应与电场处理时间的关系 | The Relation Between Biological Effect of Lucerne Seedling and Treatment Time of Electric Field | |
24 | 丘陵坡地种植紫花苜蓿的生态、经济效益与前景分析 | Analysis of planting benefit and prospect of lucerne in hilly land | |
25 | 通用汽车(GeneralMotors)希望以LaCrosse和Lucerne系列的高性能“超级”版,为沉寂的别克(Buick)品牌注入活力。 | General Motors hopes to put fizz into its staid Buick brand with high-performance "Super" versions of the LaCrosse and Lucerne saloons. | |
26 | 在接下来的三年里,他成为了瓦格纳府邸(位于卢塞恩附近的布森)的常客。 | During the next three years he became a frequent visitor to the Wagners’ residence in Tribschen near Lucerne . |