1 | 木偶戏的发展对以后的戏曲有十分重要的影响。 | The development of marionette had a great influence on the future development of opera. | |
2 | 木偶由身体各部分相连接组成的用线或绳子操纵的形象;牵线木偶 | A figure having jointed parts animated from above by strings or wires;a marionette . | |
3 | 提线木偶:从上空提线操纵或藉缚在控制器上的细线而操纵的木偶形体。 | Marionette :Puppet figure manipulated from above by strings attached to a wooden cross or control. | |
4 | 提线木偶也叫活动木偶,它的关节上系有许多线,非常难以操纵。 | String puppets are also called marionettes. a marionette may have dozens of strings attached to different joints of its body, so it is difficult to operate. | |
5 | 我希望带着这个木偶周游世界,同时也好挣口饭吃。 | With this marionette I wish to travel through the world and earn for myself a little bread | |
6 | 我希望带着这个木偶周游世界。 | With this marionette I wish to travel through the world. | |
7 | 一名美国游客(是漫画家奥列芬特笔下"不太聪明"的布什总统木偶般的漫画像)正没有礼貌地说要个汉堡包 | An American tourist (Pat Oliphant’s standard marionette -like caricature of "lightweight" George W. Bush)impolitely demands a ham-burger | |
8 | 早期的提线木偶由铁棒而非细绳来操纵,这种木偶仍存在于西西里。18世纪,提线木偶歌剧极风行,至今在萨尔斯堡仍有根据莫扎特音乐演出的提线木偶。 | Early marionettes were controlled by an iron rod instead of strings, a form that survived in Sicily. In the 18th century, marionette operas were extremely popular, and they are still performed today in Salzburg to Mozart’s music. | |
9 | “木偶本身做不了什么,但木偶周围的人却可以做非常坏的事。” | “The marionette itself couldn’t do anything, but the men around it could do very bad things.” | |
10 | 20世纪90年代,尽管卡马拉先生心存疑虑,但还是在城市公司在给马里人做类似艾滋病和童工的普及教育时,和她在国家木偶剧团同台演出。 | For all his scepticism, Mr Camara performed with her in the national marionette troupe in the 1990s, when urban companies educated Malians on subjects such as HIV and child labour. | |
11 | 凯塔的政府“明白艺术是创造国家认同和把人民团结在一起的重要组成部分,”华盛顿国家自然历史博物馆馆长、木偶文化专家玛丽·乔·阿诺尔迪表示。 | His government “understood that the arts were a very important part of creating a national identity and bringing people together,” says Mary Jo Arnoldi, a curator at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington and an expert on marionette culture. | |
12 | 马里的木偶戏剧院起源于几个世纪前中、南部地区博佐渔民和班巴拉猎人的村庄。 | Mali’s marionette theatre originated centuries ago in the villages of Bozo fishermen and Bambara hunters in southern and central regions. | |
13 | 马里一年一度的木偶艺术节的负责人弗德?西迪贝认为,现任政府和捐赠者应该赞助艺术活动,以促进分裂国家的和平。 | Fodé Sidibé, director of Mali’s annual marionette festival, thinks the current government and donors should sponsor the arts to promote peace in a divided country. | |
14 | 18世纪,提线木偶歌剧极风行,至今在萨尔斯堡仍有根据莫扎特音乐演出的提线木偶。 | In the 18th century, marionette operas were extremely popular, and they are still performed today in Salzburg to Mozart’s music. | |
15 | 能够制作如此引人注目的假肢的匠人当然也能建造完全满足他特定需要的木偶。 | The craftsman who could make such remarkable limbs could surely build a complete marionette for him, to his specifications. | |
16 | 试图像牵线木偶一样控制未来将会提升遭受挫折、焦躁和沮丧的机会。 | Trying to manipulate the future like a marionette will increase instances of frustration, impatience, and discouragement. |