属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-伦敦大使馆 招人嫉妒的大使馆
1 | "麦克唐纳对自己的想法解释道:""我要把魅力带到您的旅行途中,这就是我的设计宗旨。姑娘们看上去会非常性感,小伙子们看上去颇具英雄气概。英航的制服将成为其他航空公司羡慕的对象。" | Macdonald explained his approach: “I want to bring glamour back to travel. That’s what it’s all about. The girls will look sexy and the men will look like strong heroes. They’ll be the envy of other airlines.” | |
2 | "制服将体现出""麦克唐纳标牌:束腰,轮廓突出,主色调为海军蓝,并将大量使用有弹性的布料,从而突出优雅的身材。" | "The uniforms will have “the MacDonald stamp; a tight waist and sharp silhouette. The main color will be navy and I’ll be using lots of stretch material, which helps define the body." | |
3 | "最后,拉伍格罗夫的结论是:""空姐自身要有威信。只要她看上去作风正派,一个眼神就会让乘客坐好并系好安全带。如果麦克唐纳设计不出偏差的话,他的设计将被英航采用。" | Concluded Lovegrove: “In the end the stewardess must have authority. If she looks right then one glance from her will make a grown man or woman sit down and belt up. If MacDonald does his job properly then this will be enforced.” | |
4 | “书是反映现实的镜子。”乔治·麦克唐纳这么说过,“从镜子中看时,最普通的房间也是诗一样美的房间了。” | “All mirrors,” says George Macdonald . “The commonest room is a room in a poem when I look in the glass.” | |
5 | 不过麦克唐纳这次准备把机舱变成时装展示台的计划确实引起轩然大波,尤其是代表机上服务人员的工会对此持有异议 | but MacDonald ’s plans to bring the catwalk to the plane cabin are hitting turbulence, especially from the union that represents flight attendants. | |
6 | 麦克唐纳虽然还没有公开自己的设计计划,不过他表示21世纪的设计理念已经成竹在胸。 | " Although MacDonald has not yet gone public with his planned design, he says he has a 21st Century concept in mind.”" | |
7 | 那还是早在十八世纪八十年代末的时候,亚历克·麦克唐纳还没有像现在这样名噪全国。 | Those were the early days at the end of the 1780’s, when Alec MacDonald was far from having attained the national fame which he has now achieved. | |
8 | 你昨天见到的那个人是麦克唐纳先生。 | The man you saw yesterday was Mr.Macdonald . | |
9 | 他们以麦当娜的名字登记住进该饭店。 | They registered at the hotel under the name of Macdonald . | |
10 | 他们以麦克唐纳(麦当劳)的名义在旅馆登记的。 | They registered at the hotel under the name of macdonald . | |
11 | 我对这个女孩非常目中无人地说:‘我有职业,伙计。我是个侦探’(罗斯·麦克唐纳) | I said to the girl,rather snootily:‘I have a trade,kiddo.I’m a detective’(Ross Macdonald ) | |
12 | 要私下告诫朋友,但是要公开夸奖朋友。叙利亚拉丁语作家西拉士 | A true friend is for ever a friend.--Grorge Macdonald , British novelist | |
13 | 英航对这些批评应付自如,辩解说麦克唐纳的初衷被误解了。 | British Airways is taking the criticism in stride, arguing that MacDonald ’s intentions have been misunderstood. | |
14 | 朱利安-麦克唐纳最近刚被法国纪梵奇时装屋选中成为他们的艺术指导,又受英航之托,重新设计这家航空公司的制服。 | Designer Julien MacDonald , recently tapped as artistic director for the French fashion house of Givenchy, has been commissioned by the national carrier to revamp its staff uniforms. | |
15 | 2014年痴迷于橄榄球的南非人Dugald Macdonald和Peter Husemeyer成立了Sportable。 | Sportable was founded in 2014 by Dugald Macdonald and Peter Husemeyer, a pair of rugby-mad South Africans. | |
16 | Macdonald表示,对于那些希望在竞争中寻找优势的团队来说,这些数据颇具吸引力。 | Such data, says Mr Macdonald , are attractive to teams looking for an edge over the competition. | |
17 | 埃莉斯·麦克唐纳问道: | Elise macdonald asks... | |
18 | ||有些国家甚至已经开始清算他们的资产。加拿大去年以3.06亿英镑的价格出售了麦克唐纳大厦的长期租赁权,麦克唐纳大厦是加拿大在格罗夫纳广场的领事处。||荷兰位于海德公园大门的大使馆也在出售,可能会卖到1.5亿英镑。中国也打算卖掉其在波特兰的大使馆,正为新使馆寻找一个合适的地址,或许也是在沃克斯豪尔。 | ||Some are already liquidating their assets. Canada sold the long lease on Macdonald House, its consular section in Grosvenor Square, for £306m last year.|| The Dutch embassy on Hyde Park Gate is for sale and could fetch £150m. The Chinese may sell their embassy in Portland Place and search for a new site, perhaps also in Vauxhall. | |
19 | 2007年时,凯尔?麦克唐纳德的传奇故事传遍中国,数百家易物网站在2007年遍地开花。 | Hundreds of bartering websites cropped up in 2007, when the legend of Kyle MacDonald swept through the country. | |
20 | Cassidy和MacDonald2007年的研究显示,背景音乐影响了被试在标准认知测试中的表现。 | Research shows that it reduces performance on standard cognitive tests (Cassidy &MacDonald , 2007). | |
21 | DeskBa是Bing发展计划中比较大的几个试验阶段的工程之一,Mr.MacDonald之后解释到。 | DeskBar is one of several experimental projects in the larger Bing strategy, Mr. MacDonald explains later. | |
22 | MacDonald称,TARP基金未提升银行业的TCE比率,因此高盛发股将被视为正面信号。 | TARP funds did not boost the TCE ratios of banks and so Goldman’s offering would be seen as a positive, MacDonald said. | |
23 | MacDonald将为研究和分析试验结果提供理论指导。 | MacDonald will provide theoretical guidance for the studies and analysis of the experimental results. | |
24 | 按照海岸警卫队的估计,深水地平线号泄露需要数年才能赶上Ixtoc-1。而依麦克唐纳的估计,仅数月就能赶上。 | At the coastguard rate the Deepwater Horizon leak would take years to match Ixtoc-1; at Mr MacDonald ’s rate, months. | |
25 | 但是布莱福德也同样错失了机会,查理麦当劳将主队的点球罚失。 | Charlie MacDonald missed a penalty for the home side. | |
26 | 但是麦克唐纳博士说,到目前为止还有没有人因为这项运动而产生心脏问题。 | But so far none have experienced heart problems related to the workouts, Dr. MacDonald said. | |
27 | 弗洛里达州立大学的海洋生物学家IanMacDonald说,约160头海豚的死亡只是生物危机的冰山一角。 | Ian MacDonald , a marine biologist at Florida State University, says the 160 or so dead dolphins are the tip of the biological iceberg. | |
28 | 六月份,周三的信息技术早会上,BrianMacDonald针对Bing主持了一个产品讨论会议。 | IT’S a Wednesday morning in June, and Brian MacDonald is presiding over back-to-back product meetings for Bing. | |
29 | 麦当劳女士,今年58岁,声称女演员必须--吃得像马一样--来保持健康的体重。 | Miss Macdonald , 58, claimed the actress must ’eat like a horse’ to keep herself at a healthy weight. | |
30 | 麦克唐纳还被指责隐瞒事实,非法挪用资金完成铁路建设。 | Macdonald was also criticized for concealing the fact that he took some money illegally to complete the railway. |