属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 11832-1-1990
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 477-5-2002
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 3773-004-1999
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 3773-001-1999
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 3773-003-1999
1 | 每5秒快速高低音(达到最高或最低音无网络、无服务量的提示音) | Fast high/low tone every no network/service 5 seconds (max . & min. volume confirm beep) | |
2 | 拟圆的最大-最小不等式性质 | Max -min Inequality Property for Quasidisk | |
3 | 农场和牲畜饲养设备.输送液态粪肥的管道用阀门管件.最大到1巴的静压力闸阀 | Farm and livestock husbandry equipment; shut-off valves for slurry pipes; gate valves for static pressure of max . 1 bar | |
4 | 噢,嗨!Max好久不见了。很高兴你来电话,近况如何? | Oh,hi,Max .It’s been a while.It’s nice to hear from you.How have you been? | |
5 | 排序问题P2|prmp|C(下标 max)在中断―重复模型下的调度 | An Algorithm for P2|prmp|C(subscript max )to the Preempt-repeat Model | |
6 | 配置浸泡式温控器的磁控继电器--内置变压器的120伏控制电路。加热棒可通过温控器进行控制,其感应变化增量最大为54千瓦。 | Magnetic contactors with immersion thermostats-120V control circuit with built in transformer. Elements are thermostatically controlled in 54KW (max )increments. | |
7 | 齐美尔所提出的社会学见解,对其后的德国社会学,尤其是马克斯?韦伯的社会学影响甚巨。 | Simmel had developed a sociological perspective which exerted a great influence on subsequent German sociology especially that of Max Weber | |
8 | 其第一件产品是IIIa型号的飞机发动机,该产品包含有Max Friz设计的高海拔汽化器技术。 | Its first product is the IIIa aircraft engine containing Max Friz′s altitude carburettor | |
9 | 气瓶阀.第5部分:最大试验压力为450巴气瓶阀.出口接头 | Gas cylinder valves-Part 5: For test pressure up to 450 bar max .; Outlet connections | |
10 | 浅析韦伯的法律形式合理性理论 | Analyze Max Weber’s Theory on Rationality of Law Form | |
11 | 如果希望执行其他操作,只要单击快捷菜单上其他选项之一,如“最大值”或“最小值”,就可以计算出此范围内的最大值或最小值。 | If you want to do even more, just click one of the other options on the shortcut menu, such as Max or Min to find the maximum or minimum in a range. | |
12 | 水分胁迫下几种药剂对早熟毛豆抗逆性的影响 | Effects of Some Drugs on Resistance of early-maturing Glycine Max under Water Stress | |
13 | 所以当名副其实的"关系一生的机会"来临时,这些人无法抓住机会,他们必须保证安全,因为他们负担着高额的税和债务。 | "So when genuine ""deals of a lifetime"" come along, those same people cannot take advantage of the opportunity. They must play it safe, simply because they are working so hard, are taxed to the max , and are loaded with debt." | |
14 | 所有尖角最大半径0.01 | All sharp corners to have 0.01 Max . Radii. | |
15 | 所有内角最大半径0.38 | ALL INSIDE CORNERS TO BE .38 RADIUS MAX | |
16 | 他回想起麦克斯在法庭上的讲话,怀着感激的心情记起他那和蔼、热情的口气。 | He recalled the speech Max had made in court and remembered with gratitude the kind, impassioned tone | |
17 | 提示:所选图片都必须是jpg或gif格式,每张图片的大小不得超过200 | Hint: You can upload JPG or GIF, with a max file size of 200KB per image | |
18 | 为了改进该车的冷却效果,首席设计师Max Friz将原来的扁平发动机放置在双管框架上,并直接通过一个Cardan shaft将动力传输到车轮。 | To improve air cooling, Chief Engineer Max Friz has positioned the flat motor crosswise in a double-tube frame and transmitted its power via a cardan shaft directly to the wheel- | |
19 | 喂,我是Max White。我要跟Fay女士讲话。 | Hello. This is Max White. May I speak to Miss. Fay? | |
20 | 温度补偿的额定电流为1A至25A的单极电路断路器.开关容量65 In/1000 A max.UNC螺纹终端.产品标准 | Circuit breakers, single-pole, temperature compensated, rated currents 1 A to 25 A, switching capacity 65 IDOWNn/1000 A max -UNC thread terminals-Product standard | |
21 | 温度补偿的额定电流为1A至25A的单极电路断路器.开关容量65 In/1000 A max.技术规范 | Circuit breakers, single-pole, temperature compensated, rated currents 1 A to 25 A, switching capacity 65 IDOWNn/1000 A max -Technical specification | |
22 | 温度补偿的额定电流为1A至25A的单极电路断路器.开关容量65 In/1000 A max.米制螺纹终端.产品标准 | Circuit breakers, single-pole, temperature compensated, rated currents 1 A to 25 A, switching capacity 65 IDOWNn/1000 A max -Metric thread terminals-Product standard | |
23 | 我们最多付250美元 | We’ll pay$250 max . | |
24 | 我说马克斯卑鄙,这可惹怒了他,他就把我的眼睛打青了。 | I called Max a skunk.That raised his dander and he gave me this black eye. | |
25 | 我一天至多抽一包香烟。 | I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day,max . | |
26 | 希望以相同条件签约,因此地竞争激烈,本公司目前无法提高销售极限。 | Argot renewal on same term rest since our current sale max cannot increase as competition keener here. | |
27 | 谢勒在"知识"与"认知"二辞上所隐括的义涵 | Knowledge and Cognition-their Unity and Diversity in Max Scheler’s Epistemology | |
28 | 训练模式的摄动对最大-乘积型模糊联想记忆网络的影响 | Influences of Perturbations of Training Pattern Pairs on max -product Fuzzy Associative Memory | |
29 | 颜色:淡绿,施工工具:抹刀,混合比例:(体积比)主漆/固化剂2/1,覆盖率:1平方/升,干燥时间:16小时后可用砂磨,重涂时间:最小12小时最多24小时 | COLOUR: Light Green,APPLICATION: Spatula ,MIXING RATIO: (in volume)base/Hardener 2/1,COVERAGE: 1m2/lt,DRYING TIME: sandable after 16-24 hours, Dry to recoat time: min. 12 hours max : 24 hours | |
30 | 一年生豆科植物(参阅legume)及其可食的种子,学名为Glycine max或G.soja。 | Annual legume (Glycine max , or G. soja)of the pea family (see legume)and its edible seed. |