属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 白宫新提名惹争议 CYBG收购维珍理财
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 俄罗斯修改宪法 拜登初选所向披靡 墨西哥百万
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-削减预算 十便士的规划(2)
1 | 比如说人们都对埃尔顿·约翰爵士和米克·贾格爵士耳熟能详,但是只有1/15500的教师和1/20000的护士获得荣誉。 | While everyone hears about Sir Elton John and Sir Mick Jagger, only one in 15,500 teachers and one in 20,000 nurses receive awards. | |
2 | 此外,在克利福的许多友人中,没有一个人不使她想到要和他生孩子便使她感到可鄙。其中虽然也有几个,如果拿来做情人还算可以过去,甚至和蔑克! | And out of all the rest of Clifford’s pretty wide acquaintance, there was not a man who did not rouse her contempt, when she thought of having a child by him. There were several who would have been quite possible as lover, even Mick . | |
3 | 但是,她已经预知这是要完结的。和蔑克斯没有什么东西可以长久的。他的天性是要迫使他破坏一切关系而重新成为自由的、孤独的、寂寞的野狗的。在他看来,这是他的大需要,虽然他总是说:她把我丢弃了! | But, as she knew by foreboding, that would come to an end. Mick couldn’t keep anything up. It was part of his very being that he must break off any connexion, and be loose, isolated, absolutely lone dog again. It was his major necessity, even though he always said: She turned me down! | |
4 | 第二天,蔑克显得比一向更不安:躁急着,自抑着,两只不安的手插在裤袋里,康妮在夜间没有去找他;而他又不知到哪间屋去找她。正值他在得意的时候,这种撩人的风情真好苦人呵! | So next morning Mick was more uneasy than ever; restless, devoured, with his hands restless in his trousers pockets. Connie had not visited him in the night...and he had not known where to find her. Coquetry!...at his moment of triumph. | |
5 | 和蔑克生孩子吗?这是多么可憎的想法!那等于想我兔子生孩子一样!唐米,督克斯?……他是一个在自己身上完结的人。 | Mick ’s children! Repulsive thought! As lief have a child to a rabbit! Tommy Dukes? he was very nice, but somehow you couldn’t associate him with a baby, another generation. He ended in himself. | |
6 | 基于MICK资源分类实证的MICK-4FI模式 | On MICK -4FI Model Based on Empirical MICK Resource Classification | |
7 | 她几乎真想跟蔑克去,而把她的生活变成一个不尽的醉酒宴会,一个爵士音乐的长夜。无论如何那总比打着哈欠等死为上呢。 | She almost wished she had gone off with Mick , and made her life one long cocktail party, and jazz evening. Anyhow that was better than just mooning yourself into the grave. | |
8 | 尽管协和飞机的票价非常之高,这两家国有航空公司还是赔着本运营,其实只是将它作为公关的噱头。 | These two state airlines have flown them at a loss (despite very high ticket prices), basically as a pr gim-mick | |
9 | 康妮常常预感到她和蔑克--人们这样叫他--的关系是不会有什么结果的。可是其他的男子好象不在她的眼里。 | Connie always had a foreboding of the hopelessness of her affair with Mick , as people called him. Yet other men seemed to mean nothing to her. | |
10 | 康妮觉得这话很真切。但是她也觉得蔑克不过是个自私自利的人罢了。 | Connie felt there was truth in this. But she also felt that Mick was hardly making a display of selflessness. | |
11 | 迈克绝不是不守承诺的人。 | Mick is the last man to break his word. | |
12 | 米克.克拉克,又名锡德.布朗,被警方通缉审问 | Mick Clark, alias Sid Brown, is wanted for questioning by the police | |
13 | 米克的球场后来禁止他们去打球。但是他们有时还是去打,原因不外乎是偷来的糖果分外甜罢了。 | Mick ’s Field was thereafter forbidden to them but, for no better reason than that stolen sweets are always sweeter, they did sometimes play there. | |
14 | 面向MICK-4FI模式的资源分类研究 | Research on Resources Classification for MICK -4FI Mode | |
15 | 蔑克如坐针毯似的,在椅子里身子向前倾图,用一种歇斯底里病者似的神气向她注视着,他究竟是由于虚荣心而期望着她说“是”呢,不是惊悸着她真的说了出来?谁能知道 | Mick sat on tenterhooks, leaning forward in his chair, glaring at her almost hysterically: and whether he was more anxious out of vanity for her to say Yes! or whether he was more panic-stricken for fear she should say Yes!---who can tell? | |
16 | 那个叫米克.克拉克的罪犯有[使用]好几个化名 | The criminal Mick Clark has/uses several aliases | |
17 | ||1:白宫宣布,凯西·克兰宁格(Kathy Kraninger)将被提名为消费者金融保护局(Consumer Financial Protection Bureau)局长,自从该机构作为《多德-弗兰克法案》(Dodd-Frank Act)改革的一部分成立以来,它一直是共和党人的“眼中钉”。||2:该机构的曾经的负责人是米克·马尔瓦尼(Mick Mulvaney),他也是白宫预算办公室(White House budget office)的负责人,而克兰宁格目前任职于该办公室。||3:一些人(大部分民主党人)质疑克兰宁格女士的任命,并声称,她作为白宫内部人员,缺乏管理独立办公室的经验。 | ||1:The White House announced that Kathy Kraninger would be nominated to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a bugbear for Republicans ever since its creation as part of the DoddFrank reforms.||2:The agency is being led by Mick Mulvaney, who is also the head of the White House budget office, where Ms Kraninger currently works.||3:Some (mostly Democrats) questioned Ms Kraninger’s appointment, claiming that—as a White House insider—she lacks the experience to run an independent office. | |
18 | 芬顿先生的近期作品尤是优异,其思想愈见成熟,亦更见深度,便如他献给英国诗人米克.伊姆拉的《在路边石》。米克.伊姆拉因运动神经疾病,卒于2009年,享年52岁。于此诗间,我们可见芬顿诗歌更为成熟的一面。 | Mr Fenton’s recent work is particularly good. More contemplative and meditative, poems such as “At the Kerb”, which is dedicated to Mick Imlah, a British poet who died at 52 in 2009 of motor neurone disease, show the more mature side of Mr Fenton’s voice. | |
19 | 据商业内幕网报道,代理白宫办公厅主任米克·马尔瓦尼表示, | According to Business Insider, acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney says | |
20 | ||唐纳德·特朗普解除了米克·马尔瓦尼的幕僚长职务,任命忠诚的国会议员马克·梅多斯接替他。||马尔瓦尼先生是总统的第三任幕僚长,但不久前与他的首领发生了冲突,尤其是当特朗普为了获得政治上的好处而拒绝向乌克兰提供援助的时候。 | ||Donald Trump ditched Mick Mulvaney as his chief of staff, and named Mark Meadows, a loyal congressman, as his replacement.|| Mr Mulvaney was the president’s third chief of staff, but fell foul of his boss some time ago, especially when he went off script about Mr Trump withholding aid from Ukraine in return for political favours. | |
21 | 特朗普先生的预算办公室主任Mick Mulvaney回想起共和党人不在意奥巴马先生的建议,于是他说对国会预算的前景没抱有任何幻想。 | Mick Mulvaney, Mr Trump’s budget chief, says that he is under no illusions about the budget’s prospects in Congress, recalling that Republicans paid little attention to Mr Obama’s proposals. | |
22 | “他简直不敢相信我们要用稻草建造一座房子”委员会的物业经理米克盖得说。 | "He couldn’t believe we were going to build a house with it, " the council’s property manager Mick Gadd says. | |
23 | Mick&Roger:单宁,用最基本的化学术语来说,即连接在蛋白质上的多酚类化合物。 | Mick and Roger say: Tannins, in their most basic chemical terms, are polyphenolic compounds that bind to proteins. | |
24 | Mick说道:“我们会被绳子吊着下降约200英尺,而大楼会随着风微微摇晃,你只能随着绳子左右摇摆。” | Mick said: ’We would abseil about 200ft down. As the building swayed about you were just left bouncing around on all your ropes. | |
25 | 不过,斯特拉塔首席执行官米克•戴维斯(MickDavis)暗示,公司仍将关注英美资源集团。 | However, Mick Davis, chief executive of Xstrata, indicated that his company continued to eye Anglo. | |
26 | 但我们把他们踢到路旁除非他们打扮成MickJagger | But we kick them to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger | |
27 | 但作为一对经历了50年的搭档,米克和基思还是认识到“我们彼此知根知底。” | But after 50 years as partners Mick and Keith still recognise that "I pull things out of him; he pulls things out of me. " | |
28 | 当米克·贾格尔的嘴唇投影满整个荧屏,陌生的人群中被动的情绪消失殆尽。 | Mick Jagger’s lips were all over the screens. The faceless crowd of passive souls disappeared. | |
29 | 而基思•理查兹和米克•贾格尔(MickJagger)的关系尽管也是起起伏伏,但他俩搭伙已经有半个世纪了。 | But, for all their ups and downs, Keith Richards and Mick Jagger have been in business together for half a century. | |
30 | 格拉斯哥大学的研究疼痛医学的高级讲师麦克瑟培尔说该研究已经证实是已被知的。 | Mick Serpell, a senior lecturer in pain medicine at Glasgow University, said the study confirmed what was already known. |