属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-多胞胎 多胞胎怀孕率的减少是件好事
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-流产后再次怀孕是否需要等待一段时间?
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-流产后再次怀孕是否需要等待一段时间?
1 | 自然流产:胚胎或胎儿能在母体外独立生存之前即从子宫自动排出。 | Miscarriage (or spontaneous abortion):Spontaneous expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the uterus before it can live outside the mother. | |
2 | ||1:这部电影最后没有对判决做出定论。||2:他宁愿被人看作是他在伦敦时的那种人,是一场误判的受害者。||3:他自己没有说这些话。他已经同意不再提及这起案件。||4:相反,他认为这是一场悲剧,满足了“亚里士多德的所有定义”。||5:每个人都受伤了。||6:对他来说,他是《诗学》中的悲剧英雄:他既不是坏人也不是好人,而是介乎两者之间的人。||7:他的不幸不是因为堕落发生的,而是因为一些错误,一些不明确的行为。||8:没有情感宣泄,这并不奇怪。 | ||1:In the end, the film had left the verdict open.||2:He preferred to be seen as he generally was in London, as the victim of a miscarriage of justice.||3:He did not make that claim himself; he had agreed not to mention the case.||4:Instead, he saw it as a tragedy that satisfied "all of Aristotle’s definitions".||5:Everyone was wounded.||6:As for him, he was a tragic hero straight out of the "Poetics": neither a villain nor a virtuous man, but someone in between.||7:His misfortune had occurred not because of depravity, but by some error, some ambiguous action.||8:It was hardly surprising that there could be no catharsis. | |
3 | ||1:这主要是监管机构人类受精与胚胎管理局(HFEA)执行新政策的结果。||2:2009年它推出了选择性单个胚胎转移政策(如今是多胞胎简化策略的一部分),目的是要将体外受精多胞胎的的总比率由2008年的27%降到最初的20%。||3:HFEA的最新数据显示,从2012年起,多胞胎比率已经降到了18%。目前的目标是10%。||4:根据HFEA的研究得出,多胞胎怀孕有早产、儿童残疾的较高风险,并且孕妇有晚期流产、高血压和先兆子痫的风险。||5:至少现如今IVF受孕对象已经不会被这些风险所困扰了。 | ||1:This is largely a result of a new policy adopted by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), a regulator.||2:In 2009 it launched the elective single-embryo transfer policy (now part of its multiple-births minimisation strategy) with the aim of reducing overall IVF multiple pregnancies from 27% in 2008 to 20% initially.||3:HFEA’s latest figures, dating from 2012, show that the rate has slowed to 18%. The current target is 10%.||4:According to the HFEA, multiple-birth pregnancies carry a higher risk of premature delivery and children having disabilities as well as late miscarriage , high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia for expectant mothers.||5:At least that risk is now being tackled for IVF users. | |
4 | 流产后再次怀孕是否需要等待一段时间? | Delay Pregnancy After a Miscarriage ? | |
5 | 流产是指怀孕20年周前自然失去婴儿。专家称,很多妊娠过程甚至在女性知道自己怀孕前就终止了。多达20%的已知妊娠以流产结束。 | A miscarriage is the natural loss of a baby before the twentieth week of pregnancy. Experts say many pregnancies end before a woman even knows she was pregnant. Up to twenty percent of known pregnancies end in a miscarriage. | |
6 | 一种更安全的、可降低流产风险的唐氏综合症筛查疗法将被纳入英国国民健康保险制度。 | A safer test for Down’s syndrome that reduces the risk of miscarriage could soon be available on the NHS. | |
7 | “很多流产的原因都不可控,”她在电话采访里说:“但这一点是能采取积极措施控制的。” | "So many causes of miscarriage are not controllable, " she said in a telephone interview. "This is an opportunity to do something active. " | |
8 | 5月11日,最高法院提出一项处理误判的新标准以扩大赔偿范围。 | On May 11th the Supreme Court came up with a new test for miscarriage of justice, broadening the scope for compensation. | |
9 | FSA警告称,过量的咖啡因会导致流产或出生婴儿体重不足。 | The FSA warns that too much caffeine can result in a miscarriage or a baby having a lower birth weight. | |
10 | 爱尔兰缺席比赛的真实原因是,他的女友刚刚流产。 | The real story behind Ireland’s absence was that his girlfriend had had a miscarriage . | |
11 | 本文认为无罪推定原则的树立对避免刑事错案具有至关重要的意义。 | This established the principle that the presumption of innocence to avoid miscarriage cases of crucial importance. | |
12 | 产复康合剂治疗药物流产后阴道出血不尽80例临床观察 | Clinical Observation on the Treatment of 80 Cases of Colporrhaphy After Drug Miscarriage With Chanfukang Mixture | |
13 | 当时他知道她们很想要有个小孩,而克莱儿却通过另外一个捐精者的精子怀孕后不幸流产。 | He knew they had wanted to have a baby, but Claire had suffered a miscarriage after becoming pregnant by another donor. | |
14 | 导致了高危妊娠和妊娠相关的问题,其中包括流产、早产和婴儿出生体重偏低。 | It leads to high-risk pregnancies and pregnancy-related problems, including miscarriage , pre-term labour and low birth weight. | |
15 | 电话随访对早孕药物流产出院患者的影响 | The infiunce to the medicine miscarriage patients leaving hospital by telephone follow -up | |
16 | 多数死于流产的胎儿可能有发展问题以致不能存活下来。 | Most fetuses lost to miscarriage likely had developmental problems and would not have been able to survive. | |
17 | 而妇女经历流产后,常常会感到非常孤单和孤独。 | Yet a woman experiencing miscarriage often feels incredibly alone and isolated on this journey. | |
18 | 反复流产妇女夫妇双方染色体核型分析 | Chromosome Karyotyping of Couple in women with Recurrent Miscarriage | |
19 | 该团队检查了精子质量,然后追踪了受孕率、流产率和分娩率。 | The team examined the quality of the sperm and then tracked pregnancy, miscarriage and delivery rates. | |
20 | 该项技术能够让医生检测卵细胞中的异常染色体,这通常是流产的主要原因。 | The technique allows doctors to screen fresh eggs for abnormal chromosomes, which are a major cause of miscarriage . | |
21 | 该研究没有讨论流产的原因,Bhattacharya猜测年龄可能是主要原因。 | While the study did not address the causes of miscarriage , Bhattacharya speculates that age may be a dominant factor. | |
22 | 工作时间还长,她的一位刚流产的同事在3天内就被安排回来上班。 | Working hours were long. A colleague who suffered a late miscarriage was ordered back to work within three days. | |
23 | 过去,医生对停用避孕药后立即受孕者是否增加流产风险存在顾虑。 | In the past, doctors had concerns that if you conceived immediately after stopping the pill, you had a higher risk of miscarriage . | |
24 | 很多女人在一生中都会有流产经历,流产是女人生活的一部分,而且大部分职场男士都经历过伴侣流产。 | It’s part of being a woman. And most men at the office have lived through the miscarriage of a significant other. | |
25 | 护士:看来你怀孕了,是先兆流产。除了吃饭和上厕所,你应卧床休息。 | Nurse: It seems that you are pregnant, with a threatening miscarriage . You should stay in bed except for eating or going to the toilet. | |
26 | 怀孕的女性更要限制喝咖啡的量,因为咖啡会提高流产的风险。 | Pregnant women will want to limit their intake, too, as coffee can boost the risk of miscarriage . | |
27 | 怀孕期间做爱会导致流产吗? | Can sex during pregnancy cause a miscarriage ? | |
28 | 混凝土假性碳化引起回弹法强度的误判 | Miscarriage of Justice of Rebound Method Strength Test caused by Pseudo-carbonation of Concrete | |
29 | 检察官提到,当J.M.S.在怀孕末三个月时,她付给一个男人150美元,要求这个人狠狠地击打她,希望能够引起流产。 | According to prosecutors, when J. M. S. was in her third trimester, she paid a man $150 to beat her in the hopes of inducing a miscarriage . | |
30 | 尽管很多人会谴责说这不过是场“胜利者进行的审判”,但是从正常意义上讲这并不能说明审判有什么不公正的地方。 | Although many people will condemn his hanging as "victors’ justice" , this was no miscarriage of justice in the normal sense of the phrase. |