1 | 看了一眼这个痛苦的孩子,熟悉都市生活的卓别林本能地仰起头,似乎要向扔垃圾的房主和上苍打听孩子到底是从哪儿来的。 | Taking one glance at that miserable child, streetwise Charlie instinctively looks up as if to quiz both the refuse-throwing householders and the heavens above as to just exactly where this baby has come from | |
2 | 可是,对于那些下等人,那些赤脚鬼、穷光蛋、无赖汉,却应当有一种东西。 | Of course, there must be something for those who are down,--for the barefooted beggars, knife-grinders, and miserable wretches | |
3 | 口渴时就张开嘴来,站在自来水管的龙头下,一扭开来,就让水灌进嘴里,喝得肚子胀得饱饱的,又冷又痛,那滋味真有说不出的难受。 | When I was thirsty, I would stand under a tap and let its running water pour down my throat through my wide-open mouth. There was a pain and chill in my stomach and I cannot tell you enough how miserable I was | |
4 | 马车先经过“贫民窟”狭窄的街道,街道两旁尽是些矮小的土屋。这些屋子里聚居着很多衣衫褴褛肮脏不堪的“流浪汉” | They first passed through the `black town’, with its narrow streets, its miserable , dirty huts, and squalid population | |
5 | 每一片绿叶,每一片草叶和谷叶,都憔悴可怜得象那些不幸的人民一样。 | Every green leaf, every blade of grass and blade of grain, was as shrivelled and poor as the miserable people | |
6 | 莫干丞慌慌张张回答,他那脸上的神气非常可笑。 | Mo Kan-cheng was flustered, and his miserable expression was almost laughable | |
7 | 那顿饭真差劲! | What a miserable meal that was ! | |
8 | 那个可怜的帽匠丢掉了茶杯、奶油面包,单膝跪下说,“我是个可怜人,陛下。” | The miserable Hatter dropped his teacup and bread-and-butter, and went down on one knee, `I’m a poor man, your Majesty,’ he began | |
9 | 那个可怜的女孩渴望得到同情。 | The miserable girl had a craving for sympathy. | |
10 | 那计划遭到狼狈不堪的失败。 | The plan was a miserable failure | |
11 | 那男孩子的母亲已有三十开外,穿件半旧的黑纱旗袍,满面劳碌困倦,加上天生的倒挂眉毛,愈觉愁苦可怜。 | The toddler’s mother, already in her thirties, was wearing an old black chiffon Chinese dress;a face marked by toil and weariness, her slanting downward eyebrows made her look even more miserable | |
12 | 那人是一个穷汉,一个流浪音乐师,一个好吃懒做的无赖,他打她,春宵既度,便起了厌恶的心,把她丢了。 | He was a miserable scamp, a sort of mendicant musician, a lazy beggar, who beat her, and who abandoned her as she had taken him, in disgust | |
13 | 那座小城镇被战争破坏的景象惨不忍睹。 | In the small town, the destruction caused during the war was so miserable that one could hardly bear the sight of it. | |
14 | 你这个可怜虫! | You miserable worm! | |
15 | 你这可怜的胆小鬼! | You miserable coward! | |
16 | 然而,里德太太是个忧郁、严厉的女人,她无视这一请求,简寄其篱下痛苦度日达十年之久。 | But Mrs. Reed, a somber and severe woman, ignores this request for the ten miserable years that Jane spends under her roof | |
17 | 人是不是从来都那么卑鄙、任性、愚笨、忧郁、狂妄、不懂艺术、荒谬绝伦、道德败坏,如他们在中世纪的玛格丽特所指的中世纪一样呢? | Had people ever been as nasty, as self-indulgent, as dull, as miserable , as cocksure, as bad at art, as dismally ludicrous or as wrong as they’d been in the Middle Age-Margaret’s way of referring to the Middle Ages? | |
18 | 仍有许多人的生活条件是很艰苦的。 | There are still many people whose living conditions are miserable | |
19 | 如果列举那个人所有的错误,他就会显得既可恨又可怜。 | If all his errors were articled against him, the man would seem vicious and miserable | |
20 | ---若是在攻克关节炎、高血压、老年痴呆症、骨质疏松症、心脏病、中风、癌症以及其他各种普通疾病的过程中没有科研,没有新药,没有药理学方面的发展,就会令老年人的生活变得十分悲惨,或是缩短他们的寿命。 | No research, no new drugs, no pharmacological advances in the struggle with arthritis, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, heart disease, strokes, cancer and all the other common illnesses that can make old age miserable or short | |
21 | 是呀,这湿热的天气使我感到难受。 | Yeah, this hot sticky weather makes me feel miserable . | |
22 | 斯克鲁奇是多么可恶的吝啬鬼呀! | What a miserable old devil Scrooge was ! | |
23 | 斯克鲁奇是多么可恶的吝啬鬼呀! | What a miserable old devil scrooge was! | |
24 | 松树摇摆,风雪在这群可怜人的头上旋舞;他们“圣坛”上的火焰跃向天空,仿佛代表盟誓似的。 | The pines rocked, the storm eddied and whirled above the miserable group, and the flames of their altar leaped heavenward, as if in token of the vow | |
25 | 孙中山逝世以后,国民党的统治使中国继续处在半殖民地半封建社会的悲惨地位,在日本侵华期间大片国土沦为殖民地。 | After Dr. Sun Yat-sen died, China under the rule of the Kuomintang remained a miserable semi-colonial and semi-feudal country, and when the Japanese invaded, a large part of its territory was turned into a Japanese colony. | |
26 | 他过了一段悲惨的生活。 | He has lived one section of miserable life. | |
27 | 他好几个星期以来,就在怀着快乐的悸动期待着会有这个举动;可是现在来了,他反而觉得苍白无力了。 | The act he had prefigured for weeks with a thrill of pleasure, yet it was no less than a miserable insipidity to him now that it had come | |
28 | 他决不能和住在这个破茅屋里的可怜虫的孩子结婚。 | Never shall he be wed to the child of such a wretched soul living in this miserable hovel | |
29 | 他们哀诉自己处境悲惨。 | They bleated about how miserable they were. | |
30 | 他们大都是顺从的精神沮丧的可怜虫,甘心地过着悲惨的劳苦穷困的生活。 | They were for the most part tame, broken-spirited, poor wretches who contentedly resigned themselves to a life of miserable toil and poverty |