属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN 12194-2000
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-间谍这一行 隐者为赢
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-意大利政治 骑士归来
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-公民自由 机械战警
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-公民自由 机械战警
1 | 外部和内部用遮帘.错误的使用.试验方法 | Shutters, external and internal blinds-Misuse -Test methods; | |
2 | 维修不包括维修或更换由于其它原因造成损坏的产品。这些原因包括(但不仅限于)意外事故、物理或电子滥用、错误操作、不可预知因素、火灾或其它灾难。 | Service does not include the repair or replacement of Product which has otherwise become defective, including, but not limited to, damage caused by accidents, physical or electronic abuse or misuse , acts of God, fires or other casualty. | |
3 | 我国的自然资源因滥用而慢慢地浪费掉。 | The natural resources of our country are leaking away through misuse . | |
4 | 我们必须改变方式,以免由于滥用资源而无可挽回地咎由自取。 | We must change our ways, lest we irreparably damage ourselves through misuse of our resources. | |
5 | 我们学校正开展节约运动(尽量避免浪费或滥用资源). | We’re having an economy drive(ie making a special effort to avoid waste or misuse of resources,etc)at school. | |
6 | 无法估量的自然资源因被滥用而永远丧失了。 | Immeasurable quantity of natural resource was lost forever through misuse . | |
7 | 误用字词. | a misuse of a word | |
8 | 相信贵公司能理解,由于收音机使用不当,厂方保证书即已失效。我公司很遗憾,已无能为力。 | As we are sure you will appreciate, the manufacturer’s guarantee has been invalidated as a result of the misuse of the radios and we much regret that we can be of no further help. | |
9 | 哮喘或慢性阻塞性肺疾之门诊患者不正确使用雾气治疗之评估 | Evaluation of Misuse of Aerosol therapy by Patients with asthma or COPD in Outpatient settings | |
10 | 新的法律内有防止政府滥用权力的措施。 | The new law contains safeguards against the misuse of government power. | |
11 | 严禁您使用或滥用本网站所展示的任何商标或本网站的任何其它内容。 | Your use or misuse of the trademarks displayed on the site, or any other content on the site, is strictly prohibited. | |
12 | 严肃查处违反规定的公款消费和集团消费 | Cases of misuse of public funds and institutional spending in violation of relevant regulations must be strictly investigated into and prosecuted. | |
13 | 一个专利权人利用专利去做非法的事就是专利的滥用。 | Misuse of a patent occurs when a patent holder uses the patent to achieve something illegally. | |
14 | 一种故意滥用计算机系统的行为,其范围可包括简单的欺骗行为到严重的犯罪行为。 | An intentional act to misuse a computer system. Computer crimes can range from simple fraud schemes to crimes of violence | |
15 | 因涉嫌盗用款项而饱受抨击 | under fire for alleged misuse of funds | |
16 | 因使用不当造成的损坏,生产厂家不负任何责任。 | The manufacturers disclaim all responsibility for the damage caused by misuse . | |
17 | 在民事、行政审判活动中故意违背事实和法律作枉法裁判 | Whoever intentionally goes against facts and laws in civil and administrative trials to render judgments that misuse the law | |
18 | 这个机械装置因长期滥用而毁坏了。 | This mechanism has been shot by prolonged misuse . | |
19 | 这样误用的例子 | An example of such misuse . | |
20 | 政府及其所属部门不得滥用行政权力,限定他人购买其指定的经营者的商品,限制其他经营者正当的经营活动。 | Governments and their subordinate departments shall not misuse their administrative powers to restrict others to purchase any commodity of an operator designated by them, or restrict the proper business activities of other operators. | |
21 | 只要你使用得当,这只表可用一辈子. | This watch will last you a lifetime if you don`t misuse it. | |
22 | 专门调查官员舞弊情况的政府官员公正地调查了关于滥用权力的投诉。 | The ombudsman investigates complaints about misuse of authority without fear or favour. | |
23 | 组织应当有效和高效地控制不合格产品的标识、隔离和处置,以防误用。 | The organization should effectively and efficiently control nonconforming product identification, segregation and disposition in order to prevent misuse . | |
24 | 最常见的滥用专利权常发生在专利权人利用其专利违反反垄断法的时候。 | The most common type of misuse occurs when the patent holder uses the patent to violate the antitrust laws. | |
25 | ||1:Huband也会谈到失败的例子,像对于萨达姆的武器计划,情报人员得到的情报并不完全,结果这些情报被政府误用了。||2:他说,间谍很少会提供可靠的答案,他们只会提供零零碎碎的令人困惑的信息,至于那些零零碎碎的信息所拼成的“拼图”有多大、是什么形状,谁也不知道。||3:至多,秘密情报能让外事工作少遇到一些意料之外的事情,但很少会让人清楚该做什么。 | ||1:Mr Huband also deals with fiascos, such as the political misuse of the sketchy intelligence available about Saddam Hussein’s weapons programmes.||2:Spies rarely provide solid answers, he says, but offer confusing bits of a jigsaw puzzle of unknown size and shape.||3:At best, secret intelligence removes an element of surprise from foreign affairs, but it rarely makes it clear what to do. | |
26 | ||1:法院还未给出了自己的理由,但是它的裁决表明了它除了能洗清贝卢斯科尼渎职的罪名之外并有其他的能力。||2:2012年,很少有公众和媒体注意到马里奥·蒙蒂的政府成功掩护贝卢斯科尼销毁了法院对他的两项指控。||3:所以现在一些评论者回想起来认为蒙蒂的政府是要依靠贝卢斯科尼的党羽们才能苟延残喘。 | ||1:The court has yet to give its reasons, but the way it framed its ruling suggested it had no option but to clear Mr Berlusconi of the misuse of authority charge.||2:In 2012, barely noticed by the public and scarcely reported in the media, Mario Monti’s government, which succeeded Mr Berlusconi’s, abolished the offence for which the former prime minister had been indicted. 。||3:As some commentators now recall, Mr Monti’s government relied for survival on the support of Mr Berlusconi’s followers. | |
27 | ||1:美国证券交易委员会(SEC)给菲利普·法尔康和他经营的对冲基金公司Harbinger开出了高达1800万美元的罚单,原因是他挪用客户的现金去支付税单。||2:更重要的是,法尔康不得不承认违约行为,这也是证交会出台减少与被告交易的政策以来第一个承认不法行为的被告;此前,被告总是不承认其不法行为或者不认罪。 | ||1:The Securities and Exchange Commission fined Philip Falcone and Harbinger, the hedge fund he runs, $18m for his misuse of clients’ cash to pay a tax bill.||2:More importantly, Mr Falcone had to admit to wrongdoing, the first such admission under the SEC’s policy of reducing the number of deals it cuts with defendants in which they neither admit nor deny guilt. | |
28 | Balko成功地绕过了左派或右派的陈词滥调,激起民众对公共权力滥用的深刻愤慨。这种渎职行为是极为残酷且无法量化的。 | Mr Balko manages to avoid the clichés of both right and left, and provokes genuine outrage at the misuse of state power in its most brutal and unaccountable form. | |
29 | Balko是个内行,在“战警的崛起”一书中找到了大量特警队滥用职权的案例。例如,他们调用全副武装的警察来取缔小赌注的扑克赛,因为怀疑慈善晚会向未成年人提供酒类而突袭晚会,以无照经营的名义逮捕理发店员。 | Mr Balko is adept, in “Rise of the Warrior Cop”, at finding outrageous examples of SWAT-team misuse , such as deploying heavily armed police to break up small-stakes poker games, raid fraternity parties suspected of serving alcohol to underage patrons and arrest barbers for operating without licences. | |
30 | “创新”在2008年死掉了。它的死亡是由于滥用、错用、狭隘主义、渐进主义,以及固步自封。 | "Innovation" died in 2008, killed off by overuse, misuse , narrowness, incrementalism and failure to evolve. |