属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-艺术与中东 卡塔尔的艺术女王
1 | 他这个念头在头两个月还潜而不露。 | This motif is concealed for a month or two | |
2 | 同一母题 不同情怀-《苔丝》和《边城》比较 | Two Different Feelings under the Same Motif : A Comparison between Tess of the Durbervilles and Frontier City | |
3 | 图案整体明朗愉悦的暖色系,象征健康快乐的未来与新鲜活力的期许 | The entire motif conveys bright, clear and joyful warm hue, suggesting healthy and blessed future as well as brilliant vigor. | |
4 | 外星人母题与中国古代外星不明入侵物叙事 | E. T. Motif and Ancient China’s Description of Unidentified Extraterrestrial Intruders | |
5 | 希腊神话中“主母反告”母题的延伸及主题变异-比较欧里庇得斯、拉辛和茨维塔耶娃的悲剧 | Stretchs of Motif and Variations of Theme of Housewife Sued Stepson of Greek Mythology-A Comparision of the Tragedy by Olipites, Lasing and Civatayeva | |
6 | 现实、奇幻、爱的母题-关于当代魔幻童话电影创作一些共通规律的思考 | Reality, Fantasy and Love Motif | |
7 | 序曲一首为钢琴所做的独立曲目,通常以一单独的,较短的主旋律为基调 | An independent piece written for piano and usually based on a single,short thematic motif . | |
8 | 旋律与音高有关。高低不同的音按一定的音乐规律组织起来便称为音阶。有些音乐作品有主题,如贝多芬<第五交响乐>一开始的四个音符便是。 | " Melody involves pitch. When pitches are musically organized, they are called scales. Some music may be based on a motif , or motive-like the four notes at the beginning of Beethoven’s ""Fifth Symphony""." | |
9 | 以“父亲”的名义:论西方文学中的审父母题 | In the Name of "Father": The Motif of "Father on Trial" in Western Literature | |
10 | 印有心形图案的围巾 | a scarf with a heart motif | |
11 | 在靠前的地方有一个羊角状器皿(羊角是丰饶的象征,是感恩节时很普遍的装饰图案),上写着"经济"二字, | In the foreground is a cornucopia (a symbol of abundance that is a common decorative motif at Thanksgiving)labeled ’economy’ | |
12 | 在外观上,长车身弯曲流畅的腰线、宽大的座舱、刻意留黑的B柱创造出极富动感的“弹道”形车窗造型。 | In profile, the curved, sweeping belt line, long cabin and blacked out B pillar creates a strong, dynamic ′sling-shot′ window graphic motif . | |
13 | 在异化的世界里寻求安身立命之道-《老人》和《熊》主题试绎 | Search after a Settled Life in the Alien World-Motif of Faulkeners Fictions: The Bear and the Old People | |
14 | 在中国毯子上,云彩是人们所喜爱的图案. | The cloud is a favourite motif in Chinese rugs. | |
15 | 这出歌剧有个爱情主题。 | This opera contains a love motif | |
16 | 这歌剧的主题是爱情. | This opera contains a love motif . | |
17 | 这个时期也常用花纹装饰的基本图案,即小型重复形状的全面模式。 | The diaper motif , an allover pattern of small repeated shapes, was also often used in this period. | |
18 | 这件夹克衫领子上有一朵玫瑰花的图案。 | The jacket has a rose motif on the collar. | |
19 | 中国共产党对时代主题的认识及其对社会主义实践的影响 | Cognition about Era Motif and Impact on Socialistic Practice by Chinese Communist | |
20 | 中国古代早期白色动物母题的文化思考 | A Cultural Thinking about Chinese Early Ancient Motif of the White Animals | |
21 | 主题艺术、文学或者音乐的主题 | A motif in art,literature,or music. | |
22 | 追求卓越服务是企业永恒的主题 | Pursuing Eximious Service as the Motif of Company | |
23 | ||1: 劳拉·普兰住在哈瓦那的中心街区Calle Neptuno 963 号,这虽是一所小小居所,但劳拉始终把它打理得整洁漂亮。 ||2:有着雪花图案的灰色地砖总是一尘不染,尽管她的长毛geng(反犬旁那个更,这里出不来,悲剧了。)经常会把它的毛发掉落一地,尽管敞开的大门正对着一条满溢尾气、嘈杂的、尘土飞扬的大街。||3:在前面的客厅里有几张藤背椅,它们的靠背是一个心形,三角形的花边装饰着座凳。||4:在屋后有一个很小的庭院,满是盆栽和爬藤植物,如同一个小小丛林,对面赭石墙上的清洁工具挂得整整齐齐。||5:一抬头就能看到伊格莱西亚卡门塔,它似静静观望着小院。 | ||1: THE house at 963 Calle Neptuno, in the centre of Havana, was small, but Laura Pollan kept it beautifully. ||2: The grey floor-tiles with their snowflake motif were always swept clean, even though her fluffy mongrel terrier shed his long hair everywhere, and though the door was kept open to get some air in from the bike-filled, rowdy, dusty street. ||3: In the front living room she had cane chairs with heart-shaped backs, and triangles of lace decorated the shelves. ||4: Outside, the tiny back yard was a jungle of pot plants and climbers, with neatly folded washing hung against the ochre walls. ||5: And the tower of the Iglesia del Carmen watched over it all. | |
24 | ||1:除了伊斯兰艺术和现代阿拉伯艺术博物馆(目前它们均已被纳入QMA管辖范围),一座新的关于体育和奥林匹克的互动型博物馆正在缓慢成型,这是为了2022年将在卡塔尔举办的世界杯而修建。||2:但最庞大的项目是将于2016年对外开放的一个卡塔尔国家博物馆的建造。||3:它的建筑师—来自法国的Jean Nouvel,使用了当地的沙漠玫瑰作为其外墙的主题,其内部的12条展廊将会向卡塔尔的国民诉说关于他们这个民族的故事,从史前时代到珍珠工业的发展,直至石油和天然气的发现,并对与沙漠,饮食,钓鱼,猎鹰训练和民间传说的当地传统进行了一番探索。 | ||1:In addition to the Islamic and modern Arabic art museums, which now fall under the QMA, a new interactive museum of sport and the Olympics is slowly taking shape to coincide with Qatar’s hosting of the FIFA World Cup in 2022.||2:The biggest project, though, is the construction of a national museum for Qatar, which will open in 2016.||3:Its French architect, Jean Nouvel, has used the local desert rose as a motif for the exterior walls.Twelve interior galleries will tell the 300,000 Qataris their national story, from prehistoric times through to the development of their pearl industry and the discovery of oil and gas, exploring local traditions about the desert, food, fishing, falconry and folklore. | |
25 | “背叛”是蕴含在当代作家张炜长篇小说《家族》中的深层主题。 | "Betrayal" is an in-depth motif embraced in the novel The Clan by Zhangwei. | |
26 | “九九缺一”母题的南亚佛教文化溯源 | The Motif of "Nearly Perfection" and Its Origin in Indian Buddhist Culture | |
27 | 《日落狂沙》中反复出现的母题是一扇打开的门,里面是已知,外面非已知。 | A recurring motif throughout The Searchers is the open doorway; inside is the known, outside is the other. | |
28 | Sun认为Windows的经典外观已经过时,没有人再使用Motif了--至少在用户桌面上。 | Sun has decided that the Windows classic look has grown old and nobody uses Motif anymore -- at least on the typical user desktop. | |
29 | 白骨与人头是赫斯特作品里常有的元素。这是一张名为《浮骨》的画作的局部。 | Bones and human heads are a reoccurring motif in Hirst’s work: pictured here is a detail from Floating Skull (2006) | |
30 | 比武招亲--一个带有侠义色彩的江湖规则的人类学依据母题 | Competition for Marriage in Martial Skills--An Anthropological Motif with Chivalrous Spirit and the Worldly Rule |