属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-野生水獭 Otters in the wild
1 | 他已无灵感,不能再写作了。 | His muse have deserted him,and he can no longer write. | |
2 | 我希望你见见简--她是我的诗人. | I`d like you to meet Jane - she`s my Muse ! | |
3 | 我喜欢仔细思考长大后做什么。 | I like to muse about what I will do when I grow up. | |
4 | 我沿着大路一边走一边想着该说些什么。 | As I walk along the road,I muse on what I shall say. | |
5 | 我愚蠢、破裂、瑕疵的缪斯依旧歌唱, | My foolish, broken, blemished Muse so sings | |
6 | 我坐着一遍又一遍地思考我的问题,可总是找不到解决办法。是指沉浸在自己的思想中;该词经常含有一种抽象的性质 | I sat mulling over my problem without finding a solution.To muse is to be absorbed in one’s thoughts;the word often connotes an abstracted quality | |
7 | 乌拉尼亚掌管天文的女神 | The muse of astronomy. | |
8 | 一味想着已往的过失是没用的。 | It is useless to muse on [upon] past errors. | |
9 | 一意孤行的人是盲目的(当局者迷)。 | Men are blind in their own muse . | |
10 | 永远漂泊的缪司-访黄锦培教授 | An ever-drifting Muse : An Interview with Professor Huang Jinpei | |
11 | 用学理创新为网络缪斯画像-评《网络文学论纲》 | A Portrait of Network Muse with Academic Theorise-Comment on Network literary Theory | |
12 | 又一次,灵感,加上里维埃拉神奇的阳光拯救了他。 | Once more the muse , and the magical light of the riviera, came to his rescue | |
13 | ||1:从这场纽约现代艺术博物馆的回顾展,人们能看出58岁的谢尔曼身为自己的模特,却非自己的缪斯。||2:她的工作室在曼哈顿一幢建筑的九楼,墙上钉着从杂志剪下或者用电脑印出的图片,图中人摆着被她称作“荒谬”的姿势:名媛身着舞会的华裳做着早点;女伶裸裎入镜,仅以定制手袋和廉价珠宝蔽身。||3:她把自己的道具摆在橱柜上,整理得井井有条:七彩斑斓的假发,假鼻子,假胸,还有一些奇怪的衣服。||4:橱柜的抽屉里,一个橙色的塑料匣子盛着大量化妆品;橱柜旁边的一块大手写板则用来给作品做后期数码处理。||5:在这里,谢尔曼女士幻化成照片里那些令人心醉的人儿。 | ||1:A retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York demonstrates that although the 58-year-old American may be her own model, she is not her own muse .||2:Her ninth-floor Manhattan studio also offers clues.Pinned to the walls are magazine cuttings and computer printouts of people in what she calls “preposterous” positions: society ladies in ball gowns making breakfast, actresses who are completely naked except for a designer handbag and costume jewellery.||3:She keeps her props in meticulously organised cupboards—multicoloured wigs, prosthetic noses, false boobs and funny clothes.||4:An orange plastic chest of drawers holds loads of make-up; nearby is the giant track pad she uses to do her post-production digital work.||5:It is here that Ms Sherman mutates into the objects of her fascination. | |
14 | ||1:亨利·里维埃,法国版画家和设计师,为了完成由36个石版画组成的一系列作品,曾爬上还未竣工的高耸的艾菲尔铁塔(铁塔于1889年落成),拍摄下了以巴黎的天空为背景,铁塔的钢筋铁架纵横交错构成的振奋人心的画面。||2:维亚尔和另一位才华横溢但名不见经传的比利时画家亨利·埃费内普尔把照相机当作素描本和备忘录,用以扑捉和家人朋友的日常生活瞬间。||3:而波纳尔拍摄的则是他那身材苗条脸盘很圆的情妇,以及他灵感的源泉玛莎·Méligny在树林中一丝不挂的照片。他在给公元2世纪希腊传奇小说家隆古斯的小说《达佛涅斯和克洛伊》做插图时,灵感就来自这些照片。 | ||1:Henri Rivière, a French printmaker and designer, climbed the soaring Eiffel Tower before it was completed in 1889 to photograph the exhilarating lines and angles of its iron girders set against the Paris sky for a series of 36 lithographs.||2:Vuillard and a gifted, yet little-known, Belgian painter named Henri Evenepoel used the camera as a sketch book and aide-mémoire to capture everyday moments with family and friends.||3:Bonnard in turn photographed his slender, round-faced mistress and muse , Marthe de Méligny, naked in a glade, as inspiration for his illustrations of “Daphnis and Chloé” by a second-century Greek novelist and romancer, Longus. | |
15 | ||1:人们所喜爱水獭为时已久。||2:只是它们习惯夜间出没,很少有机会让人们看到。“水獭透露给人们的信息很少,要了解它们非常困难”达林顿这样写到。||3:“无比神秘”的它们是诗人的灵感之源,也是科学家眼里的谜团,关于这些水族哺乳动物,还有很多东西等着他们去学习。||4:淘气的外表下掩藏的是它们作为英国头等捕手的身份。 | ||1:Otters have long fascinated man.||2:Their nocturnal habits mean they are rarely seen—“otters give so little of themselves it’s hard to know them,” Ms Darlington writes.||3:Their “sublimely secretive” nature makes them a muse to poets and a mystery to scientists, who still have much to learn about these aquatic mammals.||4:Their mischievous appearance belies their status as one of Britain’s top predators. | |
16 | 诗人的灵感,科学家的谜团 | A muse to poets, a mystery to scientists | |
17 | 做为馆长,佩德罗萨和霍夫曼也采用了令人印象深刻的方式开幕。并没有用千遍一律的红字标注展览主题,这次的双年展自己的缪斯——菲利克斯冈萨雷斯托雷斯,这位艺术家1996就英年早逝,死后在2007年的维纳斯双年展上被选为正式的美国代表。 | As curators, Mr Pedrosa and Mr Hoffmann have also adopted an effective premise. Rather than using a theory or theme as a unifying rubric, the biennial has a muse —Félix González-Torres, an artist who died in 1996 and who was selected posthumously to be the official American representative at the 2007 Venice Biennale. | |
18 | “缪斯”(Muse)是音乐花瓶,可以给你和你心爱的植物唱情歌。 | "Muse " is musical vase which can sing serenades to you and your favorite plant. | |
19 | “在西南航空历史的第一个周日清晨,我们勉强逃过一劫,”缪斯先生写道。 | "The very first Sunday morning of Southwest’s life, we narrowly escaped a disaster, " Mr. Muse wrote. | |
20 | 长久以来,凯特·摩斯一直被视为艺术大师们的灵感缪斯。而如今,她却摇身变为了时尚掌门人。 | Kate Moss has long been a muse of the art world, and now she has turned curator. | |
21 | 但是,在别人以为她用劲干活的时候,她却经常把两手抱在脑后,在那儿想心思。 | But she would often clasp her hands behind her head and muse when she was supposed to be working hard. | |
22 | 当我们与内心沉思失去联系的时候,懒惰就会出现。 | The sloth-like times come when we lose touch with our inner muse . | |
23 | 而其他时间,我会暂时忘却凡事,与缪斯女神共舞。 | But other days, I can dance with my Muse and forget about the vacuuming. | |
24 | 跟着你的灵感走,就算在家人朋友和师长的眼里你的灵感很不切实际,也别轻易放弃。 | Follow your muse , even if it doesn’t seem practical to your family, friends, or teachers. | |
25 | 几名狱中的海盗说穆瑟先生——这位过去的军阀现在是庞特兰地区主席——被海盗收买了。 | Several jailed pirates have accused Mr. Muse , a former warlord who is now Puntland’s president, of being paid off. | |
26 | 她后来成为数十位垮掉派诗人的缪斯女神,但对其中的一位诗人——莱纳德·科恩——来说,她尤为特殊。 | She became the muse of dozens of Beat poets but for one, Leonard Cohen, she became extra special. | |
27 | 老想过去的过错是无益的。 | It is useless to muse upon past errors. | |
28 | 缪斯的自闭与开放--诗之思的悖论性诉求 | The self-closing and opening of the muse --aspiring after paradoxical thinking of poetry | |
29 | 拿出你们的旧照片,回忆那些在一起的快乐时光。 | Take out old photos of time spent together, view and muse over them. | |
30 | 诺亚第一次激发其灵感的时刻是在孩提时病倒了,不得不被送进了重症监护室。 | The first time Noah played muse was when, as an infant, he fell ill and had to be rushed to intensive care. |