属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-"漫威之父"斯坦·李去世 享年95岁(
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-疫苗 及时一针(上)
1 | 我追寻爱的最后一个原因是,在爱的结合中,透过一张神秘的小画像,我窥见了圣人和诗人们幻想中的天国景象。 | I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saint and poets have imagined | |
2 | 现在,这神秘的幻影很奇怪地消失了。她发现来到了一片她从来没有去过的水边。 | Now the mystic scenery merged queerly and the place was by waters she had never seen. | |
3 | 想要当美国神秘主义者的人,和美国总统一样,在修行时经常被人打搅,不得不出去和一个个代表团握手。 | The would-be American mystic , like the American President, is interrupted in his study to go and shake hands with a deputation | |
4 | 也有时候,当她遇到某位太太时,望着她们那神圣凛然的面孔,心中便会油然生出一种神秘的妹妹之感,而那位太太却是被众口一词地公认为从来都是冷若冰霜的。 | Again, a mystic sisterhood would contumaciously assert itself, as she met the sanctified frown of some matron, who, according to the rumour of all tongues, had kept cold snow within her bosom throughout life. | |
5 | 一个疑虑重重的神秘阴影立刻就缠住了这块地方。 | A mystic shadow of suspicion immediately attached itself to the spot. | |
6 | 在任命职位方面,他有着不可救药的广泛的裙带关系,轻视才能,信赖一种神秘的称为"性格"的东西,在绅士的嘴里,意指他自己传统上所拥有的品质。 | He has an incurable and widespread nepotism in appointment, discounting ability and relying upon a mystic entity called ’character,’ which means, in a gentleman’s mouth, the qualities he traditionally possesses himself. | |
7 | 在任命职位方面,他有着不可救药的广泛的裙带关系,轻视才能,信赖一种神秘的称为"性格"的东西,在绅士的嘴里,意指他自己传统上所拥有的品质。 | He has an incurable and widespread nepotism in appointment, discounting ability and relying upon a mystic entity called ’character,’ which means, in a gentleman’s mouth, the qualities he traditionally possesses himself. | |
8 | 这个神秘性的光荣时刻却有了一个令人不安的背景。 | This moment of mystic glory had an unquiet background | |
9 | ||1:或许他并非像X战警或是雷神索尔那样生来就有超能力。||2:或许他也没能像蜘蛛侠那样从辐射的蜘蛛咬伤获得超人力量,或是像神秘博士那样通过学习神秘艺术获得神力。||3:尽管如此,斯坦·李同样也有超能力!在斯坦·李的漫画体自传中,超人力量像阳光般在他头顶闪耀。||4:(他需要带着那些彩色眼镜。||5:)能量波从他肩膀震出。||6:因为正是他创造了这些(具有超人力量的)角色。||7:是他让美国漫威漫画公司起死回生,随后整个漫画产业脱离廉价和幼稚,之前父母不想让你看的漫画也长成大人了!而且还广受欢迎!漫威攻占了好莱坞电影,随后影响整个美国流行文化,赚了数十亿美元!令人咋舌。 | ||1:Perhaps he wasn’t born with superhero powers, like the X-Men—or the god Thor, for that matter.||2:Perhaps he didn’t acquire them from a radioactive-spider bite (Spider-Man) or from studying the mystic arts (Doctor Strange).||3:All the same, Stan Lee certainly had them! In his autobiography, graphic of course, they dazzled like sun-rays round his head.||4:(He needed those tinted glasses he wore.||5:) Waves of energy shook from his shoulders.||6:For he was the man who had thought up those characters.||7:He had brought Marvel Comics back from the dead, and with it the whole industry of comics, so that far from being something cheap and childish, which your parents didn’t want you to read, they became grown-up too! And wildly popular! And took over Hollywood, and with it the whole of American pop culture, earning revenues in the billions and billions of dollars! Phe-ee-ew. | |
10 | ||1:人们通常将这一窘境归咎于强硬的“反疫苗者”,即拒不让孩子接种任何疫苗的家长。||2:例如,美国的蒙诺教派排斥现代医学,以及几乎自17世纪以来的所有发明物。||3:部分素食主义者反对疫苗制作中使用动物制品。||4:新教荷兰归正教会则认为疫苗阻止了神的旨意。||5:奥地利神秘主义者兼哲学家鲁道夫·斯坦纳于19世纪提出了人智说,鼓吹疾病可以促进孩子的身体及智力发育。 | ||1:This sorry state of affairs is often blamed on hardline “anti-vaxxers”, parents who refuse all vaccines for their children.||2:They are a motley lot. The Amish in America spurn modern medicine, along with almost everything else invented since the 17th century.||3:Some vegans object to the use of animal-derived products in vaccines’manufacture.||4:The Protestant Dutch Reformed Church thinks vaccines thwart divine will.||5:Anthroposophy, founded in the 19th century by Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian mystic -cum-philosopher, preaches that diseases strengthen children’s physical and mental development. | |
11 | “阿门”对我从来没有奏效过,哪怕是在神秘的六十年代。 | "Om" never did it for me - not even in the mystic 60s. | |
12 | 1985年,他们终于结婚了,证婚人是曼利·帕尔默·豪尔(ManlyPalmerHall),一位生于加拿大的作家和神秘主义者。 | They were eventually married by Manly Palmer Hall, a Canadian-born author and mystic , in 1985. | |
13 | Tyler收到了一通令人不安的电话之后,将会回到神秘瀑布镇。 | Tyler returns to Mystic Falls after receiving a disturbing phone call. | |
14 | 并且这种与聪明皇帝的灵魂神秘地交流所得到的洞察力也帮助增加他的五个公司的收益。 | But the insight gained from mystic communication with spirits of wise kings has also helped boost the profits of his five companies. | |
15 | 但是所宣称的相反,它并不是对圣约翰的福音书的字面解读而却是以19世纪的一个神秘主义者的“启示录”为基础的。 | It is not, contrary to claims, a literal interpretation of St. John’s Gospel but is based on the "revelations" of a 19th-century mystic . | |
16 | 共同探索音乐的灵动世界——记周海宏博士关于音乐心理学、音乐教育学的座谈 | Explore the Mystic and Active Music World Together-record of Doctor Zhou Haihong’s lecture on music psychology and music pedagogy | |
17 | 还是继续玩“卡亚神秘勇士” | Or are we going to play "mystic warriors of ka-ah" ? | |
18 | 尽管在台上,乔布斯充满了禅宗似的神秘感,但台下,他却是一个独裁的暴脾气管理者。 | His on-stage persona as a Zen-like mystic notwithstanding, Mr Jobs was an autocratic manager with a fierce temper. | |
19 | 马原小说中的神秘色彩 | The Mystic Flavour in Ma Yuan, s Novels | |
20 | 难道他们是坐在一起,等着灵光一现或者是神奇的幸运魔法? | Did they sit around waiting for an inspirational flash or a mystic spell of luck? | |
21 | 如果他企图在湖中游泳而没有付出代价的话,这三只神秘湖的大黑鸟将会啄下他的肉。 | If he tried to swim in the lake without paying the price, the three big black birds of the Mystic Lake would pick the flesh off his bones. | |
22 | 他在2003年凭借《神秘之河》(MysticRiver)中对一位悲情父亲的出色诠释,已得过一次奥斯卡影帝。 | He already won one best actor Oscar for playing a grieving father in the 2003 movie "Mystic River. " | |
23 | 忘记有关神秘瀑布的一切,重新开始 | Forget everything you know about Mystic Falls and get ready for a fresh new vein. | |
24 | 我一直很想去中国,中国似乎是一个神秘的国家。 | I always wanted to go to China. It seems like a land of the mystic . | |
25 | 我在2003年因影片《神秘河》获得最佳配角奖,那时候我正在纽约拍片,在洛杉矶才待了24小时。 | When I won [for best supporting actor in Mystic River, in 2003] I was rehearsing a play in New York and I was only in LA for 24 hours. | |
26 | 又有两张新面孔要来神秘瀑布镇了。 | Two new faces are coming to Mystic Falls. | |
27 | 中国馆外表雄伟壮丽,内在神秘,犹如仙境般 | China Pavilion looks magnificent, mystic , As if a Wonderland | |
28 | 自1966年起,摩根号就一直停靠在康涅狄格州的米斯迪克。 | The Morgan has been docked in Mystic , Conn. , since 1966. |