属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-?日经指数大涨 沃尔沃换首席执行官
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-3D制造 给我打印一部电话
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-运动品牌直售 大获全胜
1 | 现在斯特拉等待着第一个没有戴夫的圣诞节。她深知自己必须独立生活下去。 | And now, approaching the first Christmas without Dave , Stella was all too aware she was on her own. | |
2 | 一回到家,她就给内森、凯丽和戴夫打电话,向他们表示感谢。 | Back home, she called Nathan, kelly and Dave to thank them | |
3 | 在此期间,凯丽已经回到家里,打了911以后,她就和戴夫赶回了隘谷--但此前戴夫还从自己的车里抓了一个轻便灭火器。 | Meanwhile, Kelly had reached home. After calling 911, she and Dave raced back to the ravine--but not before Dave grabbed a portable fire extinguisher from his car. | |
4 | 在戴夫用灭火器喷向车窗时,内森又冲进那炽热的车内。抓住卡着希瑟一只脚的滚烫的金属,他用尽了全身的力气拖--终于把希瑟被卡住的那只脚拽出来了。 | As Dave aimed the extinguisher into the window, Nathan dove into the inferno, clawing at the hot metal trapping Heather’s foot. He tugged with all his might--until the foot slipped free! | |
5 | 在当时,送手表作礼物意味着两人的关系已发展到该订婚了,但母亲把手表退了回去。几个月后的一天晚上,她叫醒她的母亲,告诉她她要嫁给戴夫了。 | In those days the gift of a watch meant the relationship was moving toward an engagement. But she returned the watch, and one night a few months later, she woke her mother and told her she was going to marry Dave . | |
6 | 在他们家里吃了一顿丰盛的午餐,我便开车送戴夫回镇上取行李。 | After an enormous lunch I drove Dave back to town to get his luggage. | |
7 | 在我接受血液透析治疗时,戴夫拖着脚步走进来,面带着苦笑。 | While I dialyzed, Dave shuffled in wearing a grin | |
8 | 这天,结婚不久的内森和凯丽·斯托弗花大部分时间给自己的梦幻之屋做了最后的装点。这房子是他们小俩口在内森的父亲戴夫的帮助下自己动手盖起来的。 | Newlyweds Nathan and Kelly Stover had spent most of that day putting the final touches on the dream house they’d built with the help of Nathan’s father, Dave . | |
9 | 朱莉和戴夫两个还在一起厮混吗? | Are Julie and Dave still knocking about together? | |
10 | ||1:底特律市市长,Dave Bing似乎倾向于通过协商,使市政府与州政府达成“一致协议”。||2:此举虽然可以避免被接管,但对于底特律城如何自我救赎,从危机中走出,以及如何安排城市的未来仍需做出明确的安排。||3:然而,协议达成的最终期限是四月五日。一旦无法在最终期限内签属和生效,任命危机总长来接管城市,将势在必行。 | ||1:The mayor of Detroit, Dave Bing, has seemed keen to negotiate a “consent agreement” between the city and the state.||2:This would avoid a takeover, but would still set out exactly how the city must extricate itself from the crisis and manage itself in future.||3:However, the agreement had to be signed and sealed by April 5th; if the deadline was missed, an emergency manager would probably be appointed. | |
11 | ||1:截止到2月28日的2014财年,乐购超市税前亏损64亿英镑,比想象的更糟糕。这是英国公司历史上绝无仅有的亏损数额。||2:作为世界第三大零售超市,乐购遭遇到阿尔迪等折扣超市的激烈竞争,并且受到几件官司的影响及其市面价值急剧下降。||3:CEO大卫·刘易斯称,对乐购来说“这一年不好过“。从收益表来看,情况要比他所述严重。 | ||1:Tesco reported a worse-than-expected pre-tax loss of 6.4 billion ($9.6 billion) for the year to February 28th, one of the biggest losses in British corporate history.||2:The world’s third-biggest supermarket retailer, which is being squeezed by discount rivals such as Aldi, booked several charges and took a hefty write-down in the value of its stores.||3:Dave Lewis, the chief executive, said it had been “a very difficult year”, an understatement given the catalogue of profit warnings. | |
12 | 不必把多个单独的组件装配到一起,3D电子印刷术使得用单一机器打印出整个产品成为可能,Optomec 首席执行官 Dave Ramahi说到。 | Instead of assembling an item from many separate components, 3D-printed electronics make it possible to print an entire product in a single machine, says Dave Ramahi, Optomec’s chief executive. | |
13 | ||该集团的一条非常精明的供应链是其另一个制胜法宝。该集团的首席执行官表示,相较于使用第三方公司,Sports Direct 更偏爱亲自管理运营其物流。||这降低成本,减少货物经多方过手。并且它也有利于提高在线销售,该销售方式正不断成熟。 | ||The group’s remarkably lean supply chain is another advantage. Rather than use third-party firms, Sports Direct tends to look after most of its logistics itself, says Dave Forsey, the group’s chief executive.|| This cuts down costs, reducing the number of hands goods pass through. And it helps boost online sales, which are growing. | |
14 | 据调查公司Dave Aron of Gartner一项最新的调查表明,全球首席信息官一半以上都表示他们的生意和IT组织都在数字化的风暴中面临危险。 | According to Dave Aron of Gartner, a research firm, in a recent survey of chief information officers around the world just over half agreed that both their businesses and their IT organisations were in real danger from a digital tsunami. | |
15 | “不,戴夫,”我一字一句地说,“我只想做托德.哈里森。” | ’No, Dave , ’ I said matter-of-factly, ’All I ever wanted to be was Todd Harrison. ’ | |
16 | “戴夫,这跟我的自尊或页面浏览量无关,”我说,“这事关信任,如果我走了,就不会再回来。” | ’Dave , this isn’t about my ego or page views, ’ I said. ’This is about trust. If I leave, I’m not coming back. ’ | |
17 | “没有办法!”Graham大声嚷嚷道。“我可是天蝎座!” | "Nothing! " Graham shouts. "I’m a Scorpio! " WATCH DAVE GRAHAM AMAZING VIDEO | |
18 | “你觉得怎么样?”戴夫有点焦急地问道。 | ’What do you think? ’ asked Dave with a touch of anxiety. | |
19 | “如果我能找到不睡觉的办法的话我永远也不睡”,戴夫·哈特(DaveHatter)是这样说的。哈特是肯塔基州莱特堡的一名软件开发人员。 | "If I could find a way to do it, I’d never sleep, " says Dave Hatter, a software developer in Fort Wright, Ky. | |
20 | “像是在约会,”桑德伯格的丈夫戴夫•戈德伯格说,他是在线公司SurveyMonkey的CEO。 | "It was like dating, " says Dave Goldberg, Sandberg’s husband and the C. E. O. of the online company SurveyMonkey. | |
21 | “用戴夫曾说过的一个“网球比喻”来形容,当时我感觉他就是我的一个打球好伙伴。”弗兰岑说。 | "To use, in Dave ’s honor, a tennis metaphor, I felt like I had a good hitting partner, " Franzen says. | |
22 | “有些俗艳,”一位潜在买家戴夫·克尔评论道,他以怀疑的眼神细细打量着拍品。 | "Kind of gaudy, " said Dave Kerr, a prospective buyer looking skeptically over the lot. | |
23 | “这肯定是一种代际变化”一位AMERIPRISE金融公司的经理戴夫格斯克认为。 | "It truly is a generational change, " says Dave Geske, an executive at Ameriprise Financial. | |
24 | “这是个不断加重的大问题,”戴维·杰文斯表示,他是Ironkey公司的董事长,同时也是反钓鱼工作组的负责人。 | "It’s a big problem and getting worse, " says Dave Jevans, chief executive of IronKey and chair of the Anti-Phishing Working Group. | |
25 | 「戴式」体育器材装载方式在归还的效率高于「原用」体育器材装载方式。 | For the efficiency of returning PE equipment, Dave ’s transportation method was more efficient than the original transportation method. 3. | |
26 | 2007年一中学的美术老师大卫沃尔瓦克就因为鼓吹纯素食主义而被解雇。 | Middle school art teacher Dave Warwak was fired in 2007 for preaching veganism. | |
27 | 3月18日,Schmidt与JoeRaedle和法新社记者DaveClark被政府军逮捕,关了4天。 | Schmidt, along with Joe Raedle and AFP journalist Dave Clark, were arrested by government forces March 18, and held four days. | |
28 | 3月21日,伦敦,马车修缮师戴维﹒埃文斯在伦敦中心清理皇家马车的玻璃车厢。 | Carriage restorer Dave Evans cleans the Glass Coach at the Royal Mews in central London on March 21. | |
29 | BzzAgent的创始人戴夫。巴尔特觉得经验介绍推销术会成为几十亿美元的产业。 | Dave Balter, BzzAgent’s founder, thinks word-of-mouth marketing will become a multi-billion dollar industry. | |
30 | Dave在财政部门做事,所以对行销的事一无所知。 | Dave works in the finance department, so he is in the dark about marketing. |