属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-看似自传 畅所欲言 实则小说
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-俄罗斯人权问题 悲惨的同志
1 | 持久的战争使美元贬值。 | The lasting war debased the value of the dollar. | |
2 | 华盛顿的那些骗子和无赖使美元贬值,并且还在继续这样干着,他们一边毁灭我们,一边却在傻笑。 | Those charlatans and crooks in Washington debased the dollar and keep right on doing it, grinning like idiots while they ruin us | |
3 | 社会给予每个公民他所期望的自由和物质,其数量与质量之多之好足以保障幸福,当然这是从理论上讲,而且这里所说的幸福的含义在过去几十年中已有所贬损。 | Every citizen has been granted the desired freedom and material goods in such quantity and of such quality as to guarantee in theory the achievement of happiness, in the debased sense of the word which has come into being during those same decades | |
4 | 税收调整了,关税提高了,私人造币厂废除了,贬值货币恢复了。 | Taxes were regularized, tariffs lifted, private mints abolished and the debased currency restored | |
5 | 苏小姐嫌鸿渐太没面子,心痒痒地要为他挽回体面。 | Miss Su hated the way Hung-chien had debased himself and wanted very much to make him look good | |
6 | 贪婪降低了他的品格。 | Greed had debased his character. | |
7 | 体育运动的价值受商业化的影响而逐渐下降。 | Sport is being debased by commercialism. | |
8 | 体育运动的价值受商业化影响而逐渐下降. | Sport is being debased by commercialism. | |
9 | 一个好人,很可能激起凶暴又品质恶劣的人的爱恋,一个胡言乱语的疯子,很可能让某人的灵魂产生一种温柔而质朴的田园情调。 | A good man may be the stimulus for a love both violent and debased , or a jabbering madman may bring about in the soul of someone a tender and simple idyll. | |
10 | 银币一再用铜币维隆来替代,实行贬值。 | The silver coinage was repeatedly debased with copper vellon | |
11 | ||1:海蒂女士也捕捉到了富有创意的那一类年轻人身上莫名的不安。||2:希拉总是在思考一个问题:艺术创作是否只是一种自恋?||3:但是,正当她过于自我投入、故事几乎要失控时,一场危机让她开始正视性的问题和自己堕落的生活。||4:她和画家马尔戈的友谊就给她带来了某种救赎。纵观全文,读者会始终陶醉在坦率而狡黠的文字描写之中:“浅浅一笑只会招蜂引蝶,浪费自己的时间。”||5:“这个世界充斥着自己的胡言乱语,都快装不下了。所以,多我一句不多,少我一句不少。” | ||1: Ms Heti also captures the malaise of young, creative types. ||2: Again and again Sheila asks if making art is merely narcissistic. ||3: But just as self-absorption threatens to swamp the tale, a crisis causes her to look squarely at her own sexual and debased life. ||4: Her friendship with Margaux, a painter, provides redemption of a kind. Throughout, the reader is beguiled by blunt, sly observations: “Smiling only encourages men to bore you and waste your time.” ||5: “The world is full to brimming with its own shit. A little more from me won’t even make a difference.” | |
12 | ||1:同志总是容易成为枪靶。||2:俄罗斯大众对通奸、流产和离婚都很宽容,而对待同性恋的态度却停留在上一代西方人的水平。||3:苏维埃时代,由于监狱中存有男性被强奸的风气以及被害者被烙上污名,使得人们对性有了双重标准。 | ||1:Gays and lesbians make easy targets.||2:Russia is socially liberal on adultery, abortion and divorce, but attitudes to homosexuality resemble those in the West of a generation ago.||3:Soviet-era doublethink about sex is compounded by the role of male rape in prison culture, and the stigma attached to its victims: opushenny, “made low” or debased , for life. | |
13 | 被歇斯底里的气氛所破坏的政治讨论 | political discussion debased by an atmosphere of hysteria | |
14 | 但(世界上)已经有830个这样的遗产,如果数量增长过快的话(称号)就不值钱了。 | But there are already 830 such sites, and the currency will be debased if the number rises too fast. | |
15 | 但美元的贬值也无法解释,为什么欧元兑美元汇率,比日元兑美元汇率下跌得更为严重。 | But a debased dollar cannot be the explanation as the euro has fallen more against the dollar than the yen. | |
16 | 但是瑞安先生却咬定美元在贬值,拒不接受否定的答复。 | But Mr. Ryan is sure that the dollar is being debased and won’t take no for an answer. | |
17 | 价格会不断猛涨,也许到年底一个普通的鸡蛋就会花费大约100美元这种已深度贬值的纸币。 | They will soar; perhaps by year’s end, an ordinary egg will cost one hundred or so debased dollars. | |
18 | 历史上,政府曾使用法定货币法强迫公民接受被降低纯度和贬值的货币。 | Historically, legal tender laws have been used by governments to force their citizens to accept debased and devalued currency. | |
19 | 孟加拉的政治舞台上,这两个党派上演了一出你推我搡的木偶戏,只有报复没有合作。 | The two parties had debased the country’s politics into a Punch-and-Judy show of non-co-operation and vindictive retaliation. | |
20 | 女性身体所拥有的固有尊严和价值总是被人们刻意地压制、贬低甚至诋毁。 | The value and dignity of women’s bodies have been always painstakingly suppressed, debased or even decried by us human beings. | |
21 | 如果人们可以自由拒绝被降低纯度的货币,而坚持要求健全的货币,那么健全的货币将会逐渐恢复在社会中的流通。 | If people are free to reject debased currency, and instead demand sound money, sound money will gradually return to use in society. | |
22 | 随之而来的是欺骗性越来越强的信贷工具呈螺旋式扩散,这些信贷工具是以一种贬值的货币计价的。 | What followed was a spiralling proliferation of increasingly spurious credit instruments denominated in a debased currency. | |
23 | 他说,默多克已失信于人,贬低了新闻界标准,但的确使新闻业发生了彻底的改变。 | Mr Murdoch, he says, has broken his word and debased journalistic standards. But he has also revolutionised an industry. | |
24 | 我一直在说的下等语言在某些方面非常方便。 | The debased language that I have been discussing is in some ways very convenient. | |
25 | 我这种状况有些粗鄙,但至少是非常正常的。 | Mine is a debased condition, but is at least perfectly normal. | |
26 | 一旦投资者担心某国货币贬值,汇率也可能受到影响。 | The currency might also suffer if investors feared it was being debased . | |
27 | 因此,美元贬值的越厉害,为了持有黄金和其他贵金属所需支付的资本得利税就越多。 | Thus, the more the dollar is debased , the more capital gains taxes must be paid on holdings of gold and other precious metals. | |
28 | 原始而低俗的性关系的吸引,在我看来是这么多摇滚明星陷入阴阳人或性混乱的原因。 | This fascination with crude and debased sexuality is why (I think) we see so much androgyny or sexual confusion, among rock stars. | |
29 | 这些书,包括散文和诗,都由于一些别的联想,因此对于我是神圣不可侵犯的;我极不愿意这些书在他的口里被败坏亵渎! | Those books, both prose and verse, were consecrated to me by other associations; and I hate to have them debased and profaned in his mouth! | |
30 | 这种大杂烩式又低俗的语言触目惊心的废掉了我们的年轻人,因为如果他们以那种方式说话,没人会给他们工作。 | It’s a mashed-up, debased language that spectacularly disables our young people, because nobody will give them a job if they talk like that. |