1 | (ⅰ)防止欺骗和欺诈行为或处理服务合同违约而产生的影响 | (i)the prevention of deceptive and fraudulent practices or to deal with the effects of a default on services contracts | |
2 | (四)以虚假或者无效的凭证、合同、单据等向外汇指定银行骗购外汇的; | (4)Purchase of foreign exchanges with faked or invalid certificates, contracts, bills or other deceptive means from banks designated to handle foreign exchanges. | |
3 | (指人及人的行为)诡计多端的,欺骗的 | (of people or their actions)crafty;deceptive | |
4 | 艾奇逊们的欺骗做法在中国还有一层薄薄的社会基础。 | The deceptive manoeuvres of the Achesons still have a flimsy social base in China | |
5 | 安全”网站可以提供有关 Microsoft 公司全力打击带有欺骗和欺诈性的电子邮件以及网站方面的信息 | The Safety Web site provides the latest information about Microsoft′s pursuit to end deceptive and fraudulent e-mail and Web sites. | |
6 | 不得张贴和散发有法律、法规禁止内容的或者有欺诈性文字的征订单、广告和宣传画 | It/he shall not post or spread subscription lists, advertisements or picture posters containing any content prohibited by laws or regulations or containing deceptive words | |
7 | 不可貌相。 | Appearances are deceptive . | |
8 | 超宽带雷达的欺骗式干扰技术研究 | An Approach to Deceptive Jamming on Ultra-Wideband Radar | |
9 | 此类合法目标特别包括:国家安全要求;防止欺诈行为;保护人类健康或安全、保护动物或植物的生命或健康及保护环境。 | Such legitimate objectives are, inter alia: national security requirements; the prevention of deceptive practices; protection of human health or safety, animal or plant life or health, or the environment. | |
10 | 第二百零一条 提交虚假证明文件或者采取其他欺诈手段隐瞒重要事实骗取证券业务许可的,或者证券公司在证券交易中有严重违法行为,不再具备经营资格的,由证券监督管理机构取消其证券业务许可,并责令关闭。 | Article 201. Whoever has acquired a license for doing securities business through providing falsified documentation, or through concealing important facts by other deceptive means; or when a securities company is no longer qualified to operate after having been found to have committed serious lawless conduct during securities trading, a securities regulatory body shall retract its operating license and order it to close. | |
11 | 第三十三条 投标人不得以低于成本的报价竞标,也不得以他人名义投标或者以其他方式弄虚作假,骗取中标。 | Article 33 A bidder may not submit his bid price quotation below cost for competition, and may not submit his bid in the name of another person or resort to any other false and deceptive method for winning. | |
12 | 对…胡说想用胡说八道欺骗 | To mislead by deceptive talk. | |
13 | 对于不如实申报进口旧机电产品,逃避国家对进口旧机产品电管理的,一经发现 | Upon discovery of any deceptive declaration of the used mechanical and electric products imported or evasion of state administration over such products | |
14 | 法官Breyer撰写了Stenberg v.Carhart案件的判决,在判决中他认为所谓的“部分生育堕胎”法实际上是对妇女选择权基础的欺骗性攻击。 | As author of the Stenberg v. Carhart decision, exposing so-called "partial-birth abortion" laws as deceptive attacks on the foundations of the right to choose. | |
15 | 废话,蠢话无意义或虚伪的话;胡说 | Meaningless or deceptive language;humbug. | |
16 | 国家安全要求;防止欺诈行为:保护人类健康或安全、保护动物或植物生命或健康及保护环境:基本气候因素或其他地理因素;基本技术问题或基础设施问题。 | National security requirements; the prevention of deceptive practices; protection of human health or safety, animal or plant life or health, or the environment; fundamental climatic or other geographical factors; fundamental technological or infrastructural problems. | |
17 | 黄先生所说的那些欺骗行为,如伪造财务报表,打出欺骗性的广告等,用传统的眼光来看可能是进入市场惟一的方法。 | The abuses described by Huang, such as forging perfect financial reports and creating deceptive advertisements, might appear to this traditional mindset as the only way to step into the market. | |
18 | --罗伊:想喝杯冷饮吗?--玛拉:好的,我很乐意。--罗伊:我给你来杯包恩调的有名的鸡尾酒。清凉、纯净、易醉。你坐好,我回来之前不许眨一下眼。 | --ROY: Would you like a cooling drink?--MYRA: Why, I’d love one.--ROY: I’ll get you some of Barnes famous punch, cool and innocent and deceptive . You sit right here, don’t move an eyelid till I come back. | |
19 | 秘密的,阴险的欺骗性的,秘密的,狡猾的,不诚实的,鬼鬼祟祟的 | Marked by or done in a deceptive , secret, or sly manner; dishonest and sneaky. | |
20 | 你把假定当作既定,讲来讲去依旧是讲的可能性。 | Probabilities are deceptive . | |
21 | 欺骗性的营销行为、提供不符合实际的虚假形象的行为很难被人们发现。 | Deceptive marketing practices, which present images that do not correspond to reality, are difficult to detect. | |
22 | 企业事业单位采取对所生产或者经营的商品假报出口等欺骗手段,骗取国家出口退税款,数额在一万元以上的 | Where an enterprise or institution fraudulently obtains tax refund for export from the State through the adoption of deceptive means such as fraudulently declaring the commodities it produces or operates as export goods, and where the amount of tax refund which has been fraudulently obtained is over Renminbi 10000 Yuan | |
23 | 认识到不应阻止任何国家在其认为适当的程度内采取必要措施,保证其出口产品的质量,或保护人类、动物或植物的生命或健康及保护环境,或防止欺诈行为 | Recognizing that no country should be prevented from taking measures necessary to ensure the quality of its exports, or for the protection of human, animal or plant life or health, of the environment, or for the prevention of deceptive practices, at the levels it considers appropriate | |
24 | 使人产生误解的相似之处。引起人们相信某事不是真实的和不能相信某事是真实的;这个词既可隐含故意的错误陈述也可以没有这层意思 | a misleading similarity.Something deceptive causes one to believe what is not true or fail to believe what is true;the term may or may not imply intentional misrepresentation | |
25 | 谁也不知道(如因外表常靠不住). | You can never tell(eg because appearances are often deceptive ) | |
26 | 他的外表带有欺骗性。 | His appearance was deceptive . | |
27 | 他挑逗撩拨无所不能,常常惹得她勃然大怒,当场发作,因为从表面上看她虽然从母亲那里承袭一副悦人的外貌,可是骨子里得到的却是父亲的爱尔兰脾气。 | Frequently she flared into open wrath under his expert baiting, for she had Gerald’s Irish temper along with the deceptive sweetness of face she had inherited from Ellen | |
28 | 兔耳兰食源性欺骗传粉的研究 | Food-deceptive Pollination in Cymbidium lancifolium (Orchidaceae)in Guangxi, China | |
29 | 外表是靠不住的。 | Appearances are deceptive . | |
30 | 外表往往带有欺骗性(外表是靠不住的)。 | Appearances are deceptive . |