属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF B52-001-1998
1 | 14岁以下儿童乳牙龋病调查 | Investigation of Deciduous Teeth Caries in Children Under 14-Year-Old | |
2 | Carisolv化学机械法在乳牙龋去腐的临床应用 | Caries Removal of Deciduous Teeth with Carisolv Chemomechanical Method | |
3 | MMP-9和TIMP-3在早孕先兆流产绒毛及蜕膜中的表达 | The Expression of MMP-9 and TIMP-3 at the Villus and Deciduous of Threatened Abortion | |
4 | 阿月浑子一种生长在亚洲中部和西部的落叶树(阿月浑子黄莲木属),长有羽状复叶和干燥、似坚果的有核果实 | A deciduous tree(Pistacia vera)of central and western Asia,having pinnately compound leaves and dry,drupaceous,nutlike fruits. | |
5 | 比塔帕克斯糊剂在儿童乳前牙根管治疗术中的应用 | The Application of Vitapex in the Root Canal Therapy of Children’s Deciduous Front Teeth | |
6 | 宾州杨梅北美洲东部的一种落叶性灌木(宾州杨梅杨梅属),具有芳香的叶子,其球状果实外的蜡层可用来做香烛 | A deciduous ,eastern North American shrub(Myrica pensylvanica)having aromatic foliage and small,globose fruits with a waxy covering used for making fragrant candles. | |
7 | 不同剂量维生素D治疗佝偻病对乳牙萌出的影响 | Effect of Treatment of Rickets with Different Dosage of Vitamin D on Eruption of Deciduous Teeth | |
8 | 从独立山到海拔1700米的平遮那站,便进入了亚热带林,主要有槠、柯、樟等常绿或落叶乔木。 | From Independence Hill to Pingzhena at 1700 metres above sea level, one is in the region of subtropical plants where one finds such trees as sweet oak, Quercus glauca, Pasania cuspidata, camphor tree, etc that are either evergreen or deciduous | |
9 | 醋栗任一种主要产于北半球的茶子属落叶无刺灌木,开有总状花序的花朵,结可食用的且色彩多样的浆果 | Any of various deciduous ,spineless shrubs of the genus Ribes,native chiefly to the Northern Hemisphere and having flowers in racemes and edible,variously colored berries. | |
10 | 地区的生态系统,例如草原、荒漠和落叶林又被称为生物带。 | Regional ecosystem types, such as grass land, desert, and deciduous forest, are called biomes | |
11 | 反向型生物调节器在治疗乳牙期和混合牙例期前牙反(牙合)的应用 | Application of Ⅲ-Type Bio-Modulator in the Reversed Horizontal Overbite of the Deciduous Dentition and Mixed Dentition | |
12 | 枫树是每年落叶的树. | The maple is a deciduous tree. | |
13 | 过于繁茂的落叶灌木可以在每年的这个时候修剪。 | Overgrown deciduous shrubs can be cut back at this time of year. | |
14 | 河南省石人山自然保护区针阔叶混交林群落生态特征(Ⅰ)(待续) | Community Ecological Characteristics of Deciduous -Conifer Mixed Forest in Shiren Mountain Natural Reserve (Ⅰ)(Count) | |
15 | 河南省石人山自然保护区针阔叶混交林群落生态特征(Ⅱ)(续完) | Community Ecological Characteristics of Deciduous -Conifer Mixed Forests in Shiren Mountain Natural Reserve (Ⅱ)(End) | |
16 | 黑刺李一种欧亚产带刺的落叶灌木(黑刺李李属),开有白花,结有蓝黑色的梅状小果实。主要用于酒类饮料如黑刺李酒的调味 | A thorny,deciduous Eurasian shrub(Prunus spinosa,having white flowers and small,bluish-black,plumlike fruits used chiefly for flavoring alcoholic beverages such as sloe gin. | |
17 | 桦:一种桦属的落叶树木或灌木,生长于北半球,生有柔荑花序,互生、单茎齿状叶子的单性花以及经常脱去薄如纸层的树皮。 | birch:any of various deciduous trees or shrubs of the genus Betula, native to the Northern Hemisphere and having unisexual flowers in catkins, alternate, simple, toothed leaves, and bark that often peels in thin papery layers. | |
18 | 黄香槐产于美国东南部的一种落叶树(美洲香槐香槐属),长有羽状的复叶、下垂白色花簇和产黄色染料的黄色树木 | A deciduous tree(Cladrastis lutea)of the southeast United States,having pinnately compound leaves,drooping clusters of white flowers,and yellow wood yielding a yellow dye. | |
19 | 灰毛紫穗槐一种生长于北美洲中部的落叶灌木(灰毛紫穗槐紫穗槐属),生有上面覆盖白色柔毛的羽状复叶 | A deciduous shrub(Amorpha canescens)of central North America,having pinnately compound leaves covered with whitish hairs. | |
20 | 活髓切断术治疗乳牙深龋的疗效评价 | Clinical Evaluation of Pulpotomy in the Treatment of Deciduous Teeth with Deep Dentine Caries | |
21 | 积热也是测定落叶树和果树芽分生组织活动的有效手段。 | Heat sum is a useful measure of the onset of meristematic activity buds in deciduous and fruit trees | |
22 | 见血封喉产于非洲和亚洲热带地区的一种落叶乔木(见血封喉见血封喉属),从中提取的一种乳液被用来作为箭矢上所涂的毒药 | A deciduous tree(Antiaris toxicaria)of tropical Africa and Asia that yields a latex used as an arrow poison. | |
23 | 结构用木材使用规则.结构用松柏类和落叶类木材视觉分级 | Regulations governing the use of timber in structure. Visual classification for the use of the main coniferous and deciduous wood types in structures. | |
24 | 金属成品冠修复乳磨牙和年轻恒磨牙大面积缺损的疗效观察 | Curative Effect Observations on the Repair of Deciduous Molar Teeth and Young Permanent Teeth with Defect in Large Scale by Metal Manufactured Crown | |
25 | 来自阔叶树或针叶树寄生的菌系间融合是普遍的。 | Fusions were common between strains from deciduous hosts or coniferous hosts | |
26 | 楝产于亚洲的落叶乔木(楝树楝属),,有二回羽养复叶、紫色花簇以及黄色球形、有毒的果实,在美国南部被广泛引种栽培 | A deciduous Asian tree(Melia azedarach,widely cultivated and naturalized in the southern United States and having bipinnately compound leaves,clusters of purplish flowers,and yellow,globose,poisonous fruits. | |
27 | 亮叶南烛:几种落叶的或常绿的灌木属中的一类木黎芦属,长有成簇的介于白色和粉色之间的花和五片囊盖许多粒种子的种囊. | fetterbush:any of several deciduous or evergreen shrubs of the genus Leucothoe, having clusters of white to pink flowers and many-seeded capsules with five valves. | |
28 | 六道木一种落叶的或常青的装饰性六道木属灌木,生长于亚洲和墨西哥,有对生的单叶,开白色、粉色或紫色的小花朵 | Any of various deciduous or evergreen ornamental shrubs of the genus Abelia,native to Asia and Mexico and having opposite simple leaves and small white,pink,or purple flowers. | |
29 | 六龟试验林扇平地区人工阔叶林与人工针叶林生物多样性之比较 | Biodiversity in Deciduous Hardwood and Conifer Plantations of the Upper Liukuei (Shanping)Area | |
30 | 鹿角,鹿茸如鹿、麋、北美驼鹿、驯鹿或其它种类的鹿科动物,其头上的可自行脱落的骨质角状,通常为长且分叉的一对生长物之一 | One of a pair of hornlike,bony,deciduous growths,usually elongated and branched,on the head of a deer,moose,elk,caribou,or other member of the deer family. |