属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-无将之军 谁能堪当奥巴马领袖之重任?
1 | 出于礼貌,男人家在算账的时候,女人家都不在场。 | It was decorum for the women to absent themselves while the men reckoned | |
2 | 第三十一条 法官应当严格遵守各项司法礼仪,保持良好的仪表和文明的举止,维护人民法院的尊严和法官的良好形象。 | Article 31. A judge should strictly observe the Judicial decorum and keep good appearance and conduct, so as to preserve the authority of the people’s court and the good image of the judge. | |
3 | 对实施现代礼仪教育的探讨 | Probing into the Exertion of Modern Decorum Education | |
4 | 多么善良的人也不能忽视谨慎之道,道德如果不是用端庄恭谨来装扮,就显不出它的美来。 | No man can be good enough to enable him to neglect the rules of prudence; nor will Virtue herself look beautiful, unless she be bedecked with outward ornaments of decency and decorum | |
5 | 欢笑方面所失去的,全在礼仪方面弥补回来了。 | What was lost in mirth was fully made up in decorum | |
6 | 某个了不起的礼仪,某个政府的崇拜物,某个短暂的交易,某场战争或某人,会得到一半人的大力支持,同时遭到另一半人的激烈反对,似乎那件事或那个人的成败决定人类的命运。 | Some great decorum , some fetish of a government, some ephemeral trade, or war, or man, is cried up by half mankind and cried down by the other half, as if all depended on this particular up or down | |
7 | 你举止有礼貌时就是行为得体. | You behave with decorum when you act politely. | |
8 | 商周礼乐制度中的乐器器主及演奏者 | The Owner & Player of the Musical Instruments in the Decorum & Music System of Shang & Zhou Kingdom | |
9 | 失礼. | lose one`s decorum s | |
10 | 双方都还有足够的礼貌,总算暂时停止了进一步的敌对行为。 | Each had enough decorum to suspend further hostilities | |
11 | 四、遵守司法礼仪 | Chapter 4: Observation of Judicial Decorum | |
12 | 他很神气地走出去,只是粗暴地把门用力关上。 | He goes out with impressive decorum , and spoils it by slamming the door | |
13 | 他们再度恢复了沉默以及东方人的拘谨。 | Their silence and Oriental decorum reigned once more | |
14 | 我们的儿子在来访的长辈面前彬彬有礼. | In the presence of elderly visitors our son was a model of decorum . | |
15 | 我们希望你在葬礼上做到得体有礼。 | I hope you will behave with decorum at the funeral | |
16 | 我违反了通常的关于礼貌的所有看法。 | I have erred against every commonplace notion of decorum | |
17 | 五讲四美三热爱 | Five stresses(or advocatings)(on decorum , manners, hygiene, discipline and morals)and four points of beauty(of the mind, language, behaviour and the environment)and three aspects of love(for the motherland, socialism and the CPC) | |
18 | 五讲四美三热爱分别指讲文明,讲礼貌,讲卫生,讲秩序,讲道德,心灵美,爱祖国,爱社会主义,爱中国共产党 | The five stresses, four points of beauty and three aspects of love stand respectively for the advocating of decorum , manners, hygiene, discipline and morals; the beauty of the mind, language, behaviour and the environment; and the Communist Party of China | |
19 | 许多外国学生发现美国人有时在衣着、礼节和个人关系方面随便得过分,或是不得体。 | Many foreign students find that people in the United States are informal in dress, in decorum , and in personal relationships to a degree that seems at times extreme or, at best, inappropriate | |
20 | 一小时充满辉煌行为的生活抵得上一整年去遵守琐碎礼仪的平庸生活(瓦尔特·斯科特公爵)。 | One hour of life,crowded to the full with glorious action.is worth whole years of those mean observances of paltry decorum (Sir Walter Scott. | |
21 | 与端庄稳重不协调的轻浮 | Levity not in keeping with decorum | |
22 | 在森林中,青春可以永驻,这是上帝的御苑,其中充溢着礼仪和圣洁,一年四季无论何时都装点得如同节日,在这里待上一千年也不会感到厌倦。 | In the woods, is perpetual youth. Within these plantations of God, a decorum and sanctity reign, a perennial festival is dressed, and the guest sees not now he should tire of them in a thousand years. | |
23 | ||1:奥巴马与国会民主党人之间的关系比以往任何时候都糟糕。||2:2014选举的负担,催生出对白宫从得力助手到参议院民主党领袖哈利·瑞德的明面上的抱怨,这是极不寻常的失礼。||3:众议院民主党领袖南希·佩洛西经历了12月预算的缩减后,严厉谴责总统个人想要削减与共和党的交易的意愿。 | ||1:Relations between Mr Obama and congressional Democrats are sourer than ever.||2:In an unusual breach of decorum , the strains of the 2014 election prompted on-the-record grouching about the White House from a right-hand man to Harry Reid, the Democratic leader in the Senate.||3:A December budget crunch saw Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats’ boss in the House, fulminate against her own president’s willingness to cut deals with Republicans. | |
24 | 失礼 | Breaches of decorum | |
25 | 不过也有很多建议更合乎礼仪一些,可以采纳。 | But there are many other tips that can be followed with more decorum . | |
26 | 大自然就是最好的礼节你可以好好享受特别的一天。 | Nature itself is in charge of the best decorum that you can have for your special day. | |
27 | 电影,音乐,或者电视节目,必须保持一定程度的得体才能传播给大众。 | A motion picture, or music, or television, they have to maintain a certain decorum in order to be broadcast to a vast audience. | |
28 | 礼仪修养是当代大学生必备的素质 | Decorum is an Essential Quality of Contemporary College Students | |
29 | 你的这种叫嚣违反了本法庭的礼仪。 | You’ve breached the decorum of my courtroomwith all this hooting. | |
30 | 他们的辩论也同人一样,彬彬有礼到了夸张的地步。 | Debates, such as they are, are marked by an exaggerated decorum . |