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    For income from transfer of property, the taxable income shall be the amount remaining from the gross transfer income after deducting  the original value of the property and reasonable expenses



    Article 97 An insurance company shall maintain a minimum solvency commensurate with the size of its business. The balance of its actual assets after deducting its actual liabilities shall be not less than the solvency margin stipulated by the financial supervision and regulation department. In the event that the balance is less than the solvency margin stipulated, its equity capital shall be replenished to make up the difference.

    第九十七条  保险公司应当具有与其业务规模相适用的最低偿付能力。保险公司的实际资产减去实际负债的差额不得低于金融监督管理部门规定的数额;低于规定数额的,应当增加资本金,补足差额。


    Article 9 For a development zone enterprise jointly run with another investing party, the party shall, according to its own enterprise financial system, pay retroactively the income tax or the portion to be handed over to its superior department from the profit distributed to it after deducting the tax levied in the development zone.

    第九条 开发区企业属联营企业的,其分给投资方的利润,应按投资方企业的财务体制,扣除开发区缴纳的税款后,补缴所得税或上缴利润。


    Article 68 If an applicant who has already paid in full the insurance premiums for two (2)years or more, terminates the contract, then the insurer shall return the cash value of the policy within thirty (30)days after the receipt of the notice of termination in accordance with the contract. If the applicant has paid the insurance premiums for less then two (2)years, then the insurer shall return the remaining premiums after deducting expenses in accordance with the contract.

    第六十八条  投保人解除合同,已交足二年以上保险费的,保险人应当自接到解除合同通知之日起三十日内,退还保险单的现金价值;未交足二年保险费的,保险人按照合同约定在扣除手续费后,退还保险费。


    Article 4 Except as stipulated in Article 13 of these Regulations, for taxpayers engaged in the sales of goods or the provision of taxable services (hereinafter referred to as "selling goods or taxable services"), the tax payable shall be the balance of output tax for the period after deducting the input tax for the period. The formula for computing the tax payable is as follows:

    第四条 除本条例第十三条规定外,纳税人销售货物或者提供应税劳务(以下简称销售货物或者应税劳务),应纳税额为当期销项税额抵扣当期进项税额后的余额。应纳税额计算公式:


    Article 4 For enterprises with foreign investment or organizations or sites dealing in production or business operation set up within the territory of China by foreign enterprises, their taxable income amount shall be the remaining amount by deducting the costs, expenses and losses from their gross income in one tax year.



    Article 53 If the age of the insured is not correctly given by the applicant, and the actual age of the insured does not fall within the age range specified by the contract, the insurer may terminate the contract and return the premiums to the applicant after deducting expenses therefrom. However, this does not apply to contracts which have been in force for two (2)years or more.

    第五十三条  投保人申报的被保险人年龄不真实,并且其真实年龄不符合合同约定的年龄限制的,保险人可以解除合同,并在扣除手续费后,向投保人退还保险费,但是自合同成立之日起逾二年的除外。


    Article 139 Should the ship be engaged in salvage operations during the charter period, the charterer shall be entitled to half of the amount of the payment for salvage operations after deducting therefrom the salvage expenses, compensation for damage, the portion due to crew members and other relevant costs.

    第一百三十九条 在合同期间,船舶进行海难救助的,承租人有权获得扣除救助费用、损失赔偿、船员应得部分以及其他费用后的救助款项的一半。


    If the ordering party does not take delivery of the ordered products within six months of the time limit for taking delivery, the contractor shall have the right to sell the ordered products and shall, after deducting its remuneration and storage fees from the money obtained from such sales, deposit the remainder in a bank in the name of the ordering party.



    The figures of debt to tangible net worth ratio show that when deducting the intangible assets the corporation’s long-term debt-paying ability has declined a little from 1997 to 1998.



    After deducting price rises



    The appreciation amount shall be the balance of proceeds received by the taxpayer on the transfer of real estate, after deducting the sum of deductible items as prescribed in article 6 of these Regulations.



    The annual depreciation expense is computed by deducting the estimated residual value (or salvage value)from the cost of the asset and dividing the remaining depreciable cost by the years of estimated useful life.



    Import goods abandoned by the consignee or the owner with a statement to that effect shall be taken over and sold off by the Customs, and the proceeds of such sale, after deducting the expense for transport, discharge, and storage, shall be turned over to the State Treasury.



    Net investment profit is the balance of income on external investment after deducting investment loss.



    The Authority shall pay to such person the balance of the proceeds of sale after deducting any charges and parking fee payable under section 25B (4);and any reasonable charges incurred by the Authority in respect of the sale of the vehicle.



    Operating profit is the balance of operating revenue after deducting operating cost, periodic expenses and all turnover taxes, surtax and fees.



    Net non-operating income is the balance of non-operating income which have no direct relevance with the production and operation of an enterprise after deducting non-operating expenses.



    In densely populated mining and urban areas, the protection zones for overhead power line may be smaller than what is prescribed above. But the outer extension distances for all voltage conducting lines should not be smaller than the total distance between the horizontal distance after the maximum circular sag and maximum windage yaw are computed and the safe distance from buildings, deducting windage yaw.



    the Authority shall pay to such person the balance of the proceeds of sale after deducting any expenses incurred by the Authority in the removal, storage and sale of the property.



    The basic forms of special-purpose invoices for VAT should also include the deducting form, the invoice receiver uses it as a voucher for deducting tax money.



    This will facilitate the centralized and unified management of invoice, is conducive to the correct implementation of the new tax system, particularly the system of deducting tax by means of invoice for VAT, and help promote fair competition and expand opening to the outside world.



    The times-interest-earned ratio expresses the relationship of income before deducting interests and taxes to interest, indicates the ability of paying interest resulting from debts.



    [...]113:After deducting provisions already taken in 2011, asset sales and the recent swap of preference shares in its parent group, BFA, for Bankia shares, the shortfall is closer to 2.



    [...]116:For younger children, a dictee to test spelling is marked by progressively deducting points for every error, which can crush the grade down to zero, or even into negative territory.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法兰西教育 会考后的忧伤

    App2 exposes a web service that validates the credit card and App3 processes the payment by deducting money from it.



    Approach for deducting the background value of boundary noise



    Article 26 Owners’ equity is the residual interest in the assets of an enterprise after deducting all its liabilities.



    In this case, the business tax is levied on the net rental amount received after deducting the purchase price of the leased asset.



    The company reported revenues of $4. 38bn, after deducting $1. 56bn in traffic acquisition costs it pays to other website operators.



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