属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-莫德纳称早期检测表明其疫苗对抗奥密克戎效果良好
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-研究人员发现一种微生物可以防止蚊子传播疟疾
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟: 高超音速导弹 各国间军备竞赛的焦点
1 | 虽然士兵身穿特殊的衣服、头戴面罩以保护他们的皮肤,防止空中的有毒化学物质,但是这些防御措施令人感到不舒服,而且也做不到充分防御生物武器 | Although soldiers don special suits and masks to protect their skin and airways from toxic chemicals, these defenses are uncomfortable and don’t provide sufficient protection against biological weapons | |
2 | 索赔请示及抗辩:详细说明您据以提出索赔请示要求询问人对您的损害承担责任的事实。 | Claims and Defenses : State in detail the facts upon which you base your claims that the PERSON asking this interrogatory is responsible for your damages. | |
3 | 他们突破了敌人的防线。 | They broke through the enemy’s defenses . | |
4 | 他在与她父亲搭话前,仔细地考虑着他的防范措施。 | He ruminated on his defenses before he should accost her father | |
5 | 他在与她父亲搭话前,仔细地考虑着他的防范措施。 | He ruminated on his defenses before he should accost her father. | |
6 | 同时抓紧海关、边防、商检和口岸单位的筹建工作。 | At the same time the preparations for the establishment of customs, frontier defenses , import and export commodities inspection and port institutions should be speeded up. | |
7 | 外贸信用风险的成因与防范 | Causes of and Defenses against Credit Risk in Foreign Trade | |
8 | 为成功地对过失起诉,原告必须证明(1)被告有尊重原告权利的义务;(2)该义务未被履行;(3)违反义务是造成伤害的实际原因;(4)违反义务是造成伤害的法律原因。在过失行为诉讼中的两种基本抗辩理由是共同过失与原告甘冒风险。 | In order to successfully sue for negligence, the plaintiff must show that(1)the defendant owed a duty of care to the plaintiff, (2)the duty was breached, ( 3)the breach was the actual cause of the injury, and (4)the breach was the legal cause of the injury. The two basic defenses in the negligence suit are contributory negligence and assumption of risk. | |
9 | 我们的炮兵摧毁了敌人的防御工事。 | Our artillery smashed the enemy defenses . | |
10 | 我们退出《反弹道导弹》条约,使得我们能够充分地研究和试验导弹防御技术和部署导弹防御系统,保护我们的领土和城市。 | Our withdrawal from the ABM Treaty has made it possible to develop and test the full range of missile defense technologies, and to deploy defenses capable of protecting our territory and our cities | |
11 | 我们要防患于未然,懈怠会带来麻烦。我们还要阻止武器泛滥,使新的世纪摆脱恐怖的威胁。 | We will build our defenses beyond challenge, lest weakness invite challenge. We will confront weapons of mass destruction, so that a new century is spared new horrors. | |
12 | 我一再说明南部的防御应力求稳定。 | I reiterated that defenses in the southern sector should be perfected | |
13 | 无论走到哪里,他都能使对方防守队员感到威胁,而使球迷欢呼雀跃。 | Ronaldo has terrorized opposition defenses and delighted fans wherever he goes. | |
14 | 许多研究显示,悲观者的无助感会损害人休的自然防御体系,即免疫系统。 | Many studies suggest that the pessimist’s feeling of helplessness undermines the body’s natural defenses , the immune system. | |
15 | 有神论最老的理性辩护之一是宇宙成因论,也称第一推动力论。 | One of the oldest intellectual defenses of theism is I the cosmological argument, also known as the argument from first cause | |
16 | 在登陆艇驶入以前,海滩防御工事已遭到削弱。 | The beach defenses were softened up before the landing craft went in. | |
17 | 早在1944年2月,盟国就已开始轰炸敌人的工厂、铁路、海上运输设施和海防工事,为号称“霸王”的行动计划做准备。 | As early as February, 1944, the Allies had begun to prepare the way for Operation "overlord" by bombing enemy industrial plants, railway and sea transportation facilities, and coastal defenses | |
18 | 债务人转移义务的,新债务人可以主张原债务人对债权人的抗辩。 | Where the obligor has delegated an obligation, the new obligor may avail itself of any of the original obligor’s defenses against the obligee. | |
19 | 这个城市的防御工事必须加强。 | The defenses of the city must be strengthened. | |
20 | 争地,吾将趋其后﹔交地,吾将谨其守﹔ | On contentious ground, I would hurry up my rear. On open ground, I would keep a vigilant eye on my defenses . | |
21 | 自由基、抗氧化防御与人体健康 | Free Radicals, Antioxidant Defenses and Human Health | |
22 | 抗体水平可以预测疫苗预防新冠病毒感染的效果。然而,它们只是免疫系统防御的一部分。其它研究表明,疫苗应该对重症提供良好的保护。即使完全接种疫苗人士感染了所谓的突破性感染,情况也应该如此。 | ||Antibody levels predict how well a vaccine may prevent infection with the coronavirus. However, they are just one part of the immune system’s defenses .|| Other research suggests the vaccine should offer good protection against severe disease. This should be the case even if a fully vaccinated person gets what is known as a breakthrough infection. | |
23 | 专家表示,他们不清楚这种微生物如何防止蚊子携带疟疾寄生虫。但是他们怀疑它能影响蚊子的自然防御能力,因此这些蚊子不会被感染。” | Experts say they do not know how the microbe prevents the mosquitoes from carrying the malaria parasite. But they suspect that it affects the mosquito’s natural defenses so the insect does not become infected. | |
24 | “高超音速导弹可以让全世界的导弹防御系统失效,如果不加以控制,就很有可能引发下一个全球军备竞赛。” | "Missiles that can fly at hypersonic speeds could render global missile defenses useless, and, if left unchecked, could become the next global arms race amongst the nations of the world." | |
25 | ||1:更令人担心的还是针对另一种主权债券信心缺失的永久防御建设未取得进展。||2:很多人寄希望于7月1日将启动的欧洲稳定机制(ESM)。||3:这笔5000亿欧元的资金可能比当前的机制——欧洲金融稳定基金(EFSF)——更为有力,因为ESM有法律条约作保障,并且其800亿欧元资本最终会兑现,而不是像EFSF那样只靠担保。||4:尽管德国依然反对,但大部分欧元区成员国都希望两项基金同时运行,若同时运行,将意味着理论上会有7500亿欧元的基金。 | ||1:More worrying still is the lack of progress in building permanent defenses against a loss of confidence in another sovereign’s bonds.||2:Much faith is placed in the ESM, to be launched on July 1st.||3:This EURO500 billion fund is supposedly stronger than the current iteration, the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), because it is enshrined in legal treaties and because EURO80 billion of its capital will eventually be paid in, whereas the EFSF relies on guarantees.||4:Although Germany still resists, most euro-zone members hope to run both funds simultaneously, which implies a theoretical cash-chest of EURO750 billion. | |
26 | 周二,美国海军最先进的导弹驱逐舰之一“米利厄斯号”抵达日本,以加强防范朝鲜的任何弹道导弹袭击。 | On Tuesday, the USS Milius, one of the U.S. Navy’s most advanced guided missile destroyers, arrived in Japan to reinforce defenses against any ballistic missile attacks by North Korea. | |
27 | 12章讲述了网络防御,举例说明了Schneier改进的思想。 | Chapter 12 on network defenses exemplifies Schneier’s progressive thinking. | |
28 | 阿克通等待着,远望着斯蒂尔林墙后的防御部署。 | Achton waited, looking out at the array of defenses beyond Styrling’s walls. | |
29 | 毕竟您必须每次都正确,而黑客在耐心攻破您的防御时,只需要对一次就行了。 | After all, you’d have to be right every time, whereas, the hacker, with infinite patience to probe your defenses , only has to be right once. | |
30 | 辩护状通常写也被告的答辩和反诉。 | An answer usually sets forth the defendant’s defenses and counterclaims. |