1 | 因发怒而难看的面孔 | a face deformed by anger | |
2 | 应变规:物体发生形变时,测量固体内不同点之间距离变化的装置。 | Strain gauge: Device for measuring the changes in distances between points in solid bodies that occur when the body is deformed . | |
3 | 在哺乳动物和有关它们繁殖的生理学与胚胎学之间存在太多的差异,因而不能保证不会生出畸形的胎儿或婴儿。 | There are too many differences between mammals and their reproductive physiology and embryology to be sure that no deformed foetus or infant would be born | |
4 | 在那片田野中和矮丘上,空无所有,只见一棵不成形的树,在和这个流浪人相距几步的地方,蜷曲着它的枝干,摇曳不定。 | There was nothing in the field or on the hill except a deformed tree, which writhed and shivered a few paces distant from the wayfarer | |
5 | 在其它产品中如蛋糕和白面包,它们含水量较高,约96%的小麦淀粉颗粒被胶凝而且有许多变形。 | In other products, such as angel food cake and white bread, which are higher in moisture, about 96% of the wheat starch granules are gelatinized and many become deformed . | |
6 | 这个带的变形以及带中沉积物发生的一系列褶皱和断层致使山脉隆起,在变形过程中伴随着典型的岩浆侵入活动和岩石变质作用。 | Mountains are raised as the belt is deformed and the sediments are thrown into a series of folds and faults. Intrusion and metamorphism are typical. | |
7 | 这所学校从不把残疾儿童拒之门外。 | This school never closed its door to deformed children | |
8 | 中国人民银行令2003年第7号,公布《中国人民银行残缺污损人民币兑换办法》 | Decree No.7, 2003 of the People’s Bank of China, Promulgating the Measures on Changing Deformed or Defiled RMB Note | |
9 | 最常见的症状有︰骨折部疼痛和压痛、活动时有摩擦感、患肢不能活动等;体征有︰患部畸形、肿胀,表在的皮肤变色,断骨有异常活动等。 | It causes pain, tenderness, and inability to use the part with the fracture. The site appears deformed , swollen, and discoloured, and the bone moves in abnormal ways. | |
10 | 最后绝裂:变形的“高士传”-陶渊明《五柳先生传》作年考论 | The Swan Song: The Story of an Eminent Master the Deformed -An Investigative Discussion on the Writing Date of The Biography of the Scholar Wuliu by Tao Yuanming |