属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-清洁能源 让阳光普照大地
1 | 他妻子故世的周年到了,使他的心情很不好。 | The anniversary of his wife’s death had dejected him | |
2 | 他为此而黯然神伤。 | He felt dejected because of that. | |
3 | 他这个人冲劲十足,同时又容易垂头丧气;神态自若,同时又会懊恼不已;时常自鸣得意,同时又感到事事没有把握。 | He was dashing and dejected , poised and chagrined. He was complacent and insecure | |
4 | 他总是灰溜溜的。 | He always looked dejected . | |
5 | 我们睡觉的时候,都非常伤心。 | We went to bed greatly dejected | |
6 | 我是世界上最沮丧的、最忧郁的人。 | I was the most dejected , disconsolate creature alive | |
7 | 忧郁的人或情绪低落的人 | A person given to gloomy or dejected moods. | |
8 | 这中间,我始终呆呆地坐在地上,万分惊恐和愁苦。 | All this while I sat upon the ground very much terrified and dejected | |
9 | ||1:距拉斯维加斯45分的地方,心情沮丧的罪人会看到一幅能照亮他们沉没的心的奇观—34.7万面镜子组成的海洋反射着沙漠太阳的光至三个高达460英尺的塔上的热水器。||2:于二月中旬开始运行的伊凡帕太阳能热电厂(如图所示)是目前世界上最大的太阳能热电厂。||3:开足马力,该电厂能为加利福尼亚南部14万居民提供377兆瓦的电力。||4:其支持者将它比作附近美国最高的水坝胡弗水坝。甚至有宇航员说他能在国际空间站找到这个太阳能热电站。||5:尽管电站的定日镜反射的热量硬是将数十只活生生的飞鸟烤熟了,这依然是一道令人叹为观止的风景。 | ||1:FORTY-FIVE minutes west of Las Vegas, dejected sinners may encounter a sight to lift their sunken hearts: a sea of 347,000 mirrors, reflecting the rays of the desert sun on to boilers mounted on three 460-foot towers.||2:The Ivanpah solar-thermal plant (pictured), which opened in mid-February, is the largest of its kind in the world.||3:Fully ramped up, it will deliver around 377 megawatts (MW) of power to 140,000 homes in southern California.||4:Its backers compare it to the nearby Hoover Dam; an astronaut claims to have spotted it from the international space station.||5:It is a striking sight, even if the heat from its heliostats has roasted dozens of unfortunate birds alive. | |
10 | ||1:科比关心的是成为最好的球员,赢得比赛。||2:就是这么简单。||3:他的痴迷会让他时不时地变得急躁、刻薄和沮丧。||4:当科比在1996年被夏洛特黄蜂交易,加入他的梦之队湖人队时,他只有17岁,是NBA最年轻的球员。||5:科比是从郊区的高中直接被选入职业联盟的,而且他小时候在意大利生活过,这两件事让他与众不同。||6:但科比进入NBA的时候充满了自信。||7:他已然成熟;他是一个努力、专注、孤独的艺术家,而这一点在他身上得到了延续。 | ||1:He cared about being the best, winning games.||2:Simple and plain.||3:His obsession could make him by turns hustling, mean and dejected .||4:When he joined the Lakers, his dream team, in 1996, traded from the Charlotte Hornets, he was only 17, the youngest player in the NBA.||5:He had been picked for the pro leagues straight from his suburban high school and had lived as a boy in Italy, two things that made him odd.||6:But he came in burning with self-belief.||7:No babying for him; he was hard, focused, a lone artist, and much of that stayed. | |
11 | “今年我觉得不太舒服,”一名情绪低落的代表一边按摩胃部一边说。“所以我没有提交任何提案。” | "I didn’t feel very well this year, " said one dejected delegate, rubbing his stomach, "so I didn’t make any suggestions. " | |
12 | 啊!73分!不会吧!毁了!这次玩完了!(垂头丧气的回家) | ah! 73 points! That won’t happen, will it. Ruin! This was done! ( the home become dejected and despondent ) | |
13 | 北韩千里马情绪低落,哭丧着脸垂着头快速离开了开普敦足球场。 | Dejected and dispirited, the North Korea team quickly left the stadium in Cape Town with heads bowed. | |
14 | 被争吵弄得精疲力竭,情绪低落弄得精疲力竭, | Sandy was faint with strife and dejected . | |
15 | 不过,当你无法融入,你会禁不住感到郁郁寡欢。 | Still, when you don’t fit in, you can’t help but feel dejected . | |
16 | 垂头丧气。手中的牌无法组拢来,和牌希望渺茫。纯粹是陪其余三家打牌。 | Become dejected and despondent. Hand to set up, and the licensing of hope. With the remaining three cards is pure. | |
17 | 但她补充说,近期关于刚被抛弃者和对此感到沮丧者的研究是她所做研究中的关键一部分。 | But she said this recent study on the just-jilted and dejected is the most important one she’ll ever do. | |
18 | 但与此同时,乔杜里先生却脱胎换骨,成为了再造巴基斯坦民主的英雄。 | Meanwhile, Mr Chaudhry has been reborn as a hero of Pakistan’s long-dejected democracy. | |
19 | 当我在北京星巴克遇见她的时候,她很沮丧正打算离开这个城市。 | When I met her at a Beijing Starbucks, she was dejected and making plans to leave the city. | |
20 | 回顾往事,我曾是一个悲哀的小男孩,一个无能的、任性的、沮丧的标准问题少年。 | In retrospect, I was a sad little boy and a standard-issue, shiftless, egotistical, dejected teen-ager. | |
21 | 她在周一丈夫的新闻发布会上保持镇静,看起来有点沮丧但表情淡然。 | At Monday’s news conference, she maintained her composure, looking a little dejected but stoic, as her husband spoke. | |
22 | 克莱尔先生听后直往后躲,仿佛被人打了一样。他满脸苍白地回到家里,一脸地沮丧,把安琪尔叫到他的书房里。 | Mr Clare winced as if he had been struck. He went home pale and dejected , and called Angel into his study. | |
23 | 欧文因自己一筹莫展,时而烦闷,时而生气。 | Owen was alternately dejected and maddened by the knowledge of his own helplessness. | |
24 | 情绪低落的;沮丧的。例如: | depressed: low in spirits; dejected . | |
25 | 情绪低落的;沮丧的= | low depressed--Low in spirits; dejected | |
26 | 我不忍看着她难受,不忍看着她那苍白的哭泣的脸和忧郁的眼睛。 | I couldn’t bear to witness her sorrow: to see her pale dejected countenance, and heavy eyes. | |
27 | 我一直记得我当时沮丧与失望的感觉,因为当时的我认为每一个工作机会对我来说都是完美的,都是完全适合我的。 | I remember feeling dejected and depressed at the time because I thought each one was the "perfect opportunity" for me. | |
28 | 重重失败之后,我们这位沮丧至极的发明者赌气将一块树胶塞进了自己嘴里。 | After mounting failures, the dejected inventor popped a piece into his mouth. |