1 | 答复以前, 他仔细地考虑了这个问题。 | He deliberated the question before he made an answer. | |
2 | 第八条经企业职工代表大会讨论同意并报企业行政主管部门备案 , 企业可以对职工实行有限期的放假。 | Article 8. The Enterprises may give their staff and workers a limited term leave, which shall deliberated at the congress of the representatives of the staff and workers of the Enterprises and then submitted to the competent administrative institutions of the Enterprises for documentation. | |
3 | 第二十七条列入常务委员会会议议程的法律案,一般应当经三次常务委员会会议审议后再交付表决。 | Article 27 A bill which has been put on the agenda of the Standing Committee session shall in general be deliberated three times in the current session of the Standing Committee before being voted on. | |
4 | 第三十条列入常务委员会会议议程的法律案,由有关的专门委员会进行审议,提出审议意见,印发常务委员会会议。 | Article 30 A bill which has been put on the agenda of the Standing Committee session shall be deliberated by the relevant special committee, which shall present its deliberation opinions, which shall be printed and distributed to members attending the Standing Committee session. | |
5 | 第十七条列入全国人民代表大会会议议程的法律案,由有关的专门委员会进行审议,向主席团提出审议意见,并印发会议。 | Article 17 A bill which has been put on the agenda of the current session of the National People’s Congress shall be deliberated by the relevant special committee, which shall submit its deliberation opinions to the presidium, and such opinions shall be printed and distributed to the delegates attending the session. | |
6 | 第十四条向全国人民代表大会提出的法律案,在全国人民代表大会闭会期间,可以先向常务委员会提出,经常务委员会会议依照本法第二章第三节规定的有关程序审议后,决定提请全国人民代表大会审议,由常务委员会向大会全体会议作说明,或者由提案人向大会全体会议作说明。 | Article 14 While the National People’s Congress is in recess, a bill to be introduced to it may first be submitted to the Standing Committee thereof, which shall such bill to the National People’s Congress by way of a decision after it has deliberated on it in accordance with the relevant procedures set forth in Section 3 of Chapter 2 hereof, and the Standing Committee or the bill sponsor shall brief the plenary session. | |
7 | 第四十六条 县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会常务委员会主任会议可以向本级人民代表大会常务委员会提出属于常务委员会职权范围内的议案,由常务委员会会议审议。 | Article 46 The council of chairmen of the standing committee of a local people’s congress at or above the county level may submit to the standing committee of the people’s congress at the corresponding level bills and proposals within the scope of the functions and powers of the standing committee, which shall be deliberated at the meeting of the standing committee. | |
8 | 第四十五条法律解释草案经常务委员会会议审议,由法律委员会根据常务委员会组成人员的审议意见进行审议、修改,提出法律解释草案表决稿。 | Article 45 After deliberation by the session of the Standing Committee, the draft legislative interpretation shall be deliberated and amended by the Legislative Committee based on comments made by members of the Standing Committee, and it shall submit a voting version of the draft legislative interpretation. | |
9 | 第一诉讼法院的陪审团商议不足四小时后,以六对一裁定五十二岁的黎佩香罪名成立。 | The jury in the Court of First Instance deliberated for less than four hours before reaching a six-one verdict to convict Lai Pui-heung, 52. | |
10 | 国务院议事协调机构议定的事项,经国务院同意,由有关的行政机构按照各自的职责负责办理。 | The relevant agencies shall, pursuant to their respective duties and upon the consent of the State Council, handle the affairs deliberated and decided upon by the deliberation and coordination agencies of the State Council be handled by the. | |
11 | 经主席团会议审议通过后,印发会议。 | and after the presidium has deliberated and passed the deliberation report and the amended draft law, they shall be printed and circulated to the delegates attending the session. | |
12 | 雷米芬太尼复合硝酸甘油控制性降压在神经外科手术中的应用 | Application of Deliberated Hypotension by Remifentanil Combined with Nitroglycerin in Neurosurgery | |
13 | 陪审团进行商议并宣告作出有罪的裁决.除了一人所有的陪审官都宣布他有罪. | The jury deliberated and found a verdict of guilty. all but one of the jurors found him guilty. | |
14 | 陪审团认真考虑那个案子。 | The jury deliberated on the case. | |
15 | 陪审团商议了三个小时。 | The jury deliberated for three hours. | |
16 | 陪审团在仔细斟酌了两天后才做出了他们的最后决定 | The jury deliberated for two days before returning a verdict | |
17 | 世界贸易组织第四届部长级会议11月10日下午在卡塔尔首都多哈以全体协商一致的方式,审议并通过了中国加入世贸组织的决定。 | The WTO Fourth Ministerial Meeting deliberated and adopted, on the basis of consensus, the decision on China’s WTO accession on the afternoon of November 10 in doha, capital of Qatar | |
18 | 随之而来的是陪审团的审判。当该案提交给陪审团时,陪审团商讨了7天,然后宣布陪审团陷入僵局。 | A jury trial followed. When the case went to the jury, that body deliberated for seven days and then declared that it was deadlocked. | |
19 | 他考虑了几天他的决定。 | He deliberated his decision for several days. | |
20 | 他恰巧到了这些审判官平时商议和下判决书的地方。 | He was in the very place where the judges deliberated and condemned | |
21 | 他在决定此事前经过考虑。 | He deliberated the matter before deciding. | |
22 | 他仔细思考了问题后才作出回答。 | He deliberated over the question before giving an answer. | |
23 | 委员会花了两个小时商议那件事。 | He was slow to answer, deliberated about(on, over, upon)the matter for two hours | |
24 | 我和厂长商讨了下一步的生产计划。 | I deliberated with the director on the future plans of production | |
25 | 我们考虑该做什么。 | We deliberated what to do. | |
26 | 我们商议是否取消订货。 | We deliberated whether we should cancel the order. | |
27 | 我仔细考虑了是否接受他的提议。 | I deliberated whether or not to accept his offer. | |
28 | 血液稀释结合控制性降压对肺血管外肺水的影响 | Effects of Deliberated Hypotension Combined with Acute Isovolemic Hemodilution on Extravascular Lung Water | |
29 | 要是我考虑一下,我会按照惯例含糊而有礼貌地回答他的问题。 | I should, if I had deliberated , have replied to this question by something conventionally vague and polite | |
30 | 由本级人民代表大会下次会议根据调查委员会的报告审议决定。 | shall be deliberated and decided at the next session of the people’s congress at the corresponding level on the basis of the report prepared by the investigation committee. |