1 | 2001年2月,占地37万平方英尺的戴尔“亚太客户中心”二期(aPCC2)落成。 | In February 2001, Dell ’s second asia Pacific Customer Centre (aPCC2)of 370,000-square-feet began operations. | |
2 | CCC于2001年3月获得ISO9001(2000版)和ISO14001认证。2002年9月,它成为了戴尔全球首个获得OHSaS18001职业安全与健康管理认证的工厂。 | The facility received ISO9001 (2000 version)and ISO14001 certification in March 2001. In September 2002, it became the first Dell facility worldwide to be OHSaS 18001 certified for safety and occupational health management. | |
3 | 艾登先生同时也详细说明土耳其参战将会带来什么有利的后果。 | Mr. Eden also dell on the advantages that would be derived from Turkey’s entry into the war | |
4 | 从初级入门的286到强大联线的486机型,Dell公司应有尽有。 | Dell has systems and everything that goes with them, from entry-level 286s to mighty networking 486 models. | |
5 | 大客车驾驶员打破沉默,开口说话,让大家看山间壮丽的瀑布。 | The bus driver broke the silence, by calling attention to a waterfall of great beauty, in the rocky dell . | |
6 | 戴尔成功的天才之处在于看到了互联网能够使顾客成为创造经济价值的积极参与者。 | The genius of dell ’s breakthrough was to see that the Internet could be used to make the customer an active partner in creating economic value | |
7 | 戴尔服务器的出货量上升了33%,过去的四个季度,戴尔亚太区及日本的营业额达50亿美元 | Dell ’s server volumes in the region were up 33 percent. Revenue for the last four quarters for asia Pacific and Japan recorded US$5 billion. | |
8 | 戴尔公司参考“亚太客户中心”的生产与专业功能,于1998年8月建设了位于福建厦门的“中国客户中心”(CCC)。 | Dell established the China Customer Center (CCC)in Xiamen, Fujian Province, in august 1998 to mirror the manufacturing and professional functions found at the aPCC. | |
9 | 戴尔公司从90年代初开始为亚太地区的商业、政府、大型机构和个人提供服务。 | Dell has served businesses, governments, large organizations and individuals in asia Pacific since the early 1990s. | |
10 | 戴尔公司亚太业务的核心是设在马来西亚槟城的“亚太客户中心”(aPCC)。 | At the heart of Dell ’s asia Pacific operations is the asia Pacific Customer Center (aPCC)in Penang, Malaysia. | |
11 | 戴尔公司在全球最重要的一项投资是互联网。 | One of the most significant investments Dell is making worldwide is in the Internet. | |
12 | 戴尔公司在亚太地区提供的系列产品和专业经验,能够帮助跨国企业、政府、大企业以及富有经验的个人用户和中小企业,在区域内进行技术创新。 | Dell asia Pacific has the product range and expertise to help multinational, government and corporate accounts as well as experienced individuals and small to medium businesses, implement their technology initiatives throughout the region. | |
13 | 戴尔计算机公司董事长兼执行长麦可戴尔 | Michael Dell , chairman and CEO, Dell Computer | |
14 | 戴尔首创技术支持热线,并使之成为业内标准。 | Dell pioneered the toll-free technical support hotline and made it an industry standard. | |
15 | 戴尔通过其"全球客户计划",向拥有全球业务的亚洲用户提供订制的成套服务和支持。 | Through its Global Customer Program, Dell is able to provide a specific suite of services and support to its asian customers with worldwide operations. | |
16 | 德尔里奥.霍特加氏镀银染色法 | dell rio hortegas silver staining method;del rio hortagas silver staining method | |
17 | 花旗银行、大陆航空、通用电气等蓝筹股以及微软、英特尔、思科、甲骨文、戴尔、太阳微电子等科技类均告下跌。 | Blue chips, Citibank, Continental Airlines, General Electric etc., and tech stocks, Microsoft, Intel, cisco, Oracle, Dell and Sun Microsystem etc., all closed lower | |
18 | 她回忆起那阴暗的树林,那孤寂的山谷,那爱情,那极度的悲痛,那长满青苔的树干,他们携手并坐,将他们哀伤而热情的谈活交溶在小溪的忧郁的低语之中。 | She thought of the dim forest, with its little dell of solitude, and love, and anguish, and the mossy tree-trunk, where, sitting hand in hand, they had mingled their sad and passionate talk with the melancholy murmur of the brook. | |
19 | 今天,戴尔每天的互联网销售额约为1500万美元,是计算机工业中成长最快的公司。 | Today, dell ’s Internet sales are roughly 15 million per day, and it is the fastest growing company in the computer industry | |
20 | 懒惰不是没干出什么事,而是什么事也不去干。--德尔 | Idleness is not doing anything; idleness is being free to do anything.--Floyd Dell | |
21 | 论全球化供应链管理的延迟运作战略的应用-基于惠普(HP)和戴尔(DELL)公司的成功案例 | The Discussion of Postponement Operation Strategy Carried in Global Supply Chain Management-Based on the Analysis of the SCM of HP and DELL | |
22 | 目前戴尔公司在亚太区13个市场开展直线订购业务:新加坡、台湾和泰国等。除此之外,还有40个合作伙伴为其他28个市场提供服务。 | Dell direct sales operations are currently in 13 markets in the region:Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand etc. In addition, 40 distributors serve another 28 markets. | |
23 | 其亚太区网址www.dell.com/ap目前采用4种语言,包括汉语、英语、韩语和日语,支持亚太地区11个国家的站点。 | Its Web site, www.dell .com/ap now supports 11 country specific sites for asia Pacific, using four languages including Chinese, English, Korean and Japanese. | |
24 | 随着1993年首次在日本和澳大利亚开始运营,戴尔公司进入亚太区的目标市场,开始在区域性设施、管理、服务和技术人员等方面进行投资。 | Dell entered asia Pacific in selecting markets and began investing in regional facilities, and management, service and technical personnel in 1993, with its first operations in Japan and australia. | |
25 | 他很可能对向他打招呼的朋友们说:"我不是你们心目中的那个人了!我把他留在那边那座林子里了,他退缩到一个秘密的山谷里,离一条忧郁的小溪不远,就在一棵长满青苔的树干旁边! | "He might have said to the friends who greeted him, ""I am not the man for whom you take me! I left him yonder in the forest, withdrawn into a secret dell , by a mossy tree-trunk, and near a melancholy brook!" | |
26 | 他环顾四周,看着室内的书籍、窗子、壁炉、接着壁毯的赏心悦目的墙壁,但从林中谷地进城来一路纠缠着他的同样的奇异感觉依然存在。 | He looked around him on its books, its windows, its fireplace, and the tapestried comfort of the walls, with the same perception of strangeness that had haunted him throughout his walk from the forest-dell into the town, and thitherward. | |
27 | 它继续在生产、管理、营销、财务等各个方面都按照戴尔模式运作。 | Continuing to uphold the best practices in manufacturing, management, marketing, finance and all the other facets of the Dell model. | |
28 | 溪谷的两岸有许多树木。 | There are many trees on both sides of the dell . | |
29 | 像戴尔这样的计算机制造商,面临市道不景就去开发新的市场。 | Computer makers like Dell are responding to slowing sales by leaping into new arenas. | |
30 | 亚太地区的客户可以向戴尔直接订购产品,并可在7至10天内收到订货。客户还可以获得终身免费的技术支持热线,并得到现场服务。 | Customers in asia Pacific are able to order computers directly from Dell and receive them within seven to ten working days. They can access a toll-free technical support hotline and benefit from the company’s on-site service programs. |