1 | “是的,她是民主党人,但是这将是她第一次为共和党人投票。”施瓦辛格说。 | "”Yes, she’s a Democrat ,” said Schwarzenegger “and this is the first time she’s going to vote for a Republican.”" | |
2 | 《社会民主党人》 | The Social-Democrat ; Социал-Демократ | |
3 | 按照传统,总统大选中女性选民投票支持民主党的可能性更大一些,今年大多数女性选民支持约翰·克里。 | Traditionally women are more likely to vote Democrat in the presidential election-and a majority of women are supporting John Kerry. | |
4 | 波旁社会政治上的反动分子,尤指南方民主党中持极端保守观点的反动分子 | A sociopolitical reactionary,especially a southern Democrat with highly conservative views. | |
5 | 不受以往辩论形式的拘束,副总统奎尔和民主党的戈尔穷追不舍互相猛烈攻击。结果双方对抗始终活泼生动,常有战斗意味,有进则风度欠佳。 | Freed from the constraints of the traditional debate format, Vice President Quayle and Democrat Al Gore went after each other with a vengeance, creating a confrontation that was always lively, often combative, occasionally mean-spirited | |
6 | 布朗先生在调酒时还特地调换了两大党派的传统代表色--将代表民主党的饮料调为红色,而象征共和党的饮料调为蓝色,以此来显示候选人应该越过党派阵线的障碍。 | And as well as mixing the drinks, Mr Brown also switched the traditional party colours-making the Democrat drink red and the Republican blue, to show how candidates had to reach across party lines. | |
7 | 但实际上民主党的杜鲁门赢得了连任 | In fact Democrat Harry Truman won re-election | |
8 | 党外民主人士. | a non-Party democrat | |
9 | 该国明年会变成民主党的天下吗? | Will the country go Democrat next year? | |
10 | 该国明年会由民主党执政吗? | Will the country go Democrat next year? | |
11 | 和民主党的涂谨申在九龙西以同一名单参选 | run on a joint ticket with Democrat James To Kun-sun in the Kowloon West constituency | |
12 | 皇后区民主党[市议员]瓦隆在记者会上说,市长的税收提案一看就觉得糟蹋透,可是州政府所规定的增税等于给纽约市房主难以招架的致命一击。 | The Mayor’s tax proposal was bad enough on its face, but the coming state-mandated increase adds up to a one-two punch that would stagger city homeowners, Mr. Vallone, a Queens Democrat , said in a City Hall news conference. | |
13 | 纪念他在中国民主革命准备时期,以鲜明的中国革命民主派立场,同中国改良派作了尖锐的斗争。 | We pay tribute to him for the intense struggle he waged in the preparatory period of our democratic revolution against the Chinese reformists, taking the clear-cut stand of a Chinese revolutionary democrat | |
14 | 经过四个半小时辩论,议员以三十九票赞成,九票反对,六票弃权,通过由民主党成员提出的动议。 | At the end of a 4 1/2-hour debate, members voted in favour of the Democrat -sponsored motion by 39 to mine, with six abstentions. | |
15 | 康涅狄格州方面--共和党自由派参议员维克,与民主党的利伯曼难分胜负。利伯曼曾在他250万元竞选广告中把[维克]参议员描绘成一只在关键性投票时呼呼大睡的狗熊。 | Connecticut-Liberal GOP Sen.Lowell Weicker is in a dead heat with Democrat Joseph Lieberman,whose$2.5million ad campaign portrays the senator as a bear napping through key votes. | |
16 | 麻省一位名字叫保尔·聪格斯的前参议员是第一个决定参加今年总统竞选的民主党人。 | A former senator from Massachusetts named Paul Tsongas was the first Democrat to throw his hat in the ring for this year’s presidential election. | |
17 | 民主党参议员候选人玛莉亚。肯特薇尔,一位自费筹办选务的网络百万富翁,周五在重新验票结果出炉后,以些微的票数险胜现在参议员的共和党候选人的戈顿。 | Democrat Maria Cantwell,a dot-com millionaire who financed her own campaign,narrowly defeated veteran Republican Sen.Slade Gorton,results of a recount confirmed Friday. | |
18 | 民主主义者. | a democrat | |
19 | 他父亲是有影响的民主党人。 | His father is an influential democrat . | |
20 | 他自称是民主主义者,但暗中却渴望得到绝对的权力。 | He claimed to be a democrat , but secretly he craved for absolute authority | |
21 | 我们宁愿要这座伟大城市的庇护人撰写的法律,那位以“世界上最真诚的民主党人”著称的人--阿西西的圣弗朗西斯,我们不愿要达尔文撰写的法律。 | We would rather have laws written by the patron of this great city, the man called the "world’s most sincere democrat "--St. Francis of Assisi--than laws written by darwin | |
22 | 一些政治分析家们提出,在11月总统大选前,围绕此书进行的推广活动很可能会对有希望获胜的民主党总统候选人约翰·克里带来不利影响。 | Some political analysts have suggested that publicity surrounding the book might damage likely democrat presidential candidate John Kerry ahead of November’s election | |
23 | 在参议院,由共和党员约翰·麦凯恩和民主党员拉斯·费恩戈尔德提出的法规可能在未来几个月里的某一时间提出来讨论,到那时议员席上肯定会有一场长时间的舌战。 | In the Senate, legislation sponsored by Republican John McCain and Democrat Russ Feingold will probably be offered for debate sometime in the next few months, ensuring a drawn-out floor battle of words | |
24 | 在经历了与民主党候选人约翰·克里的激烈角逐后,总统布什于11月2日成功连任。他拿“饼干”和他的竞选伙伴“肉汤”开玩笑说:“他们曾经和既有‘耐心’又‘坚忍不拔’的竞争对手展开激烈角逐。” | The president, who won re-election on November 2 after a tight race against Democrat John Kerry, joked that biscuits and his running-mate, "Gravy," had run "neck-and-neck" against a rival ticket of "Patience" and "Fortitude." | |
25 | 在顺天西选区,民主党巨星李华明得1650票,输给了得1846票的民建联现任议员(郭必铮)。 | The Democrat heavyweight lost to the DAB incumbent in Shun Tin West by 1650 votes to 1846. | |
26 | 这位民主党人在选举中意外地击败了州长。 | The Democrat upset the governor in the election. | |
27 | 指三名资深民主党立法会议员不爱国,因为他们反对二十三条 | called three veteran Democrat legislators unpatriotic for actions such as opposing Article 23 of the Basic Law | |
28 | 总是投票支持某一政党;忠实的民主党员 | always votes a straight party line;a straight Democrat . | |
29 | 作为民主党人的戴维斯能连任州长并非因其的自身声望的力量,而是因为共和党一方的候选人实在太弱,对于多数选民来说是太右了。 | Davis, a Democrat , was re-elected not on the strength of his own popularity but because the Republicans put up such a weak candidate, too rightwing for most voters | |
30 | ||1:而直到现在她才开始寻找这个问题的答案。||2:去年竞选州长时,她没有过分宣传自己的理念,而是主要利用人们对理查森的厌倦争取支持。民主党人理查森带着昭著的臭名期满离任。(一个大陪审团已经对他展开调查,最近的是调查他2008年参加总统竞选时的竞选融资问题。) | ||1: She is only now beginning to work out her answer. ||2: Last year, when she ran for governor, she focused less on philosophy and more [color=Red]on fatigue with Mr Richardson, a Democrat who was termed out of office but had a reputation for sleaze.(A probe by a grand jury, the latest of several, is investigating alleged campaign-finance problems dating to his run for president in 2008.) |