属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-铭记于心 西班牙内战
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-深陷危机 泰国局势急转直下
属类:时事政治-Health Report 健康报道-多哥妇女发起性罢工以迫使总统辞职
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-南苏丹政府宣布停火
1 | “我们要让大家知道,当有人以非民主及非法的方式,企图推翻以民主制度遴选的政府时,马国人民并不会只顾明哲保身或默不作声。” | We want to let people know that when someone wants to overthrow the democratically -elected government through undemocratic and illegal means, the Malaysian people will not tolerate and remain silent. | |
2 | 20.科学执政、民主执政、依法执政 | exercise the power of government in a scientific, democratic and law-based manner;a scientific, democratic and law-based approach to governance;exercise power scientifically, democratically and according to law | |
3 | 第九条 各级红十字会理事会由会员代表大会民主选举产生。理事会民主选举产生会长和副会长。 | Article 9 The Councils of the Red Cross Societies at various levels shall be democratically elected by respective congresses of members. The Councils shall democratically elect their Presidents and Vice-Presidents. | |
4 | 机构改革,以保证联盟机构在未来的高效动作,实现更大限度的民主与公开性。 | institutional changes, to ensure the union’s institutions remain efficient and effective in the future and operate ad democratically and openly as possible | |
5 | 就人民代表而言,其产生必须通过民主选举,且对人民负责,接受人民的监督。 | as far as the deputies to the People’s Congresses are concerned, they must be elected democratically , and must be responsible to the people, and subject to their supervision. | |
6 | 据称,政府允诺的这次选举是在巴西结束极权统治恢复民主计划的一部分,它将成为自1964年右翼军人政变以来的首次直接选举,那次政变推翻了由民主选举产生的何奥·古拉特总统领导的政权。 | The elections, promised as part of a plan to return Brazil from authoritarian to democratic rule, would be the first full balloting since a 1964 right-wing military coup which overthrew the democratically elected regime of President Joao Goulart | |
7 | 军方表示会支持首任民选总统瓦希德,纾缓了军方发动政变的危机。维兰托表示会和平离开。 | The military backed Mr Wahid and General Wiranto said he would go peacefully, easing fears the army would overthrow the country’s first democratically elected president. | |
8 | 论科学执政、民主执政和依法执政之辩证统一 | Governing Scientifically, Democratically and by Law: Dialectical Unify | |
9 | 他们憎恨我们在这间会议厅里认为正确的东西,憎恨一个民选的政府。 | They hate what we see right here in this chamber, a democratically elected government. | |
10 | 我们不是一个自以为是的小宗派,我们一定要学会打开大门和党外人士实行民主合作的方法,我们一定要学会善于同别人商量问题。 | We are not a small opinionated sect and we must learn how to open our doors and co-operate democratically with non-Party people, and how to consult with others | |
11 | 我们将创造一种环境,让伊拉克人能通过民主、和平的方式决定他们自己的命运。 | We will create an environment where Iraqis can determine their own fate democratically and peacefully. | |
12 | 我们社会生活的基础--工业,不应是少数人的私有财产,不应只为这些人制造财富,而应该是全体人民的共同财产,为所有人的利益以民主方式加以管理…… | that industry, the basis of our social life, instead of being the private property of the few and operated for their enrichment, ought to be the common property of all, democratically administered in the interest of all.. | |
13 | 我们要加强党内教育来清除这些毛病,我们还要经过和党外人士实行民主合作来清除这些毛病。 | We shall do so by strengthening education within the Party and by co-operating democratically with non-Party people | |
14 | 新农村建设理事会:民主治村的重要制度创新―对赣州“新农村建设理事会”的调查与分析 | New Countryside Construction Council: The Important System Innovation for Governing Village Democratically -Our Investigation and Analysis of the "New Countryside Construction Council" in Ganzhou | |
15 | 因此,共产党员只有对党外人士实行民主合作的义务,而无排斥别人、垄断一切的权利。 | Hence Communists have the duty to co-operate democratically with non-Party people and have no right to exclude them and monopolize everything | |
16 | ||1:保罗·普雷斯顿指出,民族主义军事反政府武装在1936年发动了针对选举的军事叛乱,战场上死亡的人数达到了20万。||2:保罗·普雷斯顿统计于右翼民族党残杀的15万人(附加上了1939年内战后死的2万多人)和共和党杀害的另外5万人。 | ||1:Mr Preston puts the number of those who died in battle at 200,000, after Nationalist military rebels rose against the democratically elected Republican government in 1936.||2:He counts an additional 150,000 murders by the right-wing Nationalists—plus 20,000 more after the civil war ended in 1939—and a further 50,000 killings in areas held by Republicans. | |
17 | ||1:反对派至今还在为推翻穆尔西而沾沾自喜。||2:要求消灭“恐怖分子”(这是更暴力的穆兄会反对派喜欢用的称呼)的人似乎比呼吁克制、折衷的人更多。||3:而另一边,穆尔西的铁杆支持者为了他们的存亡大计,要求穆尔西复职。若不满足这个最低条件,一切免谈。但目前的军方领导人肯定会当即拒绝。||4:自7月3日起,穆尔西的支持者就一直在开罗东部地区(他们的“大本营”)集会,抗议军方罢免他们民主选举的总统。 | ||1: The opposition is still crowing over Mr Morsi’s demise. ||2: Voices calling for the vanquishing of “terrorists”, as the fiercer foes of the Muslim Brothers like to call them, seem louder than those calling for restraint and compromise. ||3: On the other side, Mr Morsi’s diehard disciples, fearing for their survival, refuse to consider anything less than his reinstatement, which the generals now in charge are sure to dismiss out of hand. ||4: Since July 3rd Mr Morsi’s people have continued to mass in districts of eastern Cairo, where their support is strongest, to protest against the overthrow of their democratically elected president. | |
18 | ||1:如果泰国想要避免灾祸,对峙双方必须在局势崩溃之前各退一步。||2:首先要做的就是要将泰国高度集中的管理权力下放。||3:目前只有该国首都拥有一个民主选举的管理者,而其他的76个省 份也应该有这样的管理者——这不仅可以协助解决日渐激烈的南方穆斯林暴乱,还将会为素贴带来额外之喜,因为小全国大选的获胜者将不再是大权独握。||4:作为这场改革的回报, 民主党必须保证接受选举结果;而为了回报这个结果,泰党应该在没有西那瓦家族成员掌权的情况下运行。 | ||1:If Thailand is to avoid that catastrophe, both sides must now step back from the brink.||2:The starting point is the devolution of Thailand’s highly centralised system of governance.||3:At the moment only the capital has a democratically elected governor, yet all 76 provinces should also have one—this would not only help a rumbling Muslim insurgency in the south, it would also offer a prize to Mr Suthep, because the winner of the national election would no longer win all the power.||4:In return for this reform, the Democrat Party must pledge to accept election results; and in return for that, the Pheu Thai should run without a Shinawatra at the helm. | |
19 | ||1:这一行动让该组织领导人蕾曼.格鲍伊(Leymah Gbowee)与包括利比里亚总统埃伦.约翰逊-瑟利夫(Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf)在内的另两名女性共同获得了2011诺贝尔和平奖。||2:约翰逊-瑟利夫于2006年成为非洲第一位民选女总统。||3:第三名获奖者是也门女权人士塔瓦库尔.卡门(Tawakkul Karman)。 | ||1:The actions earned the group’s leader a share of the twenty-eleven Nobel Peace Prize. Leymah Gbowee shared the prize with two other women, including Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.||2:She became Africa’s first democratically elected female president in two thousand six.||3:The third winner was Tawakkul Karman, a women’s rights activist in Yemen. | |
20 | 肯雅塔先生还督促非洲联盟、联合国和其它国家承诺给南苏丹更多支持。他说,其它东非国家领导人不会接受他所谓的“违宪推翻”南苏丹民选政府。 | Mr. Kenyatta also urged the African Union, the United Nations and other countries to promise more support for South Sudan. And he said leaders of other East African nations would not accept what he called the "unconstitutional overthrow" of South Sudan’s democratically -elected government. | |
21 | 把艾哈迈迪内贾德和一个民主选举的西方领导人相比较难道不是很荒谬吗? | Isn’t it preposterous even to compare Ahmadinejad with a democratically elected Western leader? | |
22 | 大使馆事件仍然被作为一个对以色列的警告,一个民主选举的埃及政府可能没有那么友好。 | Still, the embassy incident serves as a warning to Israel that a democratically elected Egyptian government may be a lot less friendly. | |
23 | 当时他们顶住了民选伊斯兰教政府的压力,并强制继续举行阅兵式,以世俗秩序的守护者身份自居。 | when they blocked a democratically elected Islamist government and continued forcibly to parade themselves as guardians of a secular order. | |
24 | 第九条各级红十字会理事会由会员代表大会民主选举产生。 | Article 9 The Councils of the Red Cross Societies at various levels shall be democratically elected by respective congresses of members. | |
25 | 对于以色列民主选举出来的总理作为他的合法谈判对手,阿巴斯表示他无权表示自己的喜恶。 | Mr Abbas said he had no right to like or dislike Israel’s democratically elected prime minister as his legitimate interlocutor. | |
26 | 俄罗斯侵占格鲁吉亚领土或试图推翻民选政权的做法是没有正当理由的。 | Russia is not justified in holding on to Georgian territory or trying to overturn a democratically elected regime. | |
27 | 而作为交换条件,后者是否将允许他国对其递交议会的预算案指手画脚? | Will the latter, as a quid pro quo, accept outsiders second-guessing their budgets submitted to democratically elected parliaments? | |
28 | 民选的领导人不再有手段或者有能力来阐释或形成新秩序了。 | Democratically elected leaders are no longer equipped or competent to interpret or shape the new order. | |
29 | 民意调查显示,唐纳德.塔斯克是波兰历史上第一位通过民主选举的方式产生的连任首相。 | DONALD TUSK has become the first Polish prime minister in history to be democratically re-elected for a consecutive term, exit polls show. | |
30 | 民主选举的国家可以让这件事发生,勉强挺过去。 | Democratically elected governments proved reluctant to stand by and let this happen. |