属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN VDE 0100-704-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 7518-1983
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN ISO 7518-1986
1 | 摧毁可能是有好处的,可是对夹有怒气的摧毁行为,我就不敢恭维。” | It may be of use to demolish, but I distrust a demolition complicated with wrath." | |
2 | 大赞荷兰在大胜南斯拉夫一战中的表现 | paid tribute to the Dutch for their 6-1 demolition of Yugoslavia | |
3 | 低电压设备的安装.第7部分:特殊安装或定位的要求.第704节:建造和拆除点安装 | Erection of low-voltage installations-Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations; Section 704: Construction and demolition site installations (IEC 60364-7-704:1989, modified); | |
4 | 第二十六条不得在大型公路桥梁和公路渡口的上、下游各 二百米 范围内采挖沙石、修筑堤坝、倾倒拉圾、压缩或者扩宽河床、进行爆破作业。 | Article 26 No excavation of sand, dike and dam construction, dumping of rubbish, reduction or expansion of river-beds, or demolition operations may be carried out within 200m either upstream or downstream of large highway bridges and highway ferries. | |
5 | 第五十条 房屋拆除应当由具备保证安全条件的建筑施工单位承担,由建筑施工单位负责人对安全负责。 | Article 50 Demolition shall be taken by the construction enterprises being able to ensure safety. The heads of those enterprises are responsible for safety. | |
6 | 电厂大型厂房大解体式爆破拆除 | Demolition of a Large-scale Workshop in a Power Plant by Macro Disjoint Blasting | |
7 | 定向爆破法拆除砖质水塔 | Demolition of a Brick-structured Water Tower by Directional Blasting | |
8 | 对于爆破,需要具有良好感度、安全的流体或流动炸药。 | For demolition work, a safe but fluid or fluent explosive of good sensitivity may be needed | |
9 | 二十六层楼房爆破拆除 | Blasting Demolition of a 26-storey Building | |
10 | 房屋拆迁货币化安置协议签订后,被拆迁人应当在协议约定的期限内搬迁。 | After the signing of the monetized resettlement agreement for demolition and re[] of the house, the residents of the specific house that is to be demolished shall move out within the time limit stipulated in the agreement. | |
11 | 房屋拆迁货币化安置协议签订后,拆迁人应当在协议约定的期限内,将货币化安置款按照同等分配比例,以被拆迁房屋各使用人的名义存入指定的银行,由银行分别开具购房存款单。 | After the signing of the monetized resettlement agreement for demolition and re[] of the house, the party that is to demolish the house shall deposit in a designated bank the monetized resettlement money, which shall be divided in due proportion in the name of each of the users of the house to be demolished, within the time limit stipulated in the agreement, and the bank shall issue certificates of deposit for purchase of house separately to each of the users. | |
12 | 房屋拆迁货币化安置协议应当载明下列主要内容: | The monetized resettlement agreement for demolition of a house shall contain the following main items: | |
13 | 复杂环境下高层框架楼定向爆破拆除实例与分析 | An Example Analysis for High Frame Building Directional Blasting Demolition in Complex Circumstance | |
14 | 钢结构爆破拆除中构件切断技术研究 | Studies on Technique of Cutting of Members in Blasting Demolition of Steel Construction | |
15 | 钢筋混凝土水塔的水压和定向爆破拆除 | Demolition of Reinforced Concrete Water-tower by Water-pressure Blasting and Directional Blasting | |
16 | 港口爆破施工的主要环境影响及评价方法 | Harbor Demolition Construction Main Environmental Effect and Appraisal Method | |
17 | 工兵们急忙切断他们所能找到的一切地雷的引线。 | Engineers frantically cut every demolition wire they could find | |
18 | 公共生活的毁坏和重建是人们每日所做的种种个人决定的综合结果。这些决定包括:公共汽车上让座, | The demolition and reconstruction of public life is the result of personal decisions made every daythe decision to give up a seat on the bus | |
19 | 关于城市房屋拆迁问题的思考 | Reflection on City Building Demolition and Occupants Relocation | |
20 | 杭州汽轮机厂设备基础控制爆破拆除 | Demolition of an Equipment Base by Controlled Blasting in Hangzhou Steam Turbine Co. LTD | |
21 | 呼市十一层大楼拆除爆破塌落振动测试与分析 | Monitoring and Analysis of Collapse Vibration Caused by Demolition Blasting of all-Stored Building in Huhehaote | |
22 | 互换房屋产权的差额价款应当在签订房屋拆迁补偿安置协议时一次付清。 | The price difference shall be paid in one lump sum at the time when the two parties sign an agreement for compensation and resettlement for the demolition and re[] of houses. | |
23 | 黄果树隧道开挖爆破设计 | The Design on Excavation and Demolition of Huang Guo Shu Tunnel | |
24 | 混凝土结构烟囱爆破拆除的动力响应特征分析 | AN Analysis of Dynamic Stress Response Characteristic on Concrete Structure Chimney Demolition | |
25 | 火药厂退役工房的销爆静态拆除 | Dynamite Static Demolition of Expired Workshop in Propellant Factory | |
26 | 基于HHT方法的石方爆破噪声特性分析 | Analysis of Rocky Demolition Noise Characteristics Based on HHT Method | |
27 | 基于城乡征地拆迁补偿政策一体化的区位价补偿政策研究 | Unified Location Compensation Policies Based on Compensation Policies for Demolition of Marxism Leadership Ideology | |
28 | 技术制图 建筑工程制图 拆除和重建的简化画法 | Technical drawings; Construction drawings; Simplified representation of demolition and rebuilding | |
29 | 技术制图.建筑制图.拆除和重建的简化表示法 | Technical drawings; Construction drawings; Simplified representation of demolition and rebuilding | |
30 | 技术制图.结构制图.拆除和重建的简化表示法 | Technical drawings; construction drawings; simplified representation of demolition and rebuilding; identical with ISO 7518, edition 1983 |