1 | 哪怕没有别的贡献,“搞笑诺贝尔奖”也弘扬了一种勇敢的行为。如果你想成为一名创造者,你需要的就是勇气。 | If nothing else, the Ig Nobels demonstrates a form of courage, and you need courage if you intend to be an innovator. | |
2 | 匹配16寸六幅铝合金轮辋,以及简洁利落的后方造型,整车表现出强调力量的欧洲运动轿车风格,个性俊朗,不失动感时尚。 | Together with the 16-inch six-spoke aluminum alloy rims and the clean-cut rear appearance, the entire car demonstrates the style of a European sporty sedan that stresses power amidst its bright character, and is dynamic and trendy. | |
3 | 如果确有重大立功表现,二年期满以后,减为十五年以上二十年以下有期徒刑。 | If he demonstrates meritorious service, he is to be given a reduction of sentence to not less than fifteen years and not more than twenty years of fixed-term imprisonment upon the expiration of the two-year period. | |
4 | 如果认真遵守监规,接受教育改造,确有悔改表现,假释后不致再危害社会的,可以假释。 | .. may be granted parole if he earnestly observes prison regulations, undergoes reform through education, demonstrates true repentance, and will not cause further harm to society after being paroled. | |
5 | 如一发展中国家成员,包括一最不发达国家成员可证明其在实施本协定规定方面存在特殊困难,则货物贸易理事会可应请求延长其取消根据第1款进行通知的TRIMs的过渡期。 | On request, the Council for Trade in Goods may extend the transition period for the elimination of TRIMs notified under paragraph 1 for a developing country Member, including a least-developed country Member, which demonstrates particular difficulties in implementing the provisions of this Agreement. | |
6 | 上述公式指出当酸被缓冲时,消耗了HCO3-,而产生H2O和C02。C02则被红细胞(RBC)转运到肺,呼出。 | This equation demonstrates that as the HA is buffered, it consumes HCO3-and produces H2O and CO2. The CO2 is transported by red blood cells (RBCs)to the lung and exhaled. | |
7 | 声学证据表明苹果释放出的乙烯气体比其他植物高,能够引起附近植物枯萎。 | Acoustical evidence demonstrates that apples emit higher levels of ethylene, which causes neighbouring plants to wilt | |
8 | 使质量目标在整个组织内都能得到理解和贯彻落实;表明最高管理者对质量以及为实现目标提供足够资源的承诺 | It permits quality objectives to be understood and pursued throughout the organization,it demonstrates top management’s commitment to quality and the provision of adequate resources for achievement of objectives | |
9 | 示例数据库中的“Sales By Category Report”报表演示了使用窗体将参数提交到报表的过程。 | The report called Sales By Category Report, in the sample database, demonstrates one approach to using a form to submit parameters to a report. | |
10 | 说到该交易对壳牌中国集团的重大意义时,壳牌中国集团主席林浩光说:“这同时意味着为壳牌引进更多的中国人才,进一步体现了壳牌对中国的承诺。” | Commenting on the importance of the deal to Shell in China, Lim Haw-Kuang, Executive Chairman of Shell Companies in China, said: “It means we bring more top Chinese talent into Shell and further demonstrates our commitment to China.” | |
11 | 说明农村地区婴儿辅食添加不合理的问题十分突出。 | His demonstrates the significant problem associated with the improper use of complementary foods in infants in the rural areas. | |
12 | 他突然离去表明他不可靠;他多么不可靠。 | His sudden departure demonstrates that he’s unreliable/how unreliable he is. | |
13 | 他突然离去表明他不可靠[他多麽不可靠 | His sudden departure demonstrates that he’s unreliable/how unreliable he is. | |
14 | 完善的安全设计体现以人为本的理念 | Functions That Combine Luxury With Convenience Demonstrates User-Friendly Concept | |
15 | 我们将于近期把LX 470引入中国市场. | which demonstrates our unique focus and commitment to the Chinese market. | |
16 | 我那受过教育的爸爸的财务状况,最好地说明了过着"老鼠赛跑"式生活的人的经济状况。 | My educated dad’s personal financial statement best demonstrates the life of someone in the rat race. | |
17 | 行为疗法对克服恐怖症常有疗效,它让患病者逐渐处于会引起他焦虑的对象或情景下,让他明白实际并没有威胁存在。 | Behaviour therapy can be helpful in overcoming phobias, the phobic person being gradually exposed to the anxiety-provoking object or situation in a way that demonstrates that no threat really exists. | |
18 | 以上显示的“Sales By Category Summary Query”参数窗体包含在示例数据库中,该数据库对这一技术进行了演示。 | The Sales By Category Summary Query parameters form, shown above and included in the sample database, demonstrates this technique. | |
19 | 鹰派人物如在争论中显示出一种积极好战的或有侵略性态度的人 | One who demonstrates an actively aggressive or combative attitude, as in an argument. | |
20 | 由此,梅赛德斯-奔驰中国有限公司对服务建设的投入可见一班。 | It demonstrates the commitment of Mercedes-Benz to China market in developing service network of high quality. | |
21 | 原来这是人与自进行斗争神话。 | The story demonstrates mankind’s successful battle against nature. | |
22 | 在售后服务流程的设计上,雪佛兰表现出十足的个性化,以充分应对大众化的服务需求。 | The design of the after-sale service process demonstrates its unique character to fully satisfy the requirements of a popular service. | |
23 | 展示了十足的讲故事的才能(b米歇考·卡库塔尼) | demonstrates a sure-footed storytelling talent(bMichiko Kakutani) | |
24 | 展示了十足的讲故事的才能(米歇考·卡库塔尼) | demonstrates a sure-footed storytelling talent(Michiko Kakutani) | |
25 | 这充分表明了中国深化改革和扩大开放的决心和信心。 | which fully demonstrates the resolve and confidence of China to deepen its reform and to open further to the outside world. | |
26 | 这充分表明他们愿意合作。 | This fully demonstrates their willingness to cooperate. | |
27 | 这次胜利表明我们的党不愧是一个伟大、光荣、正确的党。 | This victory demonstrates that our Party deserves to be called a great, glorious and correct party. | |
28 | 这次选举是以实际行动体现了民主. | The election demonstrates democracy in action. | |
29 | 这次选举以实际行动体现了民主。 | The election demonstrates democracy in action. | |
30 | 这个案例表明了工程技术在改善资源生产率方面的作用,突出了创新为地方性制造和服务部门所带来的收益。 | This case demonstrates the role of engineering in improving resource productivity and it highlights the benefits to local manufacturing and services when innovations are introduced. |