属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 41755-1-1970
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-两大高面值现钞被禁 印度陷入货币兑换恐慌潮(下)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-两大高面值现钞被禁 印度陷入货币兑换恐慌潮(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-货币的半衰期 (1)
1 | 英镑、先令、便士是英国的货币单位. | Pounds,shillings,and pence are the denomination s of English money. | |
2 | 用铜或铜的合金制成的硬币,通常为小面值. | a coin, usually of small denomination , made of copper or a copper alloy. | |
3 | 直流电压的叠加.周期性叠加.概念.测量方法 | Denomination of the ripple of d.c voltage, periodic deviations; terms and measuring methods | |
4 | ||1:弗雷德.路特是新奥尔良一个遭受洪灾破坏街区的大会牧师,在美南浸信会六月年会上接任会长,这将是美国新教最大教派领袖一次不同寻常的交接。||2:路特这个黑人将成为这个有着悠久种族歧视历史教会的旗手。 | ||1: WHEN Fred Luter, the pastor of a large congregation in a flood-damaged section of New Orleans, assumes the presidency of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) at its annual meeting in June, it will not be the usual passing of the baton for America’s largest Protestant denomination . ||2: Mr Luter, who is black, will become the standard-bearer of a group with a long history of racism. | |
5 | ||1:然而路特的当选显然说明南方浸信会已经在这方面取得进步。||2:进步也是必不可少的。||3:该教会有望成为美国仅次于天主教(一千六百万教友)的第二大基督教会,但是他们(美南浸信会)的教友数目最近有持平的趋势,甚至可能有所下降。||4: 美南浸信会要想发展壮大,必须在少数人群中寻找新会员, 这种行动已经缓步开展: 1990年时南方浸信会成员白人占95%,而今的白人只占80%。 | ||1: Mr Luter’s accession will be the most visible sign yet that Southern Baptists are making progress on this front. ||2: And progress is necessary. ||3: They may be America’s second-largest group of Christians after Catholics—16m strong—but their numbers have levelled off, and have probably even waned a bit. ||4: If the denomination wants to flourish, it will have to find new members among minorities. It is slowly doing so: whereas in 1990 95% of Southern Baptist congregations were white, only 80% are nowadays. | |
6 | 一些著名经济学家,如哈佛大学的Kenneth Rogoff,都倾向于去完全废除大额钞票。 | Prominent economists, such as Kenneth Rogoff of Harvard University, are keen to scrap big-denomination notes altogether. | |
7 | 在11月8日,印度总理纳伦德拉-莫迪在一场令人震惊的电视讲话中宣布,本国两种最高面值的纸币,即500和1000卢比(约7.5美元和15美元)将在近期被正式废除使用。 | In a surprise televised address on November 8th, Narendra Modi, the prime minister, announced that the country’s two highest-denomination notes, worth 500 and 1,000 rupees ($7.50 and $15) , were to be legally worthless with near-immediate effect. | |
8 | 政府不得不印刷一种一百百万的五次幂的纸币(后边20个零),这是世界上面值最大的纸币。 | The government had to print a 100 quintillion note (with 20 zeroes), the highest denomination ever produced. | |
9 | 11月,我在孟菲斯出席了美国发展最快的黑人教派“基督神的教会”的教友大会,并发表演讲。 | In November, I spoke in Memphis to the convention of the Church of God in Christ, America’s fastest-growing black denomination . | |
10 | 奥地利的欧元硬币对于每个货币的命名有着唯一的设计,三个系列的硬币有着共同的设计主题。 | Austrian euro coins have a unique design for each denomination , with a common theme for each of the three series of coins. | |
11 | 本党同样地支持积极的基督教,但它自己不为任何特定教派服务。 | The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not commit itself to any particular denomination . | |
12 | 不,那飘落的不是雪花,而是大额支票。最小的也不少于一千元。 | No, it was not snow that was falling, but checks of large denomination , the smallest not less than a thousand dollars. | |
13 | 传统武术动作名称命名的教学法提示 | Prompt Teaching and Studying on the Denomination of Tradition Wushu Movement Names | |
14 | 但是自从1990年左右的时候,跟福音派相比较,浸信会的名称就已经开始逐步丧失其根基,特别是相对于美国的人民大众。 | But since around 1990 the denomination has been losing ground, relative to America’s population, to other evangelical churches. | |
15 | 对北方地区玉米、小麦立体栽培规范冠名的探讨 | Discussion on Normative Denomination of Maize and Wheat Stereo Growing in the North of China | |
16 | 对现行术语定名原则之我见 | The Opinion on Current Principle of Term Denomination | |
17 | 方剂命名目的性与原则性的探索 | The Aims and Principles in the Denomination of Formula | |
18 | 高校自然科学学报冠名刍议 | Tentative ideas about denomination of university scientific journals | |
19 | 冠名权的形式与内容 | Forms and Contents of Denomination Right | |
20 | 国际石油交易的计价货币为什么是美元? | Denomination Currency of International Oil Transaction: Why US Dollar? | |
21 | 航海区域划分及名称探讨 | Discussion on Navigational Zone Demarcation and Denomination | |
22 | 化合物的根或基的蒙文命名规则探讨 | Discussions on Mongolian Denomination Rules of Chemical Compound Radical | |
23 | 加拿大的一个主流的基督教教派已经为同性恋者主持了很多年的婚礼了。 | A mainstream Christian denomination in Canada has been marrying gays for years. | |
24 | 经编花型命名的新标准 | New standards for denomination of warp knitted patterns | |
25 | 据估计2007年11月流通中最大面值的钞票数量达69万亿张。 | In November 2007, the amount in circulation of the highest value denomination notes was estimated at 69 trillion. | |
26 | 科技术语汉译名中的增词现象 | The Phenomenon of Adding Words in the Chinese Denomination of Sci-tech Terms | |
27 | 流通人民币纸币的面值识别 | Denomination Identifying of Current RMB Banknotes | |
28 | 路德种族平等会议可能分裂出一个新的教派。 | Lutheran CORE may split away to form a new denomination . | |
29 | 路德种族平等会议已经通过自己的宪法,并正在考虑是否成立一个新的教会。 | Lutheran CORE has already adopted its own constitution and is now considering whether to form a new denomination . | |
30 | 略论命名与语言、民俗、文化及其它学科的关系 | Studies on the Relationship Between Denomination and Language, Custom, Culture and Other Scientific Branches |