属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-灰色的幽影 Shades of grey
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-棉花出口 两不讨好
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-钱多了该怎么花 苹果大赚
1 | 如果乙炔钢瓶有尖锐或深的凹陷,金属被凿,或任何其它机械缺陷,用记号笔在缺陷处画个圆来警告供应商。 | If an acetylene cylinder receives a sharp or deep dent , the metal is gouged, or any other mechanical defect, circle the defect with a marking pen to alert the supplier of the defect. | |
2 | 深圳地铁福民站地下连续墙入岩成槽技术 | A Technique of Forming Dent into Rock Layer for Underground diaphragm Wall | |
3 | 双曲扁壳覆盖件静态抗凹性数值模拟研究 | The Numerical Simulation of Double-Curved Autobody Panel’s Static Dent Resistance | |
4 | 他因看到自己新车上的凹痕而生气 | Got mental when he saw the dent in his new car. | |
5 | 我不知道是怎么回事,但我的汽车后部有了一个凹痕。 | I don’t know how it came about but I’ve got a dent in the rear of my car. | |
6 | 我的汽车顶让石头砸了个坑 | The stone made a dent in the roof of my car | |
7 | 我的汽车行李箱上的凹痕. | A dent in the boot of my car | |
8 | 我父亲看到汽车挡泥板上的凹痕时,他一定会发怒的。 | When my father sees the dent in his fender,he’ll be mad as hornet. | |
9 | 我这工作没有取得进展。 | I haven’t even made a dent in this job | |
10 | 削弱某人的影响 | dent sb.’s influence | |
11 | 削弱某人的影响. | dent sb`s influence | |
12 | 小汽车的前面有一个凹痕. | The front of the car has a dent in it. | |
13 | 压力注浆在高速公路路基塌陷治理中的应用 | Application of Pressure Grouting Penetration in Treatment for Foundation Dent | |
14 | 硬粒马齿爆裂型玉米遗传关系的SSR标记研究 | Genetic Relationship among Flint Corn, Dent Corn and Popcorn Studied by SSR Markers | |
15 | 有了初步发展。(=make a hole in) | make a dent in | |
16 | 有效地解决法盲问题 | Make a dent in legal illiteracy person ignorant of the law | |
17 | 玉米不同粒型种源间子粒zein蛋白含量、粒重及产量差异之研究 | Zein Content, Kernel Weight and Grain Yield of Dent and Flint Forms of Maize | |
18 | 愿詹姆斯·登特安息. | ( requiescat in pace)James Dent RIP | |
19 | 这次修理用去了我们很多钱. | The repairs made a dent in our funds,ie cost us a lot. | |
20 | 这辆公共汽车边上的凹痕可在修配车间敲平。 | The dent on the wing of the bus can be beaten out at the repair shop | |
21 | 这一预言最近有了很大进展。 | Recently it makes a sizable dent in this prediction | |
22 | 自尊心受到的创痕. | a dent in one`s pride | |
23 | ||1:她的幽默带着恶作剧的性质:在她克拉科夫的公寓里,她抽水马桶的座板是由透明塑料包住的棘铁丝做成的。||2:她发表的所有诗只有差不多400篇,当被问及为何如此之少时,她温和地回答道,这是因为她有一个废纸篓。||3:成功并未对她隐士般的谦逊造成任何影响,而她也永远不会将她的物质生活称为有趣。||4:当设想如果要拍摄一部影片,讲述一位诗人“极端无美感”的生活时,她说,“就是一个人坐在桌子边上,或者躺在沙发上,一动不动地盯着墙或是天花板。||5:偶尔这个人写了七行诗,15分钟后就又划掉了其中的一行,一个小时后又划掉一行,在那之间其他什么事都没发生。谁会愿意去看这样的片子?” | ||1: Her humour was mischievous: the lavatory seat in her Cracow flat was made of barbed wire encased in clear plastic. ||2: Asked why she had published so little—her entire canon was only some 400 poems—she replied gently that she had a waste-paper basket. ||3: Success left no dent in her reclusive modesty, and she would never claim that her external life was interesting. ||4: Imagine trying to make a film of a poet’s “hopelessly unphotogenic” life, she said: “Someone sits at a table or lies on a sofa while staring motionless at a wall or ceiling. ||5: Once in a while this person writes down seven lines, only to cross out one of them 15 minutes later, and then another hour passes, during which nothing happens Who…could stand to watch this kind of thing?” | |
24 | ||1:尽管罗姆尼兴高采烈得加入到指责佩里的队伍中去,称佩里违反了共和党的原则。||2:出于同样的原因,罗姆尼也抨击纽特·金里奇,金里奇也是共和党总统候选提名人之一,他曾建议当局应该允许那些遵纪守法居住已久的非法移民留在美国.。||3:罗姆尼宣称应该让那些非法移民的日子不好过,然后用一个可怕的短语来说,他们就会选择"自我驱逐出境"。||4:民主党希望这一切会抹去西班牙裔美国选民对罗姆尼的希望,这些人中大多数认为共和党对非法移民的态度可谓铁石心肠,就快赶上民族主义者了。||5:在一项由皮尤西裔研究中心主导的调查显示,已登记的西班牙裔美国选民中,有2/3的人更青睐民主党。||6:只有20%的人认为自己是共和党.三月份福克斯新闻频道对拉丁美洲裔美国人进行的民调显示,一对一竞选的情况下,罗姆尼只能拿到西班牙裔选民手中14%的选票。||7:先前的民调显示罗姆尼的表现会比这一数字好一些,但是仍然比起麦凯恩努力获得的31%支持率要差的多,尽管后者2008年失败了,更别提小布什2004年获得的40%的极高支持率了。 | ||1: Nonetheless Mr Romney cheerfully joined in the denunciation of Mr Perry for his breach of party doctrine. ||2: By the same token, when Newt Gingrich, another candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, suggested that illegal immigrants of good character and long standing should be allowed to stay, Mr Romney attacked him too. ||3: He argues that life should be made so difficult for illegal immigrants that they will choose, in a horrible phrase, to “self-deport”. ||4: Democrats hope that all this will dent Mr Romney’s prospects among Hispanic voters, many of whom see Republican fulminations against illegal immigration as stony-hearted, if not racist. ||5: In a survey conducted last year on behalf of the Pew Hispanic Centre, two-thirds of Hispanic registered voters said they favoured the Democrats. ||6: Just 20% identified themselves as Republican. In March a Fox News Latino poll found that, in a head-to-head match-up, Mr Romney would carry just 14% of the Hispanic vote. ||7: Earlier polls had found Mr Romney doing better than that, but still considerably worse than the 31% John McCain managed to amass, even while losing in 2008, or the whopping 40% George W. Bush posted in 2004. | |
25 | ||1:在舞台上也好,在讲道坛上也好,这类的道德上的是与非往往很明确, 就是非黑即白。||2:而在实际生活中,Mr Press提出还有“灰色”这种情况。||3:他所观察到的所有抉择都极其困难,只有塞尔维亚人在那刻卷入的抉择时则是心里明镜似的。||4:这些美丽灵魂的所作所为只是造成很小范围内的而影响:少数人让塞尔维亚人存活了下来,瑞士警察所解救的也只是沧海一粟,对其他更强大的恶势力更是无能为力。||5:士兵没能阻止以色列的殖民建设,揭发者也没能削弱金融系统。||6:所以为什么主人公们还要这么做呢。 | ||1:On stage and in the pulpit, moral dilemmas of this kind tend to have a black-and-white clarity.||2:Working from life, Mr Press brings out the greys.||3:All of the choices he looked at were hard, and only the Serb’s involved a clear-cut decision in the moment.||4:The good achieved by each of these “beautiful souls” was small: the few lives the Serb and the Swiss policeman saved were a pittance when set against greater evils they could not stop.||5:The soldier has not stopped Israel’s settlement-building, and the whistle-blower did not dent the financial system.||6:So why did they do it. | |
26 | 这些事情会影响对供应链的信心,也可能会降低总产量。 | It erodes confidence in supply chains and may dent overall production. | |
27 | 这些支出跟1000亿美元相比,简直是"九牛一毛"。 | None of this would put much of a dent in $100 billion. | |
28 | 1991年邓特经诊断患有前列腺癌,数周后他开始了死亡之旅。 | Diagnosed with prostate career in 1991, Dent began his journey to death several weeks ago. | |
29 | 2012年的大旱将使美国农业利润下滑,并抬高食品价格。 | The 2012 drought will dent farm profits and push up food prices. | |
30 | 20多岁的人发现长期失业会一直减少他们的终生收入。 | Those in their 20s can find that a long spell of unemployment leaves a permanent dent in their lifetime income; |