属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国经济 看工资
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧洲的银行们 忧虑因素
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国汽车贷款 因果循环
1 | “今年狂欢节我在罗马。”“那我们知道。”波尚说道。“是的,但你们却不知道我曾被强盗绑票过。”“根本没有强盗这种东西。”德布雷答道。 | Ah, depreciate other persons’ dinners; you ministers give such splendid ones. | |
2 | 贬低通过官方声明或谣言贬低(例如货币) | To depreciate (currency,for example)by official proclamation or by rumor. | |
3 | 不要轻视我为帮忙所付出的努力[我已做的事 | Don’t depreciate my efforts to help/what I have done. | |
4 | 房产若不勤于整修则会折旧减值。 | The property will depreciate in value if not kept in repairs. | |
5 | 国际货币基金组织往往要求这些国家采取措施减少进口,或者将他们的货币贬值。 | The IMF will often ask these nations to take steps to decrease their imports of perhaps depreciate their currencies | |
6 | 嫉妒是瞎子,除了贬低别人的优点以外什么也不知道。--李维 | Envy is blind and knows nothing except how to depreciate the excellence of others.--Titus Livius Livy | |
7 | 嫉妒是瞎子,除了贬低别人的优点之外,什么也不知。古罗马历史学家李维 | Envy is blind and kows nothing except how to depreciate the excellence of others.--Titus Livins Livy, Ancient Rooman historian | |
8 | 假定x、Y两国在一年内购买力相等,且没有通货膨胀。在第二年中,x国的通货膨胀了10%,根据购买力平价,X国的汇率将下降10%。 | Suppose countries X and Y have equal purchasing power in year 1 and no inflation. In year 2, inflation jumps to 10% in country X. according to PPP, country X’s exchange rate would in time depreciate by 10%. | |
9 | 矿场或油田不因为同样理由而折旧,但它也随着自然资源不断被开采出来而逐渐耗尽。 | A mine or an oil reserve does not "depreciate " for these reasons, but it is gradually depleted as the natural resource is removed from the ground. | |
10 | 没有什么比这更能助长欧洲的中立主义或贬低联盟的价值了。 | Nothing would have been better designed to promote European neutralism or to depreciate the value of alliances | |
11 | 你们在花园里散步的时候,我把你们两个人都观察了一番,凭良心说,虽然我丝毫不想故意贬低腾格拉尔小姐的美,但我没法理解有什么男子能真的爱她。” | I was observing you both when you were walking in the garden, and, on my honor, without at all wishing to depreciate the beauty of Mademoiselle Danglars, I cannot understand how any man can really love her." | |
12 | 如果你忽视这份资产,它无形中就贬值了。 | If you neglect this property, it will depreciate . | |
13 | 如果你忽视这份资产,它无形中就贬值了。 | If you neglect this property,it will depreciate . | |
14 | 糖价大跌. | The price of sugar has greatly depreciate d. | |
15 | 我们不应该看轻她所完成的工作。 | We must not depreciate the work she has done. | |
16 | 我们都认为他宁可利用这种借口来说明他无法掩藏他那失望的心情,而不愿追究失望的真正原因,也不愿轻视或讥笑任何人。 | We all agreed that he used the pretence to account for any disappointment he could not conceal, rather than he would blame the real cause of it, or disparage or depreciate any one | |
17 | 我们决不可贬低他们的成就. | We must not depreciate their achievements. | |
18 | 我们已经解释了建筑物、设备等固定资产因为实物损耗或过时而折旧。 | We have explained that plant assets such as buildings and equipment depreciate because of physical deterioration or obsolescence. | |
19 | 一国货币供应量的迅速增长会促使这种货币在外汇市场上跌价。 | Rapid growth in the supply of a national money tends to depreciate that currency in foreign-exchange markets | |
20 | 在头一年里这台电脑会贬值500美元。 | The computer value will depreciate by $ 500 in the first year. | |
21 | 这家公司的股票已贬值了. | Shares in this company have depreciate d. | |
22 | 自卑. | depreciate oneself | |
23 | ||1:柏林洪堡大学的经济学者迈克尔·布达说德国提高薪金水平代表“休谟自然体制运转的,是欧元不是黄金”。||2:他的意思是,在休谟体制—由大卫·休谟在18世纪首次提出—下运转的金本位国家调整经济失衡应该通过提高物价和薪酬,而不是货币的升值或贬值。||3:布达先生也表示,欧元区正在向它的18个成员国强加金本体制。||4:物价和薪酬在一些高危国家有所下降。||5:德国可以通过提高薪酬来帮助他们—如果他们愿意接受这个提案;否则,通货紧缩带来的一系列危机将笼罩整个欧元区。 | ||1:Rising German wages would represent the “natural Hume mechanism at work, but with euros instead of gold,” says Michael Burda, an economist at Berlin’s Humboldt University.||2:By this he means the process first described by David Hume in the 18th century, under which countries on the gold standard adjusted to imbalances not by letting currencies appreciate or depreciate but through rising or falling prices and wages.||3:In effect, Mr Burda says, the euro zone has imposed a gold standard on its 18 members.||4:Prices and wages are falling in several crisis countries.||5:Germany could help by letting its wages rise—if it is willing to accommodate this.If not, there is a serious risk that deflation could take hold across the euro zone as a whole. | |
24 | ||1:距上一次由希腊引爆的欧债危机已经过去整整五年了。||2:投资者曾经无所顾忌地以统一的低利率借钱给欧元区国家,现在却猛然醒悟,认识到一个无能的政府正在以不会贬值的货币不断地借钱。||3:欧元危机从当年开始的国家重新蔓延,不得不说是一次悲催的重蹈覆辙。 | ||1:IT WAS almost exactly five years ago that the euro crisis erupted, starting in Greece.||2:Investors who had complacently let all euro-zone countries borrow at uniformly low levels abruptly woke up to the riskiness of an incompetent government borrowing money in a currency which it could not depreciate .||3:There is thus a dismal symmetry in seeing the euro crisis flare up again in the place where it began. | |
25 | ||1:问题在于这项预先拨款计划需要拨出多少资金。||2: 花旗银行经济学家认为这笔资金必须以承保存款总额的2%为下限, 再在此基础上加上一个风险溢价, 用以反映边缘国家可能退出欧元区及其货币随之贬值的风险。||3:假定所有边缘国家都退出欧元区的可能性低于10%, 且他们一旦退出, 他们的货币会贬值30%, 那么这项预先拨款计划将需要1540-1980亿资金。||4: 这样一笔资金通常是由小型存款保险费来支付, 但现在正需要钱用来重塑储户信心, 导致这笔资金只能由ESM来提供。 | ||1:The question then is how much of that amount a prefunded scheme would have to set aside.||2:Economists at Citigroup reckon that a fund ought to start with a baseline of 2% of insured deposits, and then top up that amount with an additional premium to reflect the risk that peripheral countries may leave the euro and that their currencies would then depreciate .||3:Assuming a less-than-10% chance of all the peripheral countries leaving, and that when they did their currencies would fall by 30%, a prefunded scheme would need 154 billion Euro-198 billion.||4:Such a fund should ordinarily be financed by a small insurance premium on deposits, but since the money is needed to restore confidence now, it would have to be backed by the ESM. | |
26 | ||房产泡沫基于出借人和贷款人的幻想——房价只能涨,这样贷款才能一直被支付。相反,出借人只期望汽车贬值,并且相应地进行收费:年均次级贷款利率为14%,甚至25%也不是鲜见。汽车也更加容易再次买卖。|| | The mortgage bubble fed on the delusion of both borrowers and lenders that house prices could only rise and thus a loan could always be repaid.|| In contrast, lenders assume cars only depreciate , and charge accordingly: annual subprime interest rates average 14%, and 25% is not uncommon. Cars are also easier to repossess and resell.|| | |
27 | “长期而言,我们认为日圆可能贬值,特别是如果全球收益继续上升。”Lancioni表示。 | "In the long run, our view is that the yen could depreciate especially if global yields continue to move higher, " Lancioni said. | |
28 | “我认为,从根本上来说,人民币贬值不具有长期维持的基础。”王庆说。 | "I don’t think there is a foundation for the [yuan] to depreciate on a sustained basis, " Wang said. | |
29 | 1393年铜钱的流通被“暂时禁止”,我们可以从这里推测是纸币开始贬值的缘故。 | In 1393 the circulation of metallic copper was ’temporarilyprohibited’, presumably because the paper notes were beginning to depreciate . | |
30 | 长期而言,我们也应预料到,美元将不断贬值,人民币则将升值。 | We should also expect that, over the long term, the US dollar will depreciate and China’s renminbi will appreciate. |