属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-预算趣录 国会无力控制开支
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-最低工资标准 多少才合理
1 | 一到这个地方,连最没心事的人也会象所有的过路人一样无端端的不快活。 | The most headless passer-by feels the depressing influences of a place | |
2 | 一种机器,操作员连续按动键盘上的键时,在纸上或类似的材料上产生类似印刷的正文。 | A machine designed to product print-like text on paper or similar material as a result of an operator manually depressing keys consecutively on a keyboard | |
3 | 约翰·汉弗莱斯说:“这让人非常郁闷。”他是英国资深政治新闻记者之一,也是新书《失言》的作者。 | "It’s deeply depressing ," says John Humphrys, one of Britain’s leading political journalists and the author of a new book, "Lost for Words,". | |
4 | 在圣诞节加班,真令人沮丧 | Working overtime on Christmas is depressing . | |
5 | 这里是个很糟糕的地方,又沉闷又不卫生,是非洲所有苍蝇的集中地 | This is a frightful place here, depressing unhealthy and a rendezvous for every fly in Africa | |
6 | 这太令人沮丧了。 | It’s very depressing . | |
7 | 自助洗衣店真闷 | Laundromat is really depressing . | |
8 | ||1:奥巴马总统的财政年度预算于2月2日公布,在预算案的最后,政府向614人致谢,感谢他们为预算案形成所作出的贡献。||2:它也指出“成百甚至上万的无名之士同样做出了贡献”。||3:但为文件形成所付出的努力中,有一些让人沮丧的部分。||4:从削减农产品补助到增加对无子工人的免税额度,该份预算案包含了许多好想法,堪称一项壮举。||5:但却有一个语法错误贯穿始终。||6:总统写道“预算案将……”,但其实,他是想说,预算案幻想,因为国会绝不会通过该项议案。 | ||1:AT THE end of Barack Obama’s budget, which was published on February 2nd, the administration thanks 614 people by name for putting the thing together.||2:It adds that “hundreds, perhaps thousands” of nameless others also helped.||3:There is something depressing about the effort that went into producing the document.||4:The budget is an admirable piece of work which contains many good ideas, from cuts in farm subsidies to an increase in tax credits for childless workers.||5:There is, however, a grammatical mistake repeated throughout it.||6:“The budget will”, the president writes, when what he means is that his budget would, in the unlikely event that Congress were ever to pass it. | |
9 | ||1:五年前全球金融危机前欧元区的经济达到峰值,从那时到现在的记录更让人失望。||2:工业产出比当时低了3%之多,而美国则高出了4%。||3:在欧元区的经济体中,只有德国现在的GDP总量超过了金融危机前的峰值,比峰值多了2%。||4:欧元区非核心经济体GDP严重下降,虽然只有希腊下降了23%之多。 | ||1: The record of the euro-zone economy since the peak reached before the global financial crisis five years ago is even more depressing . ||2: Output is 3% lower; in America it is more than 4% higher (see chart). ||3: Among the big euro-zone economies only German GDP now exceeds its pre-crisis peak, by 2%. ||4: The economies on the periphery of the single-currency club have suffered drastic falls, although Greece is in a league of its own with a shrinkage of 23%. | |
10 | 但今日何如?除了偶尔出现的笔误(ORAF,法属阿尔及利亚抵抗组织,在书中只以缩写出现,并且伊凡斯在说到欧洲共同市场的创立成员国的时候省略了荷兰),以及这本书以一个稍微令人沮丧的后记章节收尾。伊凡斯优秀的著作可谓瑕不掩瑜。 | But what of today? Mr Evans’s excellent book is marred only by the occasional editing error (ORAF, the Organisation of the French Algerian Resistance, exists only as an acronym, and Mr Evans, when talking of the founding members of the European Economic Community, omits the Netherlands).|| It ends with a somewhat depressing postscript chapter.|| | |
11 | ||一些欧洲政客将空客的这一举动视为欧洲衰败的最新标志,令人十分沮丧。这种说法就夸大其词了。||最令人震惊的还是空客公司这一信心十足的全球化举措,这个公司数年来经历了无数琐碎的争吵,尤其是其法国公司和德国公司之间的争执更是令人头疼。 | ||Some European politicians have interpreted Airbus’s move as the latest depressing symbol of Europe’s decline.|| That is a stretch. What is most striking is the self-confident approach to globalisation taken by Airbus, a company that over the years has suffered more than its share of petty squabbles, especially between its French and German tribes. | |
12 | 在较灵活的经济体中,实施最低工资标准似乎对就业的影响即使有也是很小的。 | In flexible economies a low minimum wage seems to have little, if any, depressing effect on employment. | |
13 | “电影强化了那种不可思议和令人压抑的艰难抉择,”哈瑞斯说。“这就是电影所要体现的人性悲剧。” | "The film builds to that incredible and depressing crossroads, " said Harries. "That is the human tragedy of it all. " | |
14 | “一个人在家里很郁闷,”他说。 | "It’s depressing to sit in the house, " he said. | |
15 | “由认真的时髦观察员组成的社会,是件可怕而郁闷的事。”他说。 | "A community of seriously hip observers is a scary and depressing thing, " he said. | |
16 | “这次调查结果对当今世界的看法有些沮丧,”该动物园的理事长DrMarkPilgrim说。 | "The survey is a somewhat depressing summary of the world today, " said Dr Mark Pilgrim, Chester Zoo’s director general. | |
17 | Wii版蜘蛛侠3是一款让人失望的作品,画面差,玩起来又乏味。 | The WII version of Spider-Man 3 is a depressing combination of ugly to look at and dull to play. | |
18 | 被困在车阵中动弹不得真让人不爽。尤其那是你回家唯一的路的时候。 | It’s depressing when you can’t get out of a traffic jam. Especially when it happens on your only way home. | |
19 | 比下岗更令人沮丧的是你以“老”人的身份下岗。 | The only thing more depressing than being laid off is being laid off when you’re an "older" worker. | |
20 | 蠢话很容易自圆其说,留下闲置的设备和工人,以及每况日下的税收。 | The rot could easily feed on itself, leaving equipment and workers idle, and depressing tax revenues. | |
21 | 打破旧有惯例——整日遵循同样的生活习惯,会让你陷入单调和消沉的状态。 | Break your routine - Going through the same routine, day after day, can be monotonous and depressing . | |
22 | 但并非只是名单上的地区数字让人感到压抑。 | But it is not just the numbers that are depressing . | |
23 | 但老年的这一方面看着很自然,并没令人沮丧。 | But again, this aspect of old age seemed natural, not depressing . | |
24 | 但令人沮丧的是这些与生俱来的热情往往在年轻人离开学校的时候就被遏制了。 | But it’s depressing that all too often this natural enthusiasm of the young has been stifled by the time they leave school. | |
25 | 但是在马雅报名参加的写作讲习班上,大家确实力赞这个结尾。 | Depressing and predictable. But Maya, in the writing workshop she had signed up for, actually got a lot of compliments on the ending. | |
26 | 但有数据显示,在像“黑色星期一”这样沉闷的一天的天色刚开始暗的时候吃巧克比较不会发胖。 | But there’s evidence to suggest that chocolate is less fattening when eaten at the start of a dark, depressing day such as Blue Monday. | |
27 | 但这个战斗号令人极为沮丧:欧洲将变得更富有活力,因此它能够依旧支付养老金和失业救济金(讽刺)。 | That is a pretty depressing call to arms: become more dynamic so Europe can still afford old-age pensions and unemployment benefits. | |
28 | 当假期结束,沮丧又将回到了你日常生活的压力中。 | When your vacation ends, there’s the depressing return to the stresses of everyday life. | |
29 | 当然,患有心脏病是件令人沮丧的事情,但是证据表明沮丧很可能是引发心脏疾病的一个因素。 | Sure, it’s depressing to have heart disease, but evidence is growingthat depression may also be a risk factor. | |
30 | 当奢华品牌走可爱风时,情况完全不同,因为这些惹人爱的产品标价通常令人心情郁闷。 | When luxury brands get all cutesy, it’s a completely different story because the adorable products usually come with depressing price tags. |